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Everything posted by StraightSix

  1. I thought I should stop by here and say hello to you all. I have already been posting (tut tut) but hey - it's a busy site with lots to read... I'm a rocker with a MIJ '62 reissue Fender Jazz with East preamp and an Ibanez Blazer Precision with EMG. I've been playing bass since 15 (loooong time ago) and have now done well over a thousand gigs. Currently using a Trace rig but looking for something new to tingle my spine at the mo - those Barefaced cabs look very interesting. Anyway, as you were and I'll be in touch
  2. I just noticed that - £799 for the 6.0 12T combo Still a bit more than I wanted to spend for a small combo but maybe it would be all I need to replace the Trace rig AND get a small jamming setup...hmmmmm
  3. Thanks for the reply xgsjx - I have an aversion to yellow amps so the MB is out before we start. The Genz Benz STL 6.0 12T combo looks very nice - and portable too. I will have to do some research on these. I may take a trip to BassDirect and have a play sometime soon. I was really looking for around 100W just for home playing and small jams really - the extension cab thing was just to give a bit of spread if needed (outdoors for example). I have a 1X15 extension that I will probably hang onto for this - very similar to the TE 1153 cab. The SWR Basic Black looks a possibility running 100W on its own and 160W with an extension. Cheers
  4. [size=6][sup][quote name='Ed_S' timestamp='1322739228' post='1455059'] Machine Mart do a decent range of wheels, as well as ready-made dolly boards. Worth a look if you want to actually walk into a shop and handle stuff to get a feel for what's going to work best, rather than ordering online. They do some that whilst small and solid, are a bit more of a rubbery compound and work better when you hit rough and uneven surfaces. [/quote][/sup] [sup]I would suggest a dolly board as the cheapest, easiest route - a decent flat length of 1" thick marine ply with a 4" rubber-tyred castors near each corner.[/sup][/size]
  5. [quote name='hairyhaw' timestamp='1322748652' post='1455314'] Anybody found that they've had diffculty integrating the bass part and the singing part? I've found that some of the vocals were clearly never designed to fit in with being played at the same time. [/quote] I sing lead and BVs sometimes - IMHO it is more difficult to play bass and sing than guitar or even drums and I've tried tham all...! With guitar or drums, more often than not, you have a steady rhythm part to play but basslines are often in a completely different rhythmic timing to the vocal which makes it more tricky. I ilke the idea of just having the first line of each verse as a reminder - typed big and on the floor.
  6. Greetings Lowriders - my first proper post and I need some advice. I am looking for a smallish bass combo around 50-100W for portability but I would like an extension speaker out for those slightly more demanding lower volume bashes. I have a Trace Elliot GP12SMX 4X10 combo (which I may be parting with but that's another story) for bigger stuff but want something for jams and acoustic-ish get-togethers. I would love to get a Mesa Walkabout Scout 12 but the prices over here are outrageous compared to the States - it would give me everything I want with portability, extension out and the head comes out for use with other cabs...ah well. I have been looking at a couple of ideas - the Ampeg BA112, the Ampeg B100R and older possibilities like the Ashdown Five Fifteen and SWR Basic Black but AFAIK none of these can use an extension cab except the Basic Black - is it a good buy...? The Ashdown Five Fifteen has an extension out but it disconnects the internal speaker which seems like a bizarre design...? Any useful suggestions in my quest would be much appreciated
  7. [size=6][sup]Is this still for sale...?[/sup][/size]
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