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Everything posted by markyboy2106

  1. Hi there I have to perform an advanced bass piece as part of an upcoming exam. I'm also a teacher and have a feeling it could onto the college's end of year show as well so I'm looking for something that is impressive, fun to learn and play, and challenging. I've done the usual Jaco stuff (Blackbird, Portrait of Tracy, Teen Town, Birdland) before and was looking for something a little different. I hope given the eclectic nature of basschat I might get some interesting suggestions Cheers M
  2. I am also a fan of the BBE OptoStomp. A great pedal. Very soft and subtle, simple to use and very robust.
  3. Yes...very good. At least that's a little more original than my suggestion of to 'bin 'em'. Seriously though, do you have any thoughts?
  4. [quote name='sk8' post='153815' date='Mar 9 2008, 09:19 AM']fair point.[/quote] How do you find the Opto Stomp? Have you any preferred settings?
  5. [quote name='cheddatom' post='155119' date='Mar 11 2008, 10:06 AM']There are different words for the same and different things, so this is a bit weird to talk about but.... You can use a loop/switcher to kick in or out several effects at a time. So, if you had a wah and a OD that you always used together, and quite often wanted the option of turning them both off at the same time, you would buy a loop. I like to switch between two effects settings, each of which consist of 2-7 pedals, so I use an A/B loop switcher. Basically, if you feel the need to do some switching you can't do at the moment with your feet, you will know exactly what kind of looper or switcher you need.[/quote] Thanks for that I think it is an A/B/Y switcher that I need, I'll have a look to see is that would be appropriate
  6. I didn't realise you would place boost/OD at the end. I thought it was used to boost your bass's signal into other effects, but I guess it makes more sense to have it at the end as it is then boosting your affected sound. I wonder whether someone could tell me the difference between a switcher and a looper...but also I had a look at the Red Onion Solutions website which seems to have a whole array of blend knobs etc as well. Do people find switches useful? Are there any recommended switching solutions you have found useful? Cheers
  7. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='153811' date='Mar 9 2008, 08:56 AM']This order Boss TU2 (Tuner) into Digitech Bass Synth Wah (Octaver) into SUBDECAY Flying Tomato (Fuzz) into Boomstick Bottom Feeder (Filter) into 105q Bass Wah into Analogman Chorus (er..Chorus) into BBE OptoStomp (Compressor) into MXR Bass DI (Preamp/OD) You can put the tuner anywhere though[/quote] Thanks for your input Tayste, I was hoping a few pedal-heads would chip in I was wondering whether you have placed the MXR Bass DI at the end because it is a DI. I tend not to use it as a DI I use it more as a booster/OD pedal as I have got a balanced DI out from my amp. If it wasn't a DI would you place it differently. I was just concerned that if the OD is at the end is there not the risk that you are 'driving' any/all of the pedals going into it and it getting a bit unwieldy.
  8. Hello All Before you say 'bin 'em' as an initial response to the thread hear me out... My pedals are as follows: Boss TU2 (Tuner) Digitech Bass Synth Wah (Octaver) Boomstick Bottom Feeder (Filter) Sinister Analogue Flying Tomato (Fuzz) MXR Bass DI (Preamp/OD) BBE OptoStomp (Compressor) Analogman Chorus (er..Chorus) 105q Bass Wah There's the obligatory ODB3 hanging around somewhere as well I would like to invest in a Blender and/or Switcher and/or Looper but don't really know much about them and how they work. Therefore, I would like you to consider how you would add in a blender/switcher/looper in order that I can get the most out of these pedals Many thanks
  9. I think one of the big issues, and one of the more demoralising aspects of using effects is the loss of your own bass's unique sound, and I think the use of a blender that mixes your bass's Dry signal with the Wet signal of any given effect may enable you to improve the usefulness of some of those pedals as some of their rawness may be removed. I am absolutely no expert, but it is something I believe helps. I believe there are a few around, Xotic X-Blender for example.
  10. Thanks for the advice guys, it would seem that any pedal/pod combination is more than adequate and provides enough quality to satisfy the vast majority of people on this Bass-Pod-Love-In. I think however I will go for the convenience and flexibility of the 'Live' version giving me the option of more switching (if needed) during sets. The amp sims are a very appealing prospect, but are the stompbox effects good as well. Also, how is this board likely to compare with the boss GT10b, is it worth waiting for or do you go with Pod everytime?
