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  1. Not to worry ... i was offered another.. bought it as i needed it now.
  2. Having no luck getting a reply.. have sent 2 PM's and left messages here. Is this is why it's not sold.. cant get hold of the guy.
  3. Just sent you a pm or perhaps you'd email me regarding the bass -> [email="[email protected]"][email protected][/email] Regards.. Paul
  4. I just pop mine under the grill for 10 minutes.. burns off any muck or gig crud and sound like new when you pop em back on. Been doing it for years.... many years lol Cheers.. Paul
  5. Names Paul.. i live in Suffolk.. been playing since i were a lad... now i'm an old lad, but still enjoying it.! Thought i'd join the forum to see whats goin on.. and post a wanted message for a 5 string OLP stingray. (See wanted adds if anyone can help me out) Have built up a nice little collection over the years, i dont like selling my guitars so the room is getting full. A white customised Hayman 4040, a Kasuga Ricki 4001 with chequered binding, a USA Musicman Sterling etc, and Harkte rig. Recently joined a band which needs 5 string.... hence the OLP advert. Cheers.. Paul
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