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Everything posted by MarkG3

  1. I would have found it hard to of walked away from it! But I know what you mean some basses I play just feel like, yea its ok but...... Where when I played on my highway one I literally was stunned kinda like how it sounds you were!
  2. MarkG3

    New amp day

    Nice! What will you be plugging that into?
  3. [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/Fender%20USA%20Pbass%20refinish/IMAG0865.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/Fender%20USA%20Pbass%20refinish/IMAG0866.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/Fender%20USA%20Pbass%20refinish/IMAG0868.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i1172.photobucket.com/albums/r569/S9_S12_Bass/Fender%20USA%20Pbass%20refinish/IMAG0869.jpg[/IMG]
  4. Hello, so I decided to refinish my USA Pbass as I didn't like the finish and it had seen better days. It currently has a tortoiseshell scratchplate and my original idea was to keep the body natural but I reckon It would look better in black. This is my progress so far! All hand sanded
  5. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ9_JCn5KMM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ9_JCn5KMM[/url] Are you looking to buy just one cab? Will it be a standalone or will it be paired with something else?
  6. The 1518c is easy to carry with two arms and even ok with one but the 4x10 is a struggle by yourself unless you're Hulk Hogan!
  7. Hi Mark, I have owned a new Trace stack 4x10h+1x15 compact and an old stack 4x10h with red stripe and carpet + 4x10 in tolex no red stripe. The tones I got from both stacks were great and saw many gigs and each time held up to all of them and were happy being lugged around in and out of cars/vans. The only reason why I got the new style cabs(although I don't have them anymore) is because the older cabs were really heavy, but the newer 4x10 is still a bit of a beast but about 6kg lighter I believe than the older ones. The 1x15 compact was pretty light. I can't comment on the horns as I always turned them off/had them on lowest I could. I don't think I have a preference over either but my new style cabs sold really cheaply on ebay, so it's worth having a look on there as there is always Trace stuff on there or the for sale section here. Hope that helps!
  8. That is mad! How can it run three? I can see the Trace head and an Ampeg, I take it it's a case of running them all and connecting all the amps up? Ah yea I see that it's a BFC now Even so that is a quality setup!
  9. That is quality! I would love to one day have a room just like that!
  10. [quote name='Bobo_Grimmer' timestamp='1331484060' post='1573492'] She wasn't working for a while but she's back baby! so very happy to be playing through the trace again. i thought i'd share some new pictures of her. [attachment=102212:IMG_2308.JPG][attachment=102211:IMG_2388.JPG][attachment=102210:IMG_2401.JPG][attachment=102209:IMG_2400.JPG][attachment=102208:IMG_2399.JPG][attachment=102207:IMG_2398.JPG] [/quote] I bet that makes a fair bit of noise! Two 8x10s!
  11. It does look good, when was the newer Hoppus released?
  12. Looking good! When did Fender change the Hoppus bass? I've only just noticed that the scratchplate is all one piece rather than the jazz usual!
  13. I would be worried about putting another speaker in incase it gets damaged, I would take it to a tech and see what they say. Was there any weird smells with it like a burning?
  14. Haha I love the drummers face! Nice bass! Almost looks white I had to double check you said honey blonde I agree about the white scratchplate, I've never been a huge fan of them either. [quote name='D.I. Joe' timestamp='1331229159' post='1569948'] hahahaha (Sorry - saw that emoticon and had to use it!) [/quote] Haha classic, when you can get some more pics of yours!
  15. I've just been checking this bass out again, it is beautiful! How does she play now you've had a few weeks with her?
  16. Very nice mate I do like the colour of the Hoppus bass! Just a question what's the benefits of the pup on the Hoppus being reversed? Is it to beef the D and G up? Also is the stacked knobs your own upgrade or is this another change Fender made to the Hoppus bass? +1 for the bed sheets
  17. Hi mate! Welcome to the forums mate! Nice selection of gear! There's a thread for Highways in the gear porn section(which I started ) so I would love to see yours in there! Richie Cunningham
  18. Seeing and hearing this cab in the London Astoria in 2001/02 was what made me start on the Trace Elliot journey! Good luck with the sale mate!
  19. [quote name='Doctor J' timestamp='1330861825' post='1563833'] They should be throwing a few free sessions your way as an apology. [/quote] +1
  20. Both are nice but I especially like that maple neck with the block inlays!
  21. Really don't like the look of the decal, just looks like someone has put it on the p*ss
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