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Posts posted by MarkG3

  1. All done! I'm really pleased with how it has turned out :D


  2. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1332436329' post='1588406']
    Anybody got a pic of the new Jade Pearl Metallic finish? I'm thinking British Racing Green. Would look great with a black plate and maple neck methinks.

    That would look good! have I missed something or is the only noticeable change the pickups?

  3. Thanks rubis! I had looked into Tru oil but went for the Danish oil instead!

    More pics - Light sanding and now 4 coats of oil on


    I have decided that I won't put any more coats of oil on now as I like how it looks so beeswax is next on the list!

  4. [quote name='nottswarwick' timestamp='1332275171' post='1586030']
    I did indeed try all 3. My Stingray sounded too harsh and honky through the GB Shuttle 12t combo I started out on. Great amp, that, by the way, but not for me, too detailed. Really, the rest is just a sorry tale of temptation, to-ing and fro-ing around the shop, listening to Mark talking to a visiting rep (who was, it turned out, Albert Lee's son (Country Picking leg-end)). And then, as with all things in life, the inevitable happened and a deal was struck.


    Excellent that's the best way to do it B)

    Nice pics as well!

  5. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1332263291' post='1585774']
    All sounds very exciting Chris, however.....




    I have to say the two times I have gone to bass direct I have come away with something! Look forward to seeing the pics! So was it the intention to get a bass, amp and cab?

    Just seen above you said cab B) but was it by chance you tried all three?

  6. I don't see anything wrong with using youtube!

    One thing you could do is use the program guitar pro as you can repeat certain sections and slow the tempo down - I'm sure there are other programs that do the same thing as well.

    Good luck with it it is quick! I don't know how to play it though just a rough version of the main riff......

  7. I have found this?


    Same thing but the description on Homebase says it's tung oil

  8. Thanks both of you I think it is alder but I could well be wrong! There doesn't seem to be dips in the grain it is just smooth so I don't think it would need filling - As I have seen some guitars/basses where there are dips and ridges in the grains.

    I'll look into the oils and see what I can find!


  9. Hello everyone,

    I am currently working on my USA pbass and have decided on keeping it as a natural finish. I have sanded the body down to the wood so now I would like to get the wood a little brighter, like if you were to get a damp cloth and wipe the wood. Do I need to use beeswax or wood stain? Or what's the best option here? Once that is done will it be ok to then spray lacquer over the top? I have done some searching on this but still didnt feel I had an answer.


  10. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1332179845' post='1584417']
    It's gonna take you another 3-4 hours to clean up the bridge & all the bits covered in crap - why didn't you put them somewhere out of the sh1te storm? :P :o :rolleyes:

    [quote name='untune' timestamp='1332181514' post='1584457']
    I was thinking the same thing :lol:

    Either way, hats off for hand sanding... never underestimate the power of Weetabix, eh

    :gas: woops, I only realised I had left them there until I had pretty much finished so I figured it was a bit late to move them B)

    Anyone have any ideas about the wood varnish?

  11. haha thanks!

    A few more pictures from another few hours of sanding!


    Now after I saw this grain I have changed my mind about painting it black as now I want to keep it natural! So what would be a good varnish to use just to bring the colour of the wood out a little? After doing that I'll spray some lacquer on!

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