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Everything posted by MarkG3

  1. I know! Just wondered if anyone would be happy to do it and if so how much roughly it'll cost so I can see if its worth it or not
  2. Hello just wondering if anyone on here could do a refinish for me in nitro in black? [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/D58DF29A-361E-4A1F-8CD3-BC3761E3B6C6-14038-00000B2262EAEFBB.jpg[/IMG] About a month or so ago I got the bass out of its case to find a nice big dent and crack in the finish and a nice chunk of finish came away. I've since sanded lightly round the edges to make it smooth and luckily the wood doesn't seem to of been damaged. I'm all for the road worn look but it mysteriously happened while in the case........so it doesn't have a decent story to go with it. Thanks
  3. Traded my Sterling for his Fender Strat. Really nice bloke and had good communication throughout. Thanks again mate!
  4. Yea I would say it was a 1048 but still no idea on that top cab....………
  5. Strings? Leads? Pics? Or £10 off the £600 bass you're about to order?
  6. [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/78D774C7-95D3-4C4A-856F-6FF8B08CE870-1499-000000CA201420E2.jpg[/IMG]
  7. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1354529447' post='1886915'] The 69er will be with me on Friday, just in time for a gig at the weekend. Very Excited! [/quote] I looked on their website and still saw the invisible image, so how will you know if it has arrived??? Will you be the first one to have a 69..................er? Thank you thank you, I'm here all week
  8. It is lovely, the blocks on the neck I think finish it off! Is it a poly finish and how does it play?
  9. Nice one, I will get some more tonight! But incase you haven't seen it here's my thread with a few pictures: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/191053-ft-sterling-ray-34-for-your-highway-one-precision-or-rw-or-a-fender-p-with-maple-neck/page__pid__1886056#entry1886056
  10. [quote name='Ed_S' timestamp='1354437696' post='1885857'] Guaranteed not to be to all tastes, but I've just got this one the way I like it, so thought I'd share... [/quote] lovely, what model is that?
  11. Never seen the top cab before................are the speakers slightly aimed inwards? I would say the 4x10s are usually 1048 or 1048h - 10 inch speakers x 4 at 8ohm then with or without horn
  12. That's pretty interesting, shame there isn't any pictures with their page for visual proof
  13. [quote name='GuyR' timestamp='1353794471' post='1878615'] "Do I need a new bass?" Rhetorical questions do not need a flow chart. [/quote] +1
  14. I would say if you are using a Trace head then I found the pre-shape button changed my old sound loads. I always had it pressed in thinking yea more bass, but it wasn't until years down the line I thought I wonder what it'll sound like with it out. The result was so much better!
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