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Everything posted by r16ktx

  1. Just sold a guitar stand. Nice, friendly and painless. Thanks
  2. Hi, Yes I'm fine with that for £50. I'd have to get another quote for delivery (if required) probably 4 or 5 pounds Cheers, Rick
  3. I am selling this Behringer BDI21. Comes with original box. Specs here; [url="http://www.music-group.com/Categories/Behringer/Bass/Bass-Stompboxes/BDI21/p/P0294"]http://www.music-gro...s/BDI21/p/P0294[/url] Delivery to mainland UK £3 I've only used this briefly at home and I'm selling it as I'm clearing out some stuff I haven't ended up using. [attachment=247431:1.jpg]
  4. [size=5][b]Price drop to £20[/b][/size] I am selling this M-Audio Fast Track Pro. Comes with original box. Specs here; [url="http://www.gear4music.com/Recording-and-Computers/Discontinued-M-Audio-Fast-Track-Pro-USB-Audio-Interface/6DE"]http://www.gear4musi...o-Interface/6DE[/url] Delivery to mainland UK £3 I'm selling this as I don't use it any more. Haven't been able to test it but it was working without fault when I was last using it as my computers audio output and has been stored away in it's box for the last couple of years. [attachment=247427:1.jpg][attachment=247428:2.jpg][attachment=247429:3.jpg][attachment=247430:4.jpg]
  5. I am selling this Hercules Stand GS412B. Comes with original box. SPecs here; [url="http://www.herculesstands.co.uk/p/auto-grab-guitar-stand-with-foldable-backrest"]http://www.herculess...ldable-backrest[/url] Delivery to mainland UK £4 I've only used this at home and I'm selling as part of clearing out of stuff I no longer use and most of my basses are headless. [attachment=247426:1.jpg]
  6. I am selling this 3 guitar stand. Specs here; [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/rockstand_rs_20860.htm"]http://www.thomann.d...nd_rs_20860.htm[/url] Delivery to mainland UK £6 I've only used this at home and I've now replaced it with wall hangers. Note: The product description does say "Not suitable for guitars with nitrocellulose lacquer" [attachment=247423:1.jpg][attachment=247424:2.jpg][attachment=247425:3.jpg]
  7. Price for single unit; £60 I am selling selling this half rack t.bone TWS 16 GT wireless systems (863MHz). Sold with the the original manuals and box. Specs here; http://www.tbone-mics.com/en/product/information/details/tws-16gt-863-mhz-wirleless-system/"]http://www.tbone-mic...rleless-system !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The power supply (12v 0.5A) has a Euro (2 pin) plug. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Delivery to mainland UK £3 I originally bought two of these for a racked system but I'm now using a Zoom B3n with IEM/PA and want a pedal form factor wireless system. They never did end up in a rack so have had careful home use only and are in pristine condition. The other one is here; https://www.basschat.co.uk/topic/308155-tbone-tws-16-gt-wireless-system/
  8. [size=5][b]The price is now £480 as the footswitch has now been sold.[/b][/size] Hi, I am selling this TC Electronic RH750 bass head + Gig bag + Rack adapter. Specs here; [url="http://www.tcelectronic.com/rh750/"]http://www.tcelectronic.com/rh750/[/url] RC4 remote - SOLD [url="http://www.tcelectronic.com/rh450-rh750-gigbag/"]http://www.tcelectro...0-rh750-gigbag/[/url] [url="http://www.tcelectronic.com/rh750-rh450-rack-mount/"]http://www.tcelectro...450-rack-mount/[/url] Delivery to mainland UK £10 I'm only selling this as I'm now using a Zoom B3n with IEM/PA. As I need the cash to buy the next bit I'm not interested in trades. Careful home use only so it is all in pristine condition. The knobs have been replaced. I've tested the head recently so I know it works fine. The head and remote come with the original manuals and box. The rack adapter has not been used at all - only came out of its box for the photos [attachment=247403:1.jpg][attachment=247404:2.jpg][attachment=247405:3.jpg][attachment=247406:4.jpg][attachment=247407:5_1.jpg][attachment=247408:5_2.jpg][attachment=247409:6.jpg][attachment=247410:gigbag 1.jpg][attachment=247410:gigbag 1.jpg][attachment=247411:gigbag 2.jpg][attachment=247412:Rack Adapter 1.jpg][attachment=247413:Rack Adapter 2.jpg][attachment=247414:remote 1.jpg][attachment=247415:remote 2.jpg][attachment=247416:remote 3.jpg]
  9. Hi, I am selling this Barefaced G3 super midget + Roqsolid cover. Specs here; [url="http://barefacedbass.com/product-range/Super-Midget.htm"]http://barefacedbass...uper-Midget.htm[/url] & [url="http://www.amplifiercoversonline.com/zencart/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=538_491_136&products_id=3876"]http://www.amplifier...roducts_id=3876[/url] Delivery to mainland UK £10 I'm only selling this as I'm now using a Zoom B3n with IEM & PA. It has had careful home use only so it is in pristine condition.
