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Everything posted by BassBod

  1. I've had the same problem with the Punch Factory. Very nice pedal, but the build quality is too bad for gigging. I particularly dislike the the way the jack sockets aren't fixed to the case, so any hit to the plugs is transferred directly to the circuit board....problem waiting to happen. I'd thought about transplanting it into a different box with better jacks and switches....but I've never got round to it. BB
  2. Like I said, Pyramid Gold.... BB
  3. [attachment=1289:DSCN0616.JPG] I had this Mo Clifton "Cherry bass" made last year. 30" scale with strings through the body - sounds lovely, if a bit " basic". I was after a sound somewhere between Ron Carter (mid 70's piezo pickup) and Percy Jones (1979 Wal Pro). I almost got there, but I'll probably add a piezo bridge when I'm feeling wealthy... I find the scale length takes about 5 mins to adjust to - not really a problem. BB
  4. I use the Realist on EUB and acoustic, gives a deep "plummy" sound - not nasal to me. I also use an old Fishman BP100 - has to go into a good preamp to be useable, otherwise its all scratch n scrape. Even then its toppy, but in a good way... The results you get depend on a lot of things - the instrument, set up and installation, strings, preamps, speakers - then there's the player. My suggestion is to first check over the installation of the Realist. Is the bridge foot a good fit to the top, and is the foot moving once the Realist is in place? Then take away any eq (as much as possible) and see what it sounds like (with gain adjustments if needed). Then start adding small eq changes to taste...might help? When you plug in, try to use as little volume as you can (I know, drummers..) but think reinforcement rather than amplify? Also try not to stand right in front of your amp - move it a couple of feet away and you'll hear it much better, with less boom. With an Eden I hardly used any eq at all (plus no enhancer) - you can also plug into the line inputs on the back to by pass the Eden pre completley, but you'll need some sort of active preamp to have enough signal. Have fun! BB
  5. That's turned out very nicely! My Manson had a single Kent Armstrong just like those - a very nice sound, but I changed mine for a Bart. Hugh told me that he had some issues with them, sometimes they could be a bit electrically noisy (but he was selling me a Bart replacement at the time). I think the earliest Status basses used the same? Get waxing..... BB
  6. Check out his amp set up - AJ has a reputation for using really high end expensive heavy stuff. I wonder what he uses when travelling to the UK? I can't imagine many promoters finding a Krell power amp......?? BB
  7. The "oldest" strings I've used are Pyramid Golds. Fantastic sound, lovely smooth feel but bloody expensive. But, if you like 'em you'll probably keep them on for years. BB
  8. Hi Alun Sorry - didn't think you were being un-Clifton! I've heard plenty of lovely acoustics sounding awful because players don't understand the dark art of pick ups. The old schaller magnetics made the bass audible (with steel strings) but lost virtually all the character of the instrument - and every magnetic pickup seems to do the same (including the Kent Armstrong originally fitted to my Clifton). I can remember a great local player that carried a double bass (with schaller) and a Sound City rig fit for a rock guitarist - but everybody could hear him and that was something in 1978! Things have come a long way since then... BB
  9. Interesting - when I got my Mo Clifton EUB there was a lot of "what's that" - but ten years later people listen to it and pretty much accept it as a viable alternative to an acoustic (even the Bluegrass crowd). A lot of that is the sound of the Realist pickup - it does a very good job of translating the "thump". I had a magnetic on mine and took it off - yes, it sounded like a giant fretless Pbass. Only good for really loud situations. BB
  10. Try saitenkatalog.de Very much cheaper for some (DR) and generally better prices and choice than UK. There is a delivery charge, but if you buy a couple of sets you cover that in savings. BB
  11. I tried one a year or so ago - really wanted to like it, it sounded good but it was so uncomfortable to play....something drastically wrong with the body shape. I couldn't stop it digging into my ribs (and I'm not skinny, by any means!) BB
  12. Or you could have my SWR Goliath II for a lot less than that (shameless, I know). Its a seriously good 4x10, and just as heavy as a Hartke! BB
  13. I'd also add Euphonic Audio - its got a lot of tone tweaking options, but also a defeat button. Paired with their cabs (not entirelt neutral, but close) I don't think you'll find much cleaner.....look out for second hand stuff otherwise its very pricey. I'd love to hear some of those Acme cabs - one day! BB
  14. Bump. I can feel that Alembic getting away...... BB
  15. I think it was from Bass NorthWest...delivered in a couple of days, no tax, so it worked out pretty cheap at the time. I remember thinking about it for a couple of weeks, but then I weighed the cost up in terms of strings...and that did it. Walter Harley seems to know his stuff and doesn't make any huge claims for his product - it just does what it does, very well. I'm just outside Bristol, so if you want to try before you buy send me a PM? BB
  16. I got one of the Cafe Walter boxes - great quality, makes learning stuff on headphones a joy. Mine only runs on battery (2x9v) so can be a bit expensive, but it also works with rechargeables (just not so long). I also use it for the iPod or hifi at home. Very good. I use the Grado SR 60's. Good natural bass, but the open design can be a pain for those not enjoying the music.... I thought the Cafe Walter would be useful with young children in the house, but I've ended up taking it with me on tours...on holiday...its that good. Just don't play too loud for too long. BB
  17. Bump - hurry up, someone......I'm trying to fund an Alembic here... BB
  18. BassBod


    That's about 100 yards from my house - you playing the NS bass by any chance? BB
  19. Look out for a second hand Eden WT400 - and any 1x15 cab. That'll give you a good warm blues tone (but you won't get all the modern mids and fizz, but who needs 'em...) BB
  20. I'd say Jazz, except when its a really loud situation, and that's where a good Pbass comes into its own. I used to play in a 60's/covers band - amazing how loud they could get. BB
  21. One more....bump BB
  22. Interesting discussion. My limited experience suggests that the various graphite "recipes" also sound different. I used a Status graphite neck for a while, but really didn't get on with the clacky sound - very even and great sustain but had an edge. I also borrowed an old Zon with a glued in graphite neck - very clear and strong sounding but had much more warmth. It also had no truss rod, so I guess you'd be in trouble if it ever played up..... BB
  23. Hmm - have a look at theMo Clifton bass I'm selling....more info at cliftonbasses.co.uk or PM me? BB
  24. I had the same problem with a Streamer S1. Sometimes it would "fuzz" for no reason - but I never pinned it down to a specific cause. Wasn't the socket, battery terminals were fine...so I gave up there and replaced the p/ups (EMG's) and pre (Aguilar OPB2). Sounds magnificent now. I wouldn't bother replacing the MEC p/ups if you're happy with the basic sound - EMG's are a bit better (to me) but its not a huge change in tone. The preamp is a real improvement - but the bass cut on the OPB2 is a waste of time - more like a second volume control! If I did it again I'd go for either the OPB1 or 3 instead. I'd also consider a Bartolini preamp. Good luck BB
  25. I'd love to, but family life....saw him in Brecon a few years back - one of the best gigs I've ever seen. I even admired the way he handled the stage crew when they tried to give him a GK instead of his (then)SWR. No ranting or demands, he just pointed to the GK and with a big grin said something like "what's that?". Within a few minutes they were carrying on the SWR they didn't want to bother with. BB
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