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Lee Carter

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Everything posted by Lee Carter

  1. Have a bump, lovely looking thing
  2. A nice find, but you do know you could use a shared google calendar to accomplish the same thing for nowt?
  3. Thanks All, I'm there on the 14th and 28th whilst the good lady does her corporate thing, so plenty to keep me occupied I imagine.
  4. 2x10 & 1x12
  5. I'm off to Cambridge next week and have the day to kill while the good lady is working. Any Music shop recommendations from the locals, I'll need somewhere to keep warm :-)
  6. Ahh attending anyway, about half a mile from my house ;-)
  7. If you're after a body, I have a black P body sitting somewhere in the garage. It's from a no name, but I can dig it out and measure the neck pocket if you are after one.
  8. Nah, folk you have to wake up just as the day is dawning, blues it can be 11:59 and it still counts.
  9. Today we have both learnt a lesson ;-)
  10. Damn fine pedal, had mine for about 3 weeks and has been an inspiration....my 'stock' sound is now the sound I have always been looking for.
  11. Damn, today's lesson-"jump in a bit sooner" :-)
  12. Getting closer, thanks el borracho Calrissa has set me on a google hunt.
  13. mmmmm, it's a pretty little thing
  14. I wish, I guess that's why it was bought for me...many years ago now
  15. Hurrah, lets try a l[url="http://farm1.staticflickr.com/103/309410515_d742ee7d9f_b.jpg"]ink[/url]
  16. Is that Gold Hardware?
  17. Hi, This was the first bass I ever bought and I was wondering if anyone can shed some light on it's make/model...history. It was bought for me in 1990 for my 18th Birthday, the only marking on it is the CL (LC?) markings on the headstock. Any info gratefully received
  18. Not just you, I get the same
  19. I use it with a Zoom H2 for room recording gigs, nice little app.
  20. I've been playing blues for nigh on 25 years now, I can't add any suggestions to listening recommendations as the above will keep you busy. All I'll add is find the groove, lock in with the drummer and let the melody instruments take the lead. Also know when the leave space and when the bring in some dynamics. Well played blues is the best feeling in the world, but melody players do tend to get a little over excited and it can fall to the rhythm section to pull it back and introduce some dynamics. Try not to "over rehearse" it as the joy of the music lies in it's spontaneity. Alternatively ignore all of the above :-)
  21. Not my bass sir, but if eddbass is happy to share his pics then I'm happy to share them. It looks like one of [url="http://www.sxguitarspain.com/sx_bass_collection.htm"]these[/url] to me
  22. It's neither, nice looking bass though and for £60 if it's your bag it's a steel...have a bump on me
  23. Cheers
  24. Stage left, out of the way and no chance of my headstock/neck getting a wallop.
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