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Everything posted by MarkG3

  1. Thanks again for the replies, seems like selling is the most popular. If I could trade it for something else I think would be what I would want, but still interested for other opinions and experiance to be inputed. Interested as well to see if people think I should keep it as it is or put the old neck back on. Thanks
  2. Didn't see the other replies, but thanks for those as well, the neck was a 3 bolt but I brought it and had been used as a 4 bolt neck for a while. The neck pocket on the bass needed a little light sanding which i got a luthier to do to get it to be a good fit as the pocket wasnt flat apparently but now that's done it fits fine and seemingly the micro tilt doesn't get in the way either. I still have the original neck for this as well so I could put that back on and sell/trade the bass that way
  3. Thanks a lot for your reply, yea I've had it for about 9 years I think I got it in 2004/2005. I have thought that if I do trade or sell then I won't make back what I spent on it which is fine as that's like with most things, but still find something about it I don't like. Maybe you're right and I've given it plenty of time to try and work, it used to be my main bass but found its weight was an issue in comparison to a standard pbass. Thanks for the thought of buying it if you could, it does look really cool especially with the maple neck on it.
  4. Here is my Fender Mike Dirnt with a 78 Tele bass neck and finished in Nitro. [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/C568EFF8-3DEE-489B-86CC-89D0DD0B3B0D-3805-000004908AF25752_zpsbb2a50d0.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/664DBFF0-5CA9-437F-9F0C-68BF1B202CF6-3805-00000490989F27A7_zpscf868beb.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/0696A124-BD39-490D-80EC-09B8EBDF5AEF-3805-00000490A04B88AA_zps55c9e50c.jpg[/IMG] Basically I have been upgrading it but yet I still find myself feeling like something isn't right with it, but what that is I don't know. I don't like that its a big slab of wood and doesn't have a contour on the back as it makes it feel like a big bass. I don't know if I should keep it and just get on with it or if I should look at trading it for something else. I like the bass how it sounds and how it looks just don't have that 'right' feeling that I get with my Highway. What do other people think and what would you do if this was your bass? I've had it all professionally set up as well. I would like people's opinions on this to see if I can look at it from a different angle? Thanks, this isn't a cheap advert for selling or trading but that may end up where I go with it and in that case I will make a thread in the relevant forum!
  5. Well after all that wait, I can confirm that they don't fit the pickup one is about half an inch too small and the bridge one as kind of expected doesn't fit, well it does but not properly as about a cm of the back end of the bridge sticks out. So hopefully this will help others to not make the same mistake as me. Thanks to everyone for their input I'll keep the covers for a future project!
  6. Nice, cant believe someone threw the cab away! And it works and sounds ok?
  7. I have the BT1000 and it is very loud through my Barefaced Super 12, I don't think I'll ever worry about volume! Sounds like a beast! DI seems fine on mine but I got it new at the end of last year, I changed the valves out as you'll see my review of the new valves in the revalving the amp thread in repairs and technical would advise doing the swap out. No experiance with those cabs unfortunately!
  8. Looking good! It's going to be so good when it's done
  9. Very nice! Maybe play it firstly for a bit to see where it would wear then help it along gently and that could look really cool
  10. True I had thought about it but quite like the BA2. If it ends up neither fitting then it isn't a loss as I'll keep them to go towards my next project
  11. Thanks mate looks pretty cool, so gives me an idea of what it'll look like Still interested to see pictures of any covers on split coils
  12. Thanks mate I'll PM you my email! I had actually got a set of covers ordered a few days ago but thanks for the offer Do you have a pickup ashtray to see if it fits?
  13. Thanks, I quite like the effect of the scotch pad so may keep it as that!
  14. Yea that's right, have you tried this or something similar? I know the bridge is a tight fit/won't fit however I now have conflicting answers saying they do fit split pups and they don't. I personally think it'll look good with covers hence me asking but if you mean the later version of the cover then it would look weird:D
  15. Does anyone have any pictures that might show that it fits?
  16. Cool thanks, that was the only thing about using the steel wool that I didn't like the idea of having to worry about the pickups
  17. Ok cool, just tried using the good old kitchen sponge with the green bit on in circular motions and has come up quite nicely actually, seems to of taken that slight edge off. Would the 0000 wool do it that little bit more or is it the same effect roughly?
  18. Thanks! I don't mind it wearing through to the wood through normal playing just don't want to end up sanding it off if you get me. That would be good if you could take a few pictures, did you do it under the scratchplate as well?
  19. My recently refinished Nitro Dirnt has got a shiny nitro finish, I want to get it dull like my Highway One. So if I rubbed some of the 0000 steel wool onto the body would I get the desired effect and also once rubbed down would the nitro still wear? Also would there be a risk of going through to the wood or is that the point of the wool that its so fine it just does the top top layer? Thanks
  20. [quote name='mikekaperys' timestamp='1368144602' post='2073873'] I'll stick a fag burn on tomorrow then! I dont smoke to the blowtorch will do, haha. The body looked fine after the wire wool, I rubbed it down with 000 grade so it was really really fine. No scratches or anything, just nice and smooth [/quote] Nice one I might have a go on one of my basses as its a shiny nitro. Where did you get the wire wool from? Did you do the whole body or just the bits you can see?
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