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Everything posted by BassBod

  1. I forgot to have a proper look at the Peterson amp - who brought that along? One of the few older amps I always wanted to try out but never found one...
  2. Had a quick noodle on this one yesterday - a lovely little bass! Simple, and very nicely made. Fantastic to see things like this 😎
  3. Just back - again, thanks to all for a great day. The 1x12 comparison was interesting - I have a new respect for those little Ashdown cabs 😜
  4. Could be many things, but start without Sansamp. If bass into amp/cab doesn’t produce gigging volume, then there’s a problem (speaker cable/sockets?). I’m guessing the PV is a power amp, not full head. Should still be ok, if the Sansamp uses the jack output set to its high/line level option (with the small push button). Also, look up the manual for the amp and get to know the options for speaker connection (sometimes complicated for power amps with multiple uses) best of luck
  5. Thanks for that - I just turned down a lunchtime gig on 8th April. That helps....
  6. Question - how loud is the fan, and is it on all the time?
  7. 😳
  8. Only used a Crazy 8, super light composite. It was very good, but was too light...was concerned it would get damaged from normal gigging/loading. Great cab, but would prefer the plywood version.
  9. Depends on the amps. I found SWR Eden and GK could all be set “flat” on the front and work well with an old Bass Driver into the passive input (PA send from the pedal, phantom powered). But Ampegs always sounded overblown to me, whatever I did. The first version of the Bass Driver didn’t have the output boost option for the jack, so most of the time it wouldn’t drive the power amp enough from the effects return. Now, with the added output boost I would probably go straight for the power amp input 😜
  10. With no pa support, I’d go for a pair of small 1x12’s. I can stash my TKS ones in all sorts of corners...it’s the SWR stuff that’s a bit harder to hide away.
  11. I could bring a TKS 112, if it would be of interest?
  12. When I had one it spent most of its time in this custom made light case. Cost a bit, but the light bag (also made locally to fit) wasn’t that protective for a weighty little amp.
  13. Don’t forget the new 4x7 cab, that’s on my must try list. Designed to be more affordable. I think you’ve got to hear it for yourself - PJB gear is very different in its conception, and is clear and defined in character. Aguilar is more traditional and has a voicing built in. Phil Jones himself (from FB comments) is not a Markbass fan, although of course your amp could sound absolutely fine through a PJB cab 😜
  14. When I replaced the 12” speaker in a 200MB (older version of the MB150) I did some research - essentially, it’s such an unusually small cabinet for a 12” driver that virtually nothing but the GK one will work well (very stiff cone). I doubt they make a 4ohm version. The GK extension cab makes sense for the times you need it.
  15. My thoughts exactly..... ..but a Demeter?
  16. Thanks - will be in touch 😎
  17. Yes, quite a lot! They work well, as long as you don’t use much drive or boost the lows much. You can also turn off the circuitry and use it as a “flat” active DI for piezo pickups. These are my rough settings for EUB with Realist pickup..
  18. On the original BD pedal the output was too low level to drive most power amps using the effects return. It worked, but was usually very quiet. Now there is selectable output level on most Sansamp versions, so it works fine. This is the main reason I got into the habit of setting the amp “flat” and using the old BD into the normal input on SWR’s...or anything else provided.
  19. Job lot of “bass player” CD’s?
  20. Find the connector block that links the preamp to power amp - give the pins a clean with contact cleaner. Other than that it’s safety check time?
  21. Not got the Mesa, but my Ashdown Retroglide is about the same. Most companies seem to use cheap/noisey fans, on the basis that in performance environments it will be masked by ambient noise. The Aguilar TH500 was similar, although it was temp controlled, so only came on about half an hour later. I’ve been told that quieter fans are made, but not got around to sorting it out. What puzzles me is that neither of my amps ever got warm, yet alone hot to the touch. Even driving a pair of cabs they remain cold. I guess the power amp module suppliers recommend that fans are necessary.
  22. I sense another shoot out...neutral amp contest....it never ends! More seriously, I might bring some smaller SWR's like the Studio 220 or Basic 350 (noisy fan alert!)
  23. Don’t think so, as long as the bass and treble aren’t boosted. Thanks for the contribution Tech21 - very interesting to read. I always used mine in front of SWR’s to warm them up a bit - never thought of using the uneffected output for the amp 😳. After 20 years I’ve retired my original Bass Driver due to scratchy pots (most of them!) Is it possible to “re-pot” a Sansamp and get it back into service?
  24. I know when I got my first Sansamp, early 90's I guess, it took me about a year to work out how to use it. Then it was forever with me...and still is. One thing that confused me was the original instructions, which just showed the blend at full effect for pretty much everything - that never worked for me. Far too much. Once I'd got through that bit it was all good. I'm still not sure which I like most, the original flavour Bass Driver or the newer VT but they still get used on most of my work.
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