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Everything posted by MarkG3

  1. Hi everyone, some may of seen my thread about removing the finish on this bass at the start of the year but now I am putting this up for trade. It is a 2007 Fender USA Standard Precision. It's missing the tone knob and has a few dents here and there but nothing major. It is fitted with Schaller strap locks as well. [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/FB44D246-430B-4919-877C-9FE7AF60DAC1-14038-00000B225CC9CF98.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/210C2AC5-EB88-4C97-B337-9104B3014552-14807-00000B67D589D349.jpg[/IMG] Due to removing the finish there is a small gap from the body to the neck it's only about 1mm and doesn't effect the playing. [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/C431E812-387A-4219-BFA6-AE2A9DA607DD-14807-00000B67DC7701AF.jpg[/IMG] I would say the trade value is £500 (please say if I've got this majorly wrong) and I'm looking for a trade for a Sterling Ray 35 or along the lines of a musicman like either of the SUB series I'm in Bucks and would be happy to meet somewhere half way rather than posting. I would want to make sure we both are happy rather than waiting on postage etc Any questions please ask!
  2. 2010 Highway One [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/54A63497-0102-46E0-B434-14541B8EA32F-14038-00000B2268C122B2.jpg[/IMG] 2004 Mike Dirnt [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/D58DF29A-361E-4A1F-8CD3-BC3761E3B6C6-14038-00000B2262EAEFBB.jpg[/IMG] 2007 USA Standard [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/FB44D246-430B-4919-877C-9FE7AF60DAC1-14038-00000B225CC9CF98.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/3AE89B99-7885-4441-B4DB-BC0CF9642DFB-14038-00000B224884569B.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/AFC4927A-0428-4AF1-BBA9-5611A81005B6-14038-00000B22561A4DAA.jpg[/IMG]
  3. [quote name='Spike Vincent' timestamp='1345929924' post='1783363'] [attachment=116616:STD1.jpg] [/quote] Slightly off topic but is that a mk1 fiesta?
  4. [quote name='Highfox' timestamp='1345920767' post='1783220'] Is that not too much of a oneness? lol. Just looking at the headstocks I can see it's not I'm down to 2 P's now one fretted and one fretless, it's hard to let them go! [/quote] Lol at one stage I had 5 precisions.......3 being the same model just in the different colours, so being down to 3 is the lowest I've been for a long time!
  5. [quote name='Chris Horton' timestamp='1345837879' post='1782356'] That is such a cool picture !! [/quote] Thanks I'll try and get them all in one pic.....
  6. [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/933EE400-34CA-44D4-BC92-3BD125B3676B-11742-0000091F25B61B5A.jpg[/IMG]
  7. Played on the 5 string in Wunjos bass centre on Denmark street, very nice bass really smooth to play neck was really nice no sharp frets. Most importantly it sounded really nice, I actually think it sounded better than the £1700 stingray someone was playing at the same time!
  8. [quote name='JimBobTTD' timestamp='1344672191' post='1767733'] Take a look at the Line 6 stuff. I bought a G30 a couple of years ago that has served me very well and hopefully will continue to do so for a good while longer. [/quote] +1
  9. Excellent plenty of videos for me to watch this weekend, haha red dwarf is too good how have I not seen that one? Has miller, Wooten, Sheehan etc etc released any solo bass pieces or 2 piece band esq stuff?
  10. Very nice! Good choice for the silver cloth
  11. Thanks for the links, I especially like The Reddings - The Awakening, I can't find it on iTunes? Any ideas what album it's from?
  12. Thanks for the link, just to clarify I mean actual releases of just solo bass rather than the bass track of a full song.....if that makes sense?
  13. Im sure this has been done before all my google searching hasn't provided much. What songs out there are either solo bass or bass with drums? Example being Anesthesia Pulling Teeth........Any style of music as well
  14. I'm in an originals band and we play as we enjoy it, I don't even think about pay, my pay is someone after saying that was really good and how they enjoyed it. If we turned down all the 'free' gigs, we would of only done about 5 gigs in 11 years.
  15. Ah right thats quality you can do that, I bet that is loud!
  16. That is an epic rig! How do you run both at the same time? Is it something to do with the max series channels?
  17. [quote name='Musicman20' timestamp='1342890746' post='1742504'] Good choice. Great amps. Very very slick. [/quote] Slick is exactly the word I said when I saw this, what cab are you using?
  18. 'you would pay hundreds more for one of these if it was in a shop' £320 for a stagg? That's got to be a piss take......
  19. Thanks! It's still going strong, really love the GB/BF mix! My V6 was amazing........when it worked, I just can't believe the weight of the v6s that would be like 5 or 6 midgets! I reckon you could sell the v6 pretty easily and should be enough for a compact!
  20. It does look cool, bet it sounds just as good
  21. [quote name='intime-nick' timestamp='1342535746' post='1736738'] my rig from our gig last Friday in Coventry :- 2x Barefaced Compact cabs GB Shuttle 9.2 amp Dingwall ABii 5 string Warwick Corvette Pedalboard with EH Microsynth, Sansamp 3 channel bass driver,TC Polytune sounded rather epic.... [/quote] Nice! How tall is that?
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