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Lee Carter

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Everything posted by Lee Carter

  1. A Morris band!! Don't you have to re-tune every time you hit your guitars together?
  2. Incidentally, I use the TC rig at my blues jams, so if anyone in the essex/suffolk area wants try before buying your more than welcome, pm me for details.
  3. I currently have the Classic 450, RS210 and a RS212, I came from an Ashdown 410 and MK500 head. Pretty much for the same reason as you, the Ashdown cab was a mare to move on my own, plus I was remodeling the car every time I took it out. I can carry all the TC gear in one go, all fits snugly in the boot of the car and sounds monstrous. Plenty loud enough for most gigs, if I need more volume or a little spread I go PA. As for colour, I haven't noticed it myself (doesn't mean it isn't there), but for nice deep, mellow, slightly growly blues sound it works a treat. I also have the benefit of having a few friends with TC gear and we have managed on a couple of occasions to build the 3 cab rig, 210, 212, 112 (you can see it [url="http://sphotos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/578638_10151277741471792_307079825_n.jpg"]here[/url], I'm 6'3" to get an idea of height), and also a 210, 2x212 rig ([url="http://sphotos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/3510_10200327161718448_697913392_n.jpg"]here[/url])
  4. Been using mine live for a while, love it. I only use three patches though so I'm not tap dancing between tunes.
  5. A quite stunning piece and an excellent example at this price
  6. Less space taken up on the motor. Gig bag will go across the back of my motor, hard case won't. There you go ;-)
  7. +1 for audacity
  8. I think it's a common thread among bass players, or at least the ones I know, we seem to be rather well organised. I arrange rehearsals (when we need them), route planner, maintain the web site, maintain the social media presence, link it all together, record gigs/rehearsals....or maybe I'm just a bit anal ;-)
  9. That sir is a beauty.
  10. thin layer of superglue on the tips of my fingers used to do the job for me (until the tips toughened up), re-apply in the breaks. Worked a treat.
  11. My PJ is signed on the back By Jack Bruce, wouldn't imagine it adds any value at all just nice to have.
  12. guess that's a no then ;-(
  13. Any love for a Fender Highway One Jazz trade?
  14. What do these compare to? I'm a dyed in the wool precision man, how does a zoot compare? These are made just down the road from me.
  15. Just my two-penneth but I to tried one of these and found the neck to be bloody awful. Hard to put my finger on why, it just felt very unwieldy in my hands, could of been my hands of course ;-)
  16. Simple or Complicated, if the groove is locked in nice and tight to the drummer and serves the song then I have a smile a mile wide (well inside anyway), whether playing or listening. I've personally never gained any joy from the 'look at this video of me playing really quick/complicated/slappy' brigade. There is more to technical skill than technical skill...if that makes any sense.
  17. All the Audio on my site has been recorded using a H2 at the back of the room, with a little more time setting up I think I could get it sounding even better. [url="http://themagicdragons.co.uk"]themagicdragons.co.uk[/url]
  18. using my name in vein tsk tsk....make sure you get photos of the tower of power tomorrow old chap.
  19. Geoff, pm me with your price and a pic, I may be interested.
  20. yep that would be me being a kernob..it was here, gone now [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251238614847?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251238614847?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649[/url]
  21. For anyone interested this [url="www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Fender-Deluxe-Active-P-Bass-Special-Black-Maple-/251238614847?ssPageName=ADME:B:WNA:GB:1123"]one[/url] is coming to an end soon, sorely tempted myself.
  22. this is going on my bitsa, if your going to do it get close, but make it your own.
  23. [url="http://www.peachguitars.com/guitar-amps/bass-amps/tc-electronic-rh750-bass-guitar-head.htm"]Peach Guitars[/url] had some TC stuff in the last time I was there (couple of weeks ago)
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