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Everything posted by MarkG3

  1. Thanks for the reply, yea I took the neck right off as I couldn't get to it from that angle, what do you mean by applying back bow by hand pressure?
  2. I'm trying to get lower action on my fender dirnt and it seems like the truss rod is tightend as far as it can go, it can be loosened as I've checked but it definitely won't go tighter, I don't want to use any more force as I don't want it to break. If I lower the string saddles any more the neck buzzes really bad from fret 12 upwards. I've read some people putting a washer on behind the nut to get more turns but I don't have a nut as you'll see it's just like a big screw head. Any suggestions? Just thinking would shimming the neck help at all?
  3. Here's my Fender Mike Dirnt that has recently been refinished in Black Nitro
  4. Thanks I do think it looks pretty damn good, really forgot what a beast this thing is
  5. Definitely cool! [size=4] [/size]
  6. So after a lot(I mean a lot) of swearing and frustration it is back together. Everything seemingly went back in well apart from the pickups, the wood had obviously changed shape since and the pickups were slightly to big to fit in so I had to lightly sand the edges of the holes in so they would fit. So got that in eventually, soldering isn't my strongest attribute and actually the Misses is actually better than me at it so she soldered it all together again, for it to not work when I plugged it in but another quick solder and its fine. The screw holes had shrunk and every screw was really difficult to get back in and resulted in not once but twice scratching some of the brand new finish off luckily they are in areas I can deal with, belt rash zone and in between the strings and the volume and tone, I occasionally hit that bit on the follow through of my pic when I play on the G So anyway here's the pics: [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/74C2D838-813C-47D9-8685-E8D4C656B340-12991-00000C228484A4E9_zpscfe95773.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/6ED6A44F-51ED-4831-AA7F-C1AE8A3389B7-12991-00000C228B2C386D_zpseafde910.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/AD41ED2C-40B7-4F1D-8A00-3411B249E10D-12991-00000C229229E157_zpse9243ca8.jpg[/IMG] All done and very happy despite the annoyance of putting it back together etc. So looks like the ageing has already started........but I'm sure it'll pick up more knocks on the way
  7. I have the later model highway one precision and absolutely love it, it's the best bass I've played and owned, the tone, finish, bridge, neck and weight are all spot on! I would get it if it isn't too much
  8. I always thought they were MIM, any chance of getting pictures?
  9. I'm really interested to see how this goes, I've always loved the G3
  10. Just looking for a drummer now!!!!
  11. Thanks so am I, just hope I can remember where everything came from........
  12. I had shipped my bass away to be re-finished around a month or so ago as I hated the poly finish and wanted to get it redone in nitro. I came across [url="http://www.spectrumguitarfinishes.co.uk/"]http://www.spectrumg...finishes.co.uk/[/url] and they arranged to pick my bass up and do the job for me. After a few emails to Phil my bass was on it's way to sunny Spain to be worked on and to be redone in black nitro. It's taken around 4-5 weeks so far and just had an email yesterday to say its all done and ready to be shipped back to me. I asked if they could take some pictures of it along the way and here they are: Before: As it arrived to them: Sprayed: Finished (Theres a few bits of dust that settled before the pictures could be taken): I should be getting it back on Wednesday/Thursday and I am really excited to get it back. I am really pleased with how it looks and the service at Spectrum has been really good and would recommend them to anyone thinking of getting a re-finish! Unfortunately there are no pictures of when the old poly had been stripped and it was just the wood but still you get the idea!
  13. Wow that's really cool, came across her the other day and was really impressed!
  14. I'm also interested, I've seen some videos on YouTube, specifically bass of course that has made me want to get it, as it looks like it would be fun and would learn new songs at the same time! Online prices are pretty expensive though although eBay new is around £44 which is the cheapest I've found so far.
  15. nice one but you know the rules, no pictures = no bass
  16. You haven't seen these before? I'm surprised they are vintage [size=4] [/size]
  17. Bump - I will meet someone halfway within an hours drive from Aylesbury if that helps
  18. Aha thank you, patience is something I need to learn and surprise surprise.........the pic has now changed
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