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Bass Guitar Magazine Available on Apple Newsstand iPad/iPhone
bencooper replied to bencooper's topic in General Discussion
Hi guys, I will feed all of this back to our tech people and see what can be done to remedy this. I do know that they are looking to alter some aspects of it, particularly related to the graphical presentation. Let me see what they can come back with in answer to this. dave bass: I'm glad you like the content enough to want to take up a print sub if the digital version isn't right for you! best Ben -
[quote name='hen barn' timestamp='1331581714' post='1575353'] I also walked in to a masterclass with a bloke playing dubstar?? which was amazing does anyone know his name, he seemed a top bloke and really knew his stuff! anyway role on next year!! [/quote] I think that would be Chris Hargreaves. He stepped in at the 11th hour after an artist couldn't make the show to deliver a dubstep masterclass. You can check his website at: www.fattybassman.com I can confirm he is indeed a top bloke! cheers Ben
Bass Guitar Magazine Available on Apple Newsstand iPad/iPhone
bencooper replied to bencooper's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1331308206' post='1571200'] im sure its a good read. [/quote] Well I do try... -
Bass Guitar Magazine Available on Apple Newsstand iPad/iPhone
bencooper replied to bencooper's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='dave_bass5' timestamp='1331304999' post='1571123'] Never really bothered with Bass mags but this looks interesting. Ill maybe wait and see if there are any back issues/article i can have a look at first but the price seems very reasonable compared to most in this format. Mike. If i download the app now will there be some form of notification in it if you do manage to get some samples up? [/quote] Hi Dave, Mike's a (very valued) freelancer for BGM, so wouldn't be able to answer that question (I don't think...sorry if you can Mike!). Yes, if you download the app now and agree to get push notifications, once the sample is available then you will receive a notification, and then you can have a look and see what you think. Talking to our IT manager he expects the sample to be up next week. I will post here as soon as it goes live too. best Ben -
Bass Guitar Magazine Available on Apple Newsstand iPad/iPhone
bencooper replied to bencooper's topic in General Discussion
Hey Mike, Well sales for BGM on Newsstand are already going very well, though obviously they've only been up for a week or so. I can also proudly say that BGM is selling the most of all Oyster House's magazines in this format, which is great news! We'll be getting some analytics in soon so we can see if we're reaching overseas audiences as well as domestic. Geek99 - I've asked for that to be clarified. I have been told that when you take a digital subscription you get push notifications about new issues and so on (if you agree to them, you can decline I believe) but I don't think they tell you if your sub is due to lapse. Sorry for the vagueness but I don't handle the technical aspects of the digital stuff. cheers Ben -
Bass Guitar Magazine Available on Apple Newsstand iPad/iPhone
bencooper replied to bencooper's topic in General Discussion
Just a quick follow up for the iPhone users - we're just investigating putting up a free sample via Newsstand so that you can see what the magazine would be like to navigate on your phone. It may just be a feature or two to give you a feel of it, rather than an entire issue, we're not sure yet. At the moment we're just waiting to hear back from the tech bods on how we do this and get it live. The sample will also be available for iPad users too of course. I'll update when I have more solid news. cheers Ben -
Bass Guitar Magazine Available on Apple Newsstand iPad/iPhone
bencooper replied to bencooper's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='silddx' timestamp='1331220939' post='1569718'] You're a law graduate? I am amazed then that you missed the small print, ie, Ben Cooper's signature [/quote] Now now silddx... -
Hello all, Firstly I'm glad that most of you had a good time at the show. Regarding the noise issues, I sympathise entirely. I would say the show this year was definitely quieter than last year's. However, this feedback has also come from exhibitors on the day too, so you're not alone. In light of this we're currently investigating ways around it for next year. There are some options, such as soundproof booths that can be used on a time slot basis (ie 15 minute sessions max before others get to use the booth), sound marshalls with dB meters who will strictly enforce the quiet times (to the point of possibly turning off the power to stands, liken the do at Frankfurt Musikmesse), ensuring all stands are equipped with headphones like the chaps from Strings and Things (Ernie Ball), Bass Gear and other exhibitors and so on. Obviously we've got a lot of time between now and the 2013 show to explore the options that best satisfy all parties, and if any possible visitors are concerned before booking a ticket next year I'd urge them to contact us either via the website or phone nearer the time and we can confirm what we'll be doing to keep the noise levels acceptable. I do think it's important for people to be a little pragmatic - after all if an amp manufacturer is demoing their high powered heads and cabinet stacks, well they'll want them to be loud at times to show off what they can do. Some noise is obviously part and parcel with a show like this, but all points are noted and we're striving to improve things for 2013. cheers Ben
