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Lee Carter

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Everything posted by Lee Carter

  1. Predictably a YOB Fender Jazz...dull I know
  2. That's what I was hoping, ta
  3. [url="http://www.zoom.co.jp/products/b3"]Zoom B3[/url], does everything I need...
  4. So getting one of these as a mod toy. Which would you say is the closest to the actual colour? I have to say the tort guard is my favourite.
  5. +1 I had exactly the same experience with a Cabronita....had major GAS for one when they were announced, finally got to try one in store and...meh..thank god I didn't go with my gut and just buy one online. J&D Surf Green Jazz next for me, don't mind punting a ton.
  6. I always take photos of the entire bass including serial numbers and the receipt (if I have one) and then zip them up and upload to cloud storage. That way everything is date stamped and stored in a safe location. If you use your phone for the pictures they are are also stamped with the location, every little helps.
  7. tempted......very tempted
  8. Happened to me with a Ric. Coveted a Ric, Bought a Ric, played the Ric, Ric stayed under bed for a year...sold the Ric.
  9. Ignore me, mines a J5 not a P5 [url="http://www.fender.com/squier/series/affinity/affinity-jazz-bass-v-5-string-rosewood-fingerboard-brown-sunburst/"]http://www.fender.com/squier/series/affinity/affinity-jazz-bass-v-5-string-rosewood-fingerboard-brown-sunburst/[/url]
  10. Nope, I have one of these, solid old Squire Affinity 5. Retail for around £200. Chunky old neck that I never got on with, now sits under the bed.
  11. Get your drummer a cajon, works a treat
  12. Takemine in action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3MeMKF6D6U
  13. I've always used an electro acoustic bass (used to be my fender (for sale BTW), now my Takemine) into my usual TC head with one cab. Works a treat. it's more for the look than anything else, you can get away with your normal electric rig and some tonal changes.
  14. Not what you want to hear I know, but If I could shift my bits on Gumtree I would be on this like a flash...have a bump at least sir.
  15. [url="https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/487910_10151246406321792_2079860067_n.jpg"]/487910_10151246406321792_2079860067_n.jpg[/url]" class="ipsImage" />
  16. Damn if I had the cash, and you're local as well. But have a bump.
  17. Nice looking Jazz, would be interested in the serial number also. May be able to find a little bit more out about it.
  18. TC Classic 450 into TC 212 & TC 210, looking to get a BH250 as backup in the near future. Age 40, own a car..dodgy back.
  19. Never trusted them myself, I've always used a couple of these:
  20. A fun one from a recent jam, really enjoy playing [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXKOGtXvvws&feature=c4-overview&list=UUVcHwSE_5IWIvUX7b7MVyCQ"]this[/url].
  21. Be nice to the engineer, we want you to sound as good as you can. A sh*t sound drives the punters away. My basic rule of thumb (which goes for all bands on a mutil bill or a single bill), always take from the post-di if available, keep the PA as flat as possible and just compensate for the room. Your sound FOH will always be different once you have a room full of people, and will be compensated as such to get you as close to "your" sound (band and instrument) as possible. Know your gear, the amount of times I've asked about post-DI to get a blank look. I will always do the best I can with the time available, remember it's a sound/line check not a rehearsal (that really pisses me of!!). Disclaimer: A lot of the above may be very egg sucky, but it's way I roll :-)
  22. I'm glad you said most ;-)
  23. I often work as an engineer and I always try to take the DI from the amp post-eq. It's close but the cabs colour the sound and you won't get that on a DI. Try to make the engineers life as easy as possible and they will love you for it, if you want the cab miked invest in a good cab mic and lead, and let the Eng know you have it. Any bassist that presents me with the gear they wish to use gets to use it. On multi-band nights it tends to be kit share anyway so it's still a set up once affair. It is possible to get your sound, but be the engineers friend, it helps.
  24. Saw him with the Blockheads last night, still a legend.
  25. Skoda Fabia estate. TC 2x12, TC 2x10, Amp and leads in laptop bag, bag of other leads, mic stand, 2 bass stands, 2 basses in gig bags. That's without the back seats down have also had 2 additional guitars in the boot. With the back seats down I've also had a full drum kit and a fender twin in there.
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