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Everything posted by r16ktx

  1. [quote name='RAY AGAINST THE MACHINE' timestamp='1436213650' post='2816113'] Yes ( poxy spellchecker ) [/quote] I don't know, maybe it was trying for; https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/asshat :-D
  2. [quote name='JapanAxe' timestamp='1433420060' post='2790907'] Your Steinberger link has an extra http:// in it. [/quote] Thanks - I've corrected it (at last!)
  3. [quote name='pete.young' timestamp='1435416835' post='2808603'] It's a list of lists, compiled from 11 or 12 internet surveys, possibly the laziest journalism I can recall. [/quote] Agreed, and that on top of these kind of surveys both parochial and merely a list of people/items that the kind of people who respond have vaguely heard of...
  4. [quote name='Booooooom' timestamp='1435254732' post='2807060'] DR drop tuning strings tuned down to C worked for me [/quote] +1 I've just been using these after a recommendation this week from Mark Stickley (Bass Direct), my E is down to B on with .115 and a 34" scale
  5. [quote name='stingraybassman' timestamp='1434986078' post='2804431'] Absolutely agree, everyone comes out of it looking a little bit better. Smells off. Cynical view maybe, but I'd be amazed if it was as it has been told. [/quote] Yeah, I get the feeling it's Swift's mouth moving but the words are not entirely her own... [quote name='72deluxe' timestamp='1434999364' post='2804616'] ...also, Apple CEO typically gets paid $1 a year, for tax purposes I think? [/quote] Or another example of 'exposure'? :->
  6. [quote name='visog' timestamp='1434828295' post='2803187'] BUT is it me or do their videos make every bass (almost) sound the same? ... Discuss? [/quote] Bwah-ha-ha http://basschat.co.uk/topic/264378-is-it-really-in-the-fingers-and-not-the-bass Sorry I'll get me coat ;-)
  7. Sold a Spector bass to Mike, nice guy & easy to deal with.
  8. I'm sure putting a guitar signal in won't damage the cab, so why not try it?
  9. [font="arial, sans-serif"][size=4]Sold Simon a Dingwall Combustion. Nice guy, friendly PMs, and fast payment.[/size][/font]
  10. [quote name='4-string-thing' timestamp='1433498506' post='2791507'] ...both seemed happy... [/quote] If you're happy with the deal then you're happy. The essence of trading for profit is to sell what is bought with added value, even when that added value is the patience and/or confidence to find a 'bigger fool' :-)
  11. [quote name='Jenny_Innie' timestamp='1433335324' post='2790167'] I'm surprised someone hasn't told me my tone is in my fingers yet. [/quote] [quote name='alexclaber' timestamp='1433345970' post='2790316'] [/quote] Tone is quite obviously in your feet ;-)
  12. Thanks, I have a sale pending on it, but I haven't figured out how to change the title yet...
  13. Shameless plug... Is semi-budget somewhere from here; http://basschat.co.uk/topic/262758-2009-warwick-rockbass-streamer-std-5/ To here; http://basschat.co.uk/topic/262753-2013-spector-mike-kroeger-signature/ ? :-)
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