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Everything posted by GMR

  1. Have a look in the 'porn' section. I'll post some of our favourite guitars on it.
  2. GMR

    Hi everyone.

    Thank you Spoombung. Any time mate.
  3. Hi chaps, glad you like our basses. We have indeed moved the whole company to the UK. We thought, we'll try to go against the flow, and rather then try to find some way's of making bigger profit producing them using cheaper labor or materials for example , we'll forever try to improve our 'babies'. Quality of finish, materials and components used are very important to us, thus the move. Also having the showroom or 'the HQ' as we call it, on Denmark Street, means easy access to our basses for people interested. Specially voiced John East preamps are being fitted as a standard feature now. Also there's a wide range of different pick up options available, although I do swear by Bassculture Pickups. They hand made , by Christoff in Germany, near Dusseldorf. Lovely guy as well. P-up maniac :-). Daniel
  4. GMR

    Hi everyone.

    Thanks Alan.
  5. Very nice bass. Quite rare set up. We remember it. It's a steal for this price :-). The company has moved entirely to England, so buy it now, before it becomes a real rarity, as some design changes are coming up.
  6. Digging up a topic ;-) It's all up and running now. Administration took a while, as it does. Come and visit us and see for yourselves. Daniel
  7. GMR

    Hi everyone.

    Hi everyone, It's time to appear on this very good, full of information, forum. Some of you might have heard about us already, but we believe not all of you are familiar with us. Allow me to introduce ourselves. Being a company with a long tradition of making bespoke bass guitars, which recently has been remodeled and restructured to accommodate always rising expectations and inspiring ideas of our customers, we would like to introduce everybody to our classics, improved popular models, new prototypes and wide array of different options and finishes offered by us. New showroom in London, improved website and regular presence of GMR on London Bass Guitar Show are there for easy access to our products. Currently our company comprises of possibly one of the best teams of luthiers and instrument specialists around. Using only traditional wizardies of lutherie, we still mainly use hands to carve shapes we desire. We work with only best component suppliers in the world. Among others, John East, Bass Culture, ETS or Gotoh are companies we can reli on delivering uncompromised level of quality we snobbishly tend to press on all the time. Our showroom is now officially open for the convenience of our customers. We reside at 126 Charing Cross Road Road London WC2H 0LA which is a corner of Denmark Street. Come and see us to try our guitars or simply for a friendly chat about our products. We are glad to see you everyday, apart from Sundays, between 11 and 6. For more information and contact details , please visit our website: gmrbasses.com Daniel Sakowski Operations Director
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