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Posts posted by MarkG3

  1. Had a phone call from Trace today who were really helpful, I have to say despite my frustrations I'm glad that their customer service is actually good and they want to make sure this is sorted.

    They assured me that everything was replaced and that the guy on the phone was actually there watching it being tested and repaired.

    So basically they have invited me up to their HQ tomorrow to bring the amp my cab and my GB S9 as well to show that the issue is isolated to the head. I think that is quality that they have offered that and they are going to make sure the managers are there to see me as well and to try and sort this out.

  2. Ok so I sent the amp back to Trace Elliot last week, had a phone call yesterday saying they can't find anything wrong with it but have replaced all the internals so if it still does it, I am told it must be a problem at my end.

    Ok so I just got the amp back and..........yes it's still f***ed, same old noise that I can make within 2 seconds of turning the amp on.

    I thought ok I'll give TE the benefit of the doubt and change speaker leads and bass leads. Nope still making the same old noise distorting in time with the second LED on the gain.

    Now its funny how my Genz Benz S9 doesn't make any horrible noises with the exact same leads and bass? Sounds to me like I'm being fobbed off.

    I have sent a pretty frustrated email to Trace asking what the bloody hell is going on or does it take all this effort to repair a very expensive amp?

    I apologise if the swearing offends but this is ridiculous.

    I have asked Trace what can I expect from them for this inconvenience.

  3. [quote name='tredders' timestamp='1330128886' post='1553296']
    I've had more of a play with the bass tonight, and the combination of the Delanos and P Retro is fantastic. Going from playing Specials tunes (bass boost, treble cut) to Green Day (typical trebley clanky P bass sound) to Jackson 5 stuff with a quick tweak of the controls. I'm not how much of it is down to the pups and how much of it is down to the P Retro, but it's an excellent pairing.

    I have no idea what the colour is called. By some coincidence (or fate!), I was after a light blue paint job, and it just so happened Jon had a Precision body in exactly the colour I was looking for. The black hardware was Jon's idea, and I think it looks great against the blue.

    Excellent, I do like the black hardware actually the blue/black has given me some ideas......... B)

  4. +1 for the mids, but also the guitarists having their eq with bass on 10 isn't really helping. I understand they don't want to sound like wasps in a tin can but if there is a lot of squealing that should be sending a signal to them that their eq ain't working. Ask them to turn the gain down a bit and the bass down as then their sounds will mix better and probably sound better as well. IMO a band should sound good as a band and not as individual instruments sounding great at the expense of others.

  5. [quote name='tredders' timestamp='1330118484' post='1553152']
    The Delanos are passive, but the bass is fitted with a John East P Retro. Bit more info on the pups here: [url="http://bit.ly/luCdV3"]http://bit.ly/luCdV3[/url] and the P Retro here: [url="http://bit.ly/ywyPH1"]http://bit.ly/ywyPH1[/url]

    If you're ever in the Warwick area, you're welcome to come and try it out for yourself and have a listen :)



    Nice one thanks Mark! I'm thinking about going for the PMVC 4 FE/M2 so it's good to hear that the similar pups sound good! But without taking the focus away from the thread, you have a lovely looking bass. What is the name of the blue?

  6. All very nice Dave, I have to agree with you on that scratchplate on the precision, it doesn't really do the bass justice! I really like that red/black on the jazz what colour red is that? Also how long did it take for that bit of finish to wear to the wood?

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