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Posts posted by MarkG3

  1. [quote name='Old Horse Murphy' timestamp='1336323049' post='1644010']
    My latest trio including a brace of P Basses. From left to right is my 98 Stingray Fretless, a 2012 Shuker JJ Burnel Signature and my 1989 body/2008 neck P Bass.

    The 89 P Bass is and always will be my go-to No. 1 bass. The Stingray is a wonderful instrument and joins the "not going anywhere club" too. Whether the Shuker joins remains to be seen, although from first impressions there's a strong possibility it will :)

    Your black pbass is lovely! Always liked the black/tort combo B)

  2. [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/Fender%20Highway%20One%204th%20May%2012/photo6.jpg[/IMG]
    Belt rash has grown loads since the last pics

  3. Thought I would take a few new pics :)

    The light spot nearest to the black above and in-between the bridge and scratchplate has randomly appeared so I'm wondering if it's finally starting to wear......

  4. Both :)

    But as others have said, is the second cab needed? as if you are happy with your amps then I would say leave it as it is and try and test both basses out

  5. [quote name='Happy Jack' timestamp='1335186154' post='1626835']
    The correct answer is, of course, 328.

    327 basses are manageable, but hit that magic number of 328 and everything goes pear-shaped.

    Don't ask me how I know.

    Good thing you said that as I always thought 326 was the magic number

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