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Everything posted by StraightSix

  1. Bump for new price - £350 I also have a matching 2X10 Trace Elliot cab (in Tolex) which I could part with to complete a monster 6X10 rig...£450 for the lot. Trades may be welcome - preferably not amplification but I may be interested in a nice Precision or Jazz bass...what have you got...?
  2. An 8ohm 2X10 would be a better match if you decide to change things...
  3. Hey dood - I've just noticed your post count Do you ever sleep...?
  4. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1328731583' post='1531923'] Hi Iconic, where in Norfolk are you? [/quote] ...funny...I was about to recommend the OP had a look here: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/109296-bass-and-guitar-tutor-teacher-norwich/
  5. Might have been reasonable to expect a reply here if nothing else...
  6. [quote name='shizznit' timestamp='1328692980' post='1531107'][list] [*]Make small talk whilst everyone is tuning up/setting up. Football is usually a good ice breaker! [/list] [/quote] I'm not sure I agree with that - you would be out of my band immediately...! Talk about music...
  7. Have you considered getting another old Peavey 4X10 with a horn to create an 8X10 stack...?
  8. Ah sorry - I didn't look too hard...still, a little more to go on...!
  9. I have one too and really like it.
  10. [url="http://www.cduniverse.com/sresult.asp?HT_Search=xartist&HT_Search_Info=Keith+Taylor"]http://www.cduniverse.com/sresult.asp?HT_Search=xartist&HT_Search_Info=Keith+Taylor[/url]
  11. You have another PM...
  12. ...or maybe something tele-esque...?
  13. [quote name='rubis' timestamp='1328472641' post='1527724'] ...the lady in the gunshop says the figure will really pop with this finish. [/quote] Interesting project...thanks for sharing.
  14. Klotz cable and Neutrik jacks do it for me
  15. [quote name='GRAHAM SG1' timestamp='1328449721' post='1527096'] Its good to support british industry, I am waiting for a Barefaced Super Twelve T in that nice silver cloth, cant wait [/quote] +1
  16. I'll take the Jazz Flats please - you have a PM.
  17. Mono graphics are also useful if you have a single, mono monitor mix. Personally, I find graphics more useful on the monitors than FOH.
  18. Zoom B2 also has a 'fretless' emulator...
  19. Yep - the dirt and grime from your fingers gets into the wood grain so the only way to 'clean' it is to sand off the surface layer.
  20. Most amps put out their maximum power into 4ohms. Look at the speaker in the Behringer and you will probably see it is an 8ohm driver.
  21. Have you tried the different types of Rotosounds...? Their range is extensive...
  22. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1328048850' post='1521084'] I'm looking forward to getting my set. I also recommend the tape wound strings. They have a huge fat motown sound. Especially if you play them with a mute. [/quote] Do you mean the Rotosound Jazz Bass 77 monel flatwounds...?
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