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Everything posted by MarkG3

  1. Are there any video reviews of these yet?
  2. Haha yes they go slightly more than 2000.......
  3. Nice! +1 to the thumbs up lol, is that a super 12?
  4. Haha 1800 surely they could of at least made it go to 2000........
  5. [quote name='PlungerModerno' timestamp='1341834108' post='1724700'] How about 2 dubsters.... a crossover.... and two big twins. The dubsters get nothing above 200 - 500 Hz... The big twins take 200 - 500 up to the crossover to the mid drivers... and then two tweeters.... It'd go: BT_______________BT BT_______________BT BT_______________BT DD______________ DD DD_____stage_____DD DD_____centre____ DD with the Big twins (BT) on top of the Dubsters (DD). You'd need this big a stage to fire up that monstrosity. EDIT... sorry, this big: BT_____________________________________________BT BT_____________________________________________BT BT_____________________________________________BT DD______________ ______________________________DD DD____________________stage____________________DD DD____________________centre___________________ DD It would overpower most PA's... if given enough juice (hell it would be a fat ass PA system!). I just realized this is a 4 way system (15", 12", 6" and tweeters). Could work.... [/quote] Haha surely it's worth a try, reminds me of the bit in Back To The Future, I would stand well back when turning those bad boys on
  6. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1341618596' post='1722049'] It's something i've always wondered about, i've also wondered about 4 Super 12's in an 8x12 guitar style config, now that would 'cause structural damage. Liam [/quote] That would be more that epic!
  7. Has anyone ever or have rigged up two super 12s? Or would doing this create so much low end and volume that the universe will implode
  8. That G3 just screams coolness, does it really play and sound as cool as it looks? Is it heavy etc I had one of the update epiphone rippers with the p/j pups but don't get on with it, how's the g3 sound with flat eq?
  9. I haven't got experience with CIJ however I absolutely love my Highway One precision, simply the best bass I have played on just feels so nice and sounds great(I have upgraded the pickups) but the stock still sounded good. If the chance is there to A/B them then do
  10. MarkG3


    Nice! The amp looks pretty cool, whats the speaker/s in th3 cab?
  11. Very jealous! Looking forward to the pictures
  12. Looks good mate! The tools at knob level comment made me laugh
  13. Erm I think it was the GLX? Had gold speakers, in fairness it did sound like it had been abused so I didn't want to add to it so stopped using it. For me I've got a sound I like in my head from the super 12 and it's easily noticeable when I'm not using it
  14. I've just finished a band practice which I didn't take my super 12 and had to use a GK 4x10 Which to me sounded sh*te and couldn't get a decent tone that I can get with all 12 o clock settings on my shuttle 9, I got the bloke there to change the cab as to be fair it sounded like it was on the way out, then gave me a Warwick 4x10 which sounded like I had plugged my lead into a nice wet turd. So in my experience my super 12 beats any cab I have played weather that's a 4x10 x1 or x2 or a 1x15 and 4x10 or 2x10 x 1 or x2............. I think you may get the point I'm tired so excuse my rambling
  15. [quote name='Ben Jamin' timestamp='1340835825' post='1710455'] Also a big Muse fan, Chris Wolstenholme got me into bass years ago. However: Yep, definitely made of cheese. But that's the point really I guess, got to love it! [/quote] Haha quality, I only heard the first 30 seconds and I have to agree with Wallace although the Mrs is a Huge fan and said it got pretty epic towards the end as it kept building and building, I was too busy flipping the fish fingers to hear it......
  16. [quote name='uncle psychosis' timestamp='1340131729' post='1699749'] [i]Legally [/i]they are totally different scenarios. If I walk into the Louvre, take a really, really good photo of the Mona Lisa, and then print it out and send it to my mum then have I stolen anything? Is my mum a thief? Speaking as someone who owns a *lot* of music (all bought and paid for) and as a musician who has music out there for sale, it really pisses me off when people try and claim that all downloading is bad and completely and utterly immoral. Many moons ago, someone gave me a CDR of a band named Bis. It contained their first album. I loved it. Since then I have bought every single record they've ever released---cd and LP---and been to see them a half dozen times (again next month, hooray ). I'm probably one of the best fans they could have. But it would never have happened if someone hadn't infringed their copyright and given me a copy all those years ago. [/quote] I do agree with you, I think music sharing between friends and actively illegally downloading music has its differences. I think in your case as say you got given a copy which led you onto buying all their songs which IMO is ok and I've done the same. But I think say you got given that copy then thought I'm not buying any of their songs I'll just download it all for free - to me that's the difference
  17. I didn't read all of it, but my view is that downloading music illegally is stealing, say I illegally downloaded one full album, that to me is stealing that album, walking into a cd shop and picking up the same album and walking out with it without paying is stealing. Again IMO
  18. Looks really nice mate! Nice piano as well
  19. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1339356286' post='1687381'] For my own personal use, I agree with chris b, and say 300 watts minimum. Cab-wise, either a 2x12 or 4x10. But, a 150 watt combo, into either a single 15 inch speaker, or two 10 inch speakers should be loud enough in many bands. And if you buy on here, when you have enough money to upgrade (because you will, as we all do) you`ll be able to sell it on again for approx what you paid for it, whereas with new gear, instant depreciation. [/quote] So for my serious reply +1 to Lozz
  20. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1338402547' post='1674083'] Why do you think he's an arse? Feel like what? [/quote] The fact in the OP he said he feels like a failure as a bassist which is why i said he shouldn't be made to feel like that and to me it sounds like the guitarist is an arse for making him feel this way.
  21. [quote name='silddx' timestamp='1338378458' post='1673482'] But there is creative and CREATIVE right? The guitarist sounds like a great songwriter, and he got signed (although it depends on the nature of the deal) on the strength of these songs. Really good songwriters and performers are hard to find, and they often have a few marbles missing in the comms and diplomacy dept. just put up with it. It's all very well having a lovely time, but after three years of no progress with an average band, you'll be looking elsewhere, unless you're just a hobbyist, but the OP sounds like he has a bit of ambition. [/quote] But then it's all well and good being 'signed' but if the blokes an arse why put up with it? I agree it sounds like he has an ambition, but no-one should be made to feel like that. Yea there will be disagreements but if every one is on the same page who's to say you can't enjoy it and be ambitious? It's not a case of one or the other In my experience
  22. Keep playing bass no matter who says what, I would sack the band off, to me music is about being creative and in a band sounding good as a band and not at the expense of the other band mates. I may well be bullshitting but I swear I read that the guitard from System of a down records all the bass tracks so it is 'tight' But the end of the day you shouldn't be made to feel like that and I'm sure if you keep looking and use this as experience you'll find some people that all value each other.
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