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Everything posted by MarkG3

  1. I hate it when people play for you, yea it's a really nice bass. Ok let me decide that. Grrr lol You know it's bad if you feel better when you leave the place
  2. From what I've read this is a boss oc2 clone but has anyone ever tried it? There's a few videos on YouTube with guitar demos but couldn't see any for bass. Thanks
  3. Yea definitely give them a ring, hopefully they can help you out
  4. My local music shop is terrible. Way over priced and has had the a lot of the same stock for about 5 years now. I simply wanted a pack of strings that I could afford. I was then offered and tried to be sold a set of strings with the G missing for a bargain £15. I laughed and walked out. They aren't very helpful I honestly don't know what's keeping them open. What are some of your experiences of fails like this???
  5. In terms of the stock date apparently it isn' that accurate as what I ordered changed to much earlier but was told to ignore it. Best thing to do is give them a ring!
  6. I recently had to wait over a week for them to action a refund on something I ordered that wasn't in stock. I think it took 9 days in the end. I've used them before and they were spot on so i guess it depends on the day
  7. I have to agree with you. When I've said something similar on another bass forum years ago and I got destroyed and told along the lines that I didn't appreciate music and that I should go away and 'learn'
  8. Wow I missed that one
  9. Ok Thanks!
  10. Also the same when I see that someone has quoted someone, all I see for both is the coding
  11. I'm finding when someone posts a url link for examle to photobucket, all I see is the link itself and not the picture
  12. I've got to give in. PM'd
  13. That is the best looking SG I've ever seen! Hope you sell it quickly 😀
  14. I traded them in at Andertons earlier in the year. They were a bit bulky and heavy for me. I've now got two Fender Rumble v3 12s which are much easier to move and a lot smaller!
  15. [quote name='Bassassin' timestamp='1507110354' post='3383321'] I'm familiar with the MIJ copies (typically Avon in the UK, & the same bass as Cimar & probably made by Chushin Gakki) & had one myself a few years back. These are very, very accurate copies and could almost pass for the real deal. I've not encountered MIA or Eagle (suspect they're not UK brands) but the Melody copies are actually Italian-made & quite different - I've heard mixed reports about these, and they're a lot less common. There are Kimbara & Aria-branded Ripper copies (both Matsumoku builds, AFAIK) and these are both rare and expensive! Will keep my eyes peeled for an MIJ Grabber & if one turns up will give a heads-up. Assuming I can manage to not buy it myself - I miss my old one! [url="https://postimg.org/image/6ko8gph8ij/"][/url] [url="https://postimg.org/image/3iscfhjr7f/"][/url] [url="https://postimg.org/image/66uk40l0jf/"][/url] [/quote] Brilliant thanks! Yours is/was lovely, that's what I'm after. Fingers crossed a good one turns up
  16. [quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1507108903' post='3383309'] Sorry mate, I don't know my Rippers from my Grabbers! Being left handed it's hard to get excited or interested in Gibson basses. [/quote] It's fine don't worry that must be annoying!
  17. [quote name='uk_lefty' timestamp='1507046517' post='3383008'] I saw an Aria one recently, might have been on gumtree. Was in the last few days. Sorry I can't be more specific, it was right handed and not what I was looking for, but it did catch my eye. I haven't looked anywhere other than gumtree or eBay recently so it was one or the other. [/quote] Thanks! Just seen what I think is the one you're talking about. It's got a p pickup in it sadly and I think maybe was a ripper too judging by the headstock? Obviously I could be wrong lol but thanks though Didn't know Aria did some so that's another name to search for
  18. I need some help tracking one of these bad boys down. I've been looking for a while now. I've put up a wanted ad but hope I could get some help here too. I've seen quite a few different brand names for the copies, Cimar, Avon, MIA, Eagle and Melody I've searched here and continue to check almost every hour or so to see if ones for sale but no luck. Just been up to Denmark Street for a look but no luck there either. I'm also searching eBay with all the different names and brands too but again no luck. Gumtree has been pretty useless, unless I'm doing something wrong.... If anyone knows of anyone selling one please let me know!
  19. I might have to give up on this. If I move the bridge, it'll be in my way of playing, if I move the neck the screws to hold them will be going into the back on the thinner part of the neck
  20. Thanks. So I've managed to have a look at this and I've measured from the nut on both necks to where they both first come into contact with the body. The old neck is 51.5cm, which is roughly half way on fret 16. The new neck is 56.5cm until it reaches the body, which is pretty much on the 18th fret wire
  21. So does that mean the bridge would need to move 4.4cm closer to the neck? Which obviously is quite a lot This is my tester bass to do all these kinda things to it so it isn't one that means loads to me like my G3
  22. The new neck the frets dont hang over the scratchplate, theres a 1.1cm space between the last fret to the end of the neck that does
  23. Old neck is 44cm and the new one is 48.8cm
  24. Thanks. Just measured from the fretboard side of the nut to the start of the 12th fret and there is 1mm difference. 2mm if I measure to the bridge side of the 12th fret
  25. Ok so measured the necks and the original one is 5cm shorter. No idea how I managed to get the same measurement then. Is there a way to fix this or is it a lot of work to fix?
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