  11. Hi all After looking through this thread and aspiring ('gassing'???)for some good quality effects for some time I think I too am on the verge of a Pod-XT as by the sounds of things they tick a number of flexibility options that I require. However, I would like your advice on whether to go with the Live version, Pro version or 'bean' version. I would be playing it through a nice little Markbass 1x15 combo with a 2x10 tp extension cab, so I've no need for the power amp nature of this thread (as informative as it may be). I wonder whether some of the recording 'outs' that I have on the combo would be enough to avoid the extra expense of the pro and the inevitable FBV short-board that I would require with it. Is there any difference in the quality of the sounds produced by each unit? I do have access to a laptop for patch editing purposes - might this help? Your thoughts would be welcome MB
  12. [quote name='BigBassBob' post='134055' date='Feb 5 2008, 02:44 AM']For tubey warmth or grind, you could go down the tube route and get an EHX English Muffin or one of Dave Hall's pedals. My Voodoobass doesn't sound as nice as a driven tube amp, but with lower settings i get some nice tube-esque warmth. "Boosted line that cuts through" - I'd say either a boost pedal such as MXR Microamp, Catalinbread Serrano Picoso. Or if you want something with more bite, possibly an EQ pedal. It's all very subjective... the other effect you asked for is pretty much synth (octave into fuzz into an envelope filter)... you could get all 3 in one package with something like the discontinued Akai Deep Impact or the EHX Bass Micro Synth. Then again you could buy all three separately, and if you were to get the right mix of pedals, get a far better tone than a single "synth" unit. Funky effects aren't my speciality, so I'm gonna stop giving advice and wait for someone who's more suited to chip in [/quote] Thanks for your reply to my query. I might post it on the enquiries part of the effects forum as I fear I'm getting a little off topic here on the pedalboard bit. cheers fella
  13. [quote name='BigBassBob' post='133981' date='Feb 4 2008, 11:12 PM']Thanks mate The pedal on the top right is an A/B mute switch so it sends my signal to my tuner. I've had the Voodoobass for *thinking* just over 4 years now. It's my favourite bass overdrive/distortion. It does suck a bit of the low end out but I just love the sound of it There are better pedals out there for the job but there's just something about the Voodoobass I love. I mostly got the X-blender out of curiosity (and for tonal variation) and it has added another dimension to the Voodoobass' sound. If you want an idea of what it sounds like, listen to "Spread your Love" by Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.[/quote] Had a listen to BRMC and that's a really nice, meaty sound they get there. I'm in the process of building a board and have received some helpful tips and advice throughout this thread so far and others and I'm in the information gathering phase of building. I guess I'm after three main effects loops: A straight boosted line that cuts through A tubey sounding (nothing over heavy) loop that kind of 'Jack Brucifies' An octave > Dist/Fuzz > Analogue loop that funkifies and erm...stuff Any pointers would be welcomed
  14. Great looking board. What is the pedal top right and how do you find the voodoo bass?
  15. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='126670' date='Jan 24 2008, 09:16 AM']Octaver - Foxrox Octron from www.analogman.com Synth - Subdecay Noise Box from www.tonefactor.com Synth - Sinister Analog Soul Provider from www.tonefactor.com Overdrive - MojoHand Cream Pie from www.tonefactor.com if you get on the already full waiting list Compressor - Demeter or EBS are probably the best bets[/quote] Tayste Your pedal knowledge is unbelievable. This looks to be trove of pedalic treasures. I'll let you know how I get on. If anyone has any other particular recommendations they would be welcome. MB
  16. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='126223' date='Jan 23 2008, 04:01 PM']What sort of sounds are you after and I'll recommend pedals from that. Only thing I will say is beware Musictoyz they suck ass [/quote] I would definitely be interested in an octaver (foxrox-ish perhaps), overdrive (tubey, something like the homebrew hematoma maybe), compressor and something fun and a bit unusual - bass synth-like but not digi. I hope that is vague enough to get the thought juices flowing, but not so vague as to deter all future posters MB
  17. Thanks for your response tayste. I've had a look at their web-site and this seems to be what i'm after. it's the kind of boutique-y feel i want i think. Are there any pedals you were particularly enamoured with? MB
  18. Hello all I have quite a basic set-up (EBMM 3eq, Markbass 1x15 (jeff berlin) combo + 2x10 transporter cab) and want to invest in some interesting effects. I've played for over 14 years so know my way around my instrument, I just want to widen my array of sounds. I notice a lot of pedals are available via American sources only or if not they are considerably cheaper. My questions are these: Have you had success ordering pedals from the US? If so, who did you consider most reliable and provided the best service? What pedals would you recommend for a relative effects novice for a good array of sounds and fun? I've tried multi-effects but want to avoid that horrible digital sound from some and the fact that c.1 in 1000 sounds are useable. I would be grateful for your feedback. MB
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