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Posts posted by MarkG3

  1. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1347226576' post='1798340']

    I was fortunate enough to end up with S9 S12 Bass`s natural wood finish Precision. It`s an awesome bass, and due to the finish being taken off, the resonance from the bass is incredible. I think it would be an ideal recording instrument. However, due to amp breakage, I`m going to have to sell it, so it will be up for grabs in the next few days. Gutted :(

    Ah no! Sorry to hear that mate, hope you get your amp sorted

  2. Hi everyone,

    I have a GB Shuttle 9 and a mac and I would like to record just some simple stuff on garage band.

    What do I need to get this to work, do I just get an xlr lead and plug it in somehow to the mac? I also have an Icicle which is a mini microphone preamp that has xlr to mini USB capability

    The mac only has USB and a headphones socket, do I need to get some sort of mini mixer or is there any other way? Or could I just use the icicle?


  3. After having calmed down from the initial excitement I actually prefer the look of the originals,unless I'm making an image up myself. If the body shape is anything like the epiphone rippers then they are huge.......

    I think these may well be one of those basses I love to hear and look at but don't get on playing................................................but I wouldn't say no to playing on one :)

  4. I can finally join in with this thread :yarr:

    Sterling Ray 34

  5. I've had a Super 12 since around the end of last year and it is amazing! I just can't stop thinking about some mad set-ups as I have 2 amp heads...........

    Super 12 x 2
    Super 12 and Super 15 (Just because)
    Super 12 and Midget x 2
    Super 12 and Compact x 2
    Super 12 and Midget and Compact

    Pretty ridiculous as I'm not doing any gigs or in a band at the moment....................

  6. Thanks!

    Me too Lozz and I'm glad you feel the same with the precision :)

    I've played with this for easily an hour and a half tonight firstly through the cab and then plugged in my headphones and wow! The Active EQ is quality and it really does boost, I didn't think it would boost much, but man it does!

    The neck is so smooth and really quick to move on, I definatly love everything about this bass.

    The only thing I'm going to do is probably lower the pickup a little as when I pick I dig in pretty hard and the pick follows through(lol) onto the pickup but nothing major!

  7. There's a DV247 in High Barnet which had a decent range, but if you can get to central London get down to Denmark Street there's about 5 music shops!! One in particular is Wunjos Bass Guitar Centre had a decent range in there.

    But as already said, a decent Squire would fit in your price range, check the for sale thread here there's always good bargains happening!

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