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Posts posted by MarkG3

  1. There were a few times when my band had just started out, none of us could drive and we had a gig that was only us playing so we needed transport - luckily we had all our own gear PA included. Our drummers brother at the time had a sprinter and drove us so we lugged all the gear in the back. All was good until I was locked in the back in the pitch black for the entire journey with all the gear moving around and only a bungee chord to hold onto :ph34r: Was really funny and as the guitarist and drummer + drummers brother could hear me they decided to go round a roundabout for about 5 minutes :lol:

    Then on the trip home the band got locked in the back and drove around which was a laugh!

    Another time which I can't even remember why but I ended up in the boot with the bass drum and toms on top of me with my face pressed up against the back window. I did get some funny looks from the drivers behind B)

  2. Lol and what is a 'proper' bass then :)

    If I don't touch anything there is no buzz.
    If I touch a pole piece with my finger there's a slight buzz.
    If the string touches a pole piece and is held there, then there is no sound if I hit any string - like someone has turned the amp off

    I mean there won't be a situation where the string is constantly on the pickups anyway!

  3. Hello,

    I randomly came across this earlier with my Highway One with the Delano pups that there is absolutely zero buzz from the pups! Excellent then I touched the pole piece and it buzzed a little but nothing excessive. Then as I had the strings loose the string was magnetised to the pup and if the string was in contact with the pole piece there would be no sound......

    Is this normal or some weird wiring problem, I fitted the pups myself and follwed the instructions for which wire goes where etc

    It doesn't really effect when I play as I have the pups low just I thought this was weird!


  4. [quote name='Rick's Fine '52' timestamp='1333295906' post='1599665']
    Having just taken delivery of a '52 TV Bassman, thought i'd post a pic of it with my '52 Precision, nice set, the original complete Bass Rig, all in remarkable condition. Thought I'd share, as I'm a happy bunny today, now i've paired these two together....



  5. I've had experience with the old, AH300-7,V6, two 4x10s and a 2x10 and new, AH600-12, 4x10 and 1x15c.

    Both old and new were and are excellent. I don't think you could go wrong with any Trace tbh but the older stuff does seem to go for quite cheap on here and also on ebay!

  6. Funnily enough I saw this yesterday but didn't have a look. It is terrible and the wear just, to me, clearly looks as though someone has gone mad with a sander on a no-name neck and stuck a decal on it! Or just ruined a perfectly good neck!

  7. Thanks B)

    So after a little play the first thing I noticed about the sound was that it seems to have way more 'balls' than before - more powerful almost as though I've upgraded the pups.........With all my basses I roll a little bit off the tone control just to smooth it out a little bit and did the same with this bass!

    I wouldn't say it sounds better than my Highway One with the Delanos though

    So overall I am very happy with how it has turned out!

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