  10. Hi, Seeing as there's been no response yet I'll put myself forward to see if I can be of any help. Although I have experience with installing and configuring various *nix systems for NAS, PBX and web (i.e. LAMP) I wouldn't like to claim to being definitely able to "correctly" setup a "decent" Linux system as that depends exactly what you mean by those terms and what the servers purpose is precisely. Happy to have a chat to see if can be any help. Cheers, Rick
  11. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1467892266' post='3087060'] Of course in some musical situations, such as a bunch of musicians all needing to play a piece they've never heard, if they have the reading skills, notation is king. But if you're trying to learn Sex On Fire to play down the Dog and Duck, the vast majority find it much simpler to just listen to the track and look at the tab. No need for musical snobbery. [/quote] +1 Tab is a supplement to recorded music used in order to skip transcription for those without the skill or time, or inclination.
  12. [quote name='Mudpup' timestamp='1467385934' post='3083350'] hmnnn....i did it on a macbook and the menu looks fine on that. I'll have to check it out on a tablet. and the decapitated piccy was deliberate - we're very ugly so i thought the lights and knees would show us at our best :-) [/quote] As long as the lights are bright enough and behind you then you'll probably get away with it :-) I'll second the points made by joey1234 too (and I edited my first post with some more input..) Hopefully you'll get enough basschatters to get good coverage of likely devices, really could to with the Yamaha NS10 of browser/device combos for this sort of thing!
  13. Two things stood out for me immediately - decapitated home page photo and the menu button is indistinct. Viewing on 7" tablet. Also from a personal taste pov I would get rid of most of the about band CV speak and move what's left into a single paragraph on the home page. The contact us links should have the text as 'email', 'facebook', 'web' etc rather than the Uri text.
  14. Was it something to do with the pa not having the headroom to preserve the transients at the lower frequencies? Disclaimer; this is a guess :-(
  15. [quote name='chevy-stu' timestamp='1466454768' post='3075989'] the bass is compressed to buggery on that track [/quote] What is that ratio as a number?
  16. Surely it's really a function of the % of festival goers who are primarily there for a good bass guitar sound against the difficulty and cost of achieving that across large open space? Or maybe lower frequencies are more easily knocked out of the air by falling water... ;-)
  17. The band name is a brand name, so is Apple not Apple without Jobs (and/or Wozniak), in which case it would have had to flip from Apple to Not Apple and back over time. As regards sounding different that is something that happens over time anyway as in the first time the original Big Country lineup played together would not sound like the last
  18. Wouldn't the 1st gen use valves as solid state means 'no moving parts'? Do I get points for being geeky AND pedantic? ;-)
  19. Curious tone system, I think I would not use the dual tone if I couldn't get anything decent out of it and ditto for both the passive and active individually. Maybe an outboard pre would do the trick?
  20. [quote name='CamdenRob' timestamp='1458644964' post='3009296'] I was happy with all my gear until I joined Basschat... [/quote] I joined Basschat when I was unhappy with my gear... :-)
  21. http://basschat.co.uk/topic/156957-warwicks-vs-spectors/page__st__-10
  22. r16ktx


    So isn't this like a recursive ship of Theseus? Is the band with no original members still the same band that made a hit, but previously was the band with the original members but with,say, fender copy instruments rather than original fenders still the same band. And what happens when strings get changed!!! Aargh! :-)
  23. http://www.google.co.uk/search?q=What%27s+the+difference+between+polyphonic+and+chromatic+tuners
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