Bass Guitar Magazine Available on Apple Newsstand iPad/iPhone
bencooper replied to bencooper's topic in General Discussion
No problems. Nick left the magazine back in September, and I guess if you're not reading the mag regularly you'd be unlikely to know. I have stuck my head up here a few times over the last few months. Thanks for the heads up. I will feed this back and find out if such a mechanism is in place. I'll be back shortly. ta Ben -
Bass Guitar Magazine Available on Apple Newsstand iPad/iPhone
bencooper replied to bencooper's topic in General Discussion
"Are you in any way affiliated with them ?" [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1331217417' post='1569616'] He's the editor, mate [/quote] Wot 'e sed! Yep, I'm the Editor of BGM. Just to clarify are you concerned that if you subscribe you might forget to cancel your sub quickly enough, and you'd like a reminder email? Or is it that the terms aren't made clear enough, and you had to scour some small print to find that out? Let me know and I'll see if anything can be done on that score. cheers Ben -
Bass Guitar Magazine Available on Apple Newsstand iPad/iPhone
bencooper replied to bencooper's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='EBS_freak' timestamp='1331216051' post='1569562'] [indent=1]Nice work. Reading in a certain other thread would have you think transferring to a digital medium is an impossibility![/indent] [indent=1]Something wrong about sitting on the bog with your iPad though... [/indent] [/quote] Well, it's certainly hard to use it as backup bog paper. One of the great advantages of print, though I suspect the paper would tend to smear than absorb... -
Bass Guitar Magazine Available on Apple Newsstand iPad/iPhone
bencooper replied to bencooper's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Geek99' timestamp='1331214103' post='1569506'] thanks for the heads- up but I'm not sure about reading it on a tiny screen like an iphone [/quote] Hi Geek99, I understand your trepidation about that. Having seen the mags in action on an iPhone I can tell you they're not as difficult to get around as you might think, and actually look pretty good. Obviously on an iPad it's a much more pleasant experience, I won't lie. What I'm going to try and do is see if we can get a back issue available as a free download, then people like yourself can have a look at one and make an informed decision on it. I'll update this thread as soon as I find out if that's possible. all the best Ben -
Hello Basschatters! Just a quick note to let those of you know who aren't aware that Bass Guitar Magazine is now available for purchase on Apple's Newsstand. There are a range of pricing options, from single issue purchase and quarterly subscriptions to a full annual subscription. One issue will set you back £2.49 and a year's sub is £16.99. To see more about this go to http://itunes.apple.com/gb/app/bass-guitar-magazine/id503152295?mt=8 On your Apple gizmo of choice, go to your Newsstand app, click on Store then Categories and search for Bass Guitar Magazine. Download the app which is free, and then look at which kind of purchase option you require. PLEASE NOTE (and I'm not trying to teach anyone to suck eggs here), the app is free BUT you do have to pay for the magazine itself as detailed above. I hope you enjoy the iPad/iPhone version. all the best, Ben
Mike Dolbear's website is the drum equivalent. www.mikedolbear.com Very active forum there, and Mike is a big player in the UK drum scene.
Bet this was a fun gig! Van Halen re-form with Diamond Dave
bencooper replied to Clarky's topic in General Discussion
On the Roth/Hagar thing. I think they are two very different front men who, because of their chemistry with Eddie, made two very different bands. Personally I prefer Hagar era Van Halen, with For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge and Balance being my favourite albums. The band were awesome with Dave or Sammy. I think what happened with Gary Cherone was nothing to do with him, he's a great singer arguably better than either Roth or Hagar technically speaking, but it wasn't the right fit. I really hope the new album they're planning is something special, otherwise it would crush my lifelong love affair with the band. Time will tell... -
What are you listening to right now?
bencooper replied to Sarah5string's topic in General Discussion
Right this minute? Jaded by Aerosmith, and just a minute ago Can't Get Enuff by Winger. -
[quote name='fryer' timestamp='1324321770' post='1473034'] thank you all for your comments. I didn't realise it changed the sound that much but now having tried a pick, I see what you mean. My main concern was about speed tho', not sound, so I'll keep trying the pick and see if I can get a bit faster. There is mention of finger nails. I use my fingers, not my nails. Is this normal ? [/quote] Again it depends on the sound you want, as EssentialTension said. Geddy Lee and Steve Harris both have slightly longer nails, and that helps give a bit of pick like attack to the tone, especially if you strike against the strings rather than across them, if you get what I mean. Steve and Geddy both seem to slap their fingers against the strings somewhat which gives some extra clank, and Geddy certainly seems to hit very hard. I read an interview with Geddy years and years ago where he said he wanted to emulate a pick tone, but use his fingers. If you trim your nails nice and short and use the meat of your finger then it'll round the tone out. I've always tended to have the nails on my picking fingers a little longer, but not in the classical guitarists way. I just don't bite them back as often! That way by altering my hand position slightly I can get a bit of edge, or a rounder sound as I want. Of course if I want a pick tone, then I grab a pick.
[quote name='jackers' timestamp='1324295103' post='1472575'] Steve Harris actually uses two fingers, which makes it even more impressive [/quote] Yes you're right - it looks like he uses three when you see him playing, but the man himself says he plays with two fingers. I stand corrected.
[quote name='peteb' timestamp='1324167070' post='1471530'] I don’t get this mantra “what's right for the song” that some people keep repeating on here – obviously you should play the right part for each song but does that mean that you have a completely different sound and approach to how you play on every single song? Why not develop your own style and sound that maximises your potential as a player and becomes recognisable as part of what makes your band unique…! [/quote] Learn to use both, for sure. I think a pick can help maintain clarity and precision at high speed. But of course then you have players like Billy Sheehan and Steve Harris as mentioned previously, who can rip it up at light speed, though they do use three finger techniques to achieve their fastest lines as far as I can tell. On the above comment. I don't think anyone is suggesting changing your sound for every song, but being flexible and understanding that the fat, round fingerstyle tone, or trebly pick tone with some chorus on it, might not work for every tune you play, and that is a good thing. Having a trademark sound can be a good thing, but depending on the musical situation it might not be. I love Billy Sheehan's tone (I'm using him because his name has popped up), but would you want to hear it on a reggae tune? And Billy does definitely tweak his tone from time to time - his tone on 'To Be With You' and the walking part in the verses of 'Colorado Bulldog' are definitely different to the tones on something like 'Rock And Roll Over'. He's changing them slightly to fit the song. I can't think of many bass players, and I'm talking about players we'd all know, who haven't adapted their sound for different songs, whether that's simply by playing with a different technique (fingers on a ballad, pick on a rocker), adjusting their EQ, adding an effect or two and so on. And if you have a trademark sound, and you work as a gigging/session musician, well it could limit your gigs if you're very rigid about it. Your sound could be all the rage one minute, and not the next, so if nobody wants to book you for your 'sound' then you'd better be prepared to change it, or go without the gigs. I guess.In your own band I suppose it matters less. Just my two penneth's worth
[quote name='Cosmo Valdemar' timestamp='1323988587' post='1469675'] My all-time favourite Phil bass line. So simple yet it says so much. Beautiful guitar solo too. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WFmNGPyq9eE[/media] [/quote] Tony Butler of Big Country quoted this as one of his favourite bass lines when I interviewed him for Bass Guitar Magazine recently.
My first gig was supporting a Led Zep tribute act in Lyme Regis - the crowd packed out the hall we played in probably a couple of hundred people in all, but it was a long time ago now so maybe my memory is a bit fuzzy! They were obviously there for the covers band but responded warmly to my band's originals, probably because the material was classic rock style, influenced by Zep, Thin Lizzy etc. The gig went really well and began my love of live performance.
Recommend me a good bass book for my holiday
bencooper replied to paul j h's topic in General Discussion
How about Duff McKagan's autobiog - It's So Easy And Other Lies? It's a good read. Glenn Hughes' autobiog is also out now. -
PS gafbass - your interests are spookily similar to my own!
Hi Chlo and gafbass02, nice to meet you both - and thanks for the kind words. I hope you enjoy the current issue, and issue 74 when it arrives. It went to print last week. Hopefully subscribers will get it end of next week. best Ben
I only took one bass out on gigs for years. Then at one gig I sat watching one of the bands on before my lot took to the stage. The E on the bassist's old P-Bass copy gave up the ghost mid song. He was so flustered he didn't really recover, and tried muddling through the song. He didn't have any strings, and had to borrow a bass from another player (not mine because I'm a southpaw). After seeing that I've always taken two with me. Only had to use it once fortunately. My main bass is active only, so I always make sure my backup bass is passive (I've changed it a couple of times over the years) just to avoid a dead battery in the backup!