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Posts posted by MarkG3

  1. Great the issue is still there thanks TE.....I worked out the problem after 2 minutes of playing, basically if the second led is lit on the gain it distorts and crackles and this snycs exactly in time with the second led going out. As it crackles the led flickers on and off then as soon as either the led below or above it comes on it stops.

    So 3 weeks my amps been away and it takes me all of 2 minutes to find the probable answer. Makes me wonder how long TE looked at it for.....

  2. Amp wise I'm sorted.

    Bass wise I'm gassing bad for a 2band eq Stingray with a maple neck especially after playing on one the other day that played and sounded beautifully, unfortunately there's that small issue of having the £££

  3. Just shows how ignorant people are towards music - Peoples brains just get filled with the sh*t from X factor and Britains got talent and just think the people who 'sing' on the shows are everything and filled with talent. I think it's pretty disgusting that Macca isn't known considering what he has accomplished as a musician. Ok you may not like him but at least know who the f*** he is!

  4. Yea they do get bloody hot :ph34r: I would of thought so, basically with the heatgun I've got it had a scraper thing for the end so as It was heating the plastic up I could just lift the finish off. Then once I had gone all round doing that I set to work on the sanding

  5. Thanks to you both, Chris it took me 5 days to get it pretty much done then about 10 or so days just to wait on some parts I had got to put on. It is hard work but it's good to look back and think yea I did that B) I got a heatgun from screwfix really cheap which made removing the finish pretty easy - that and the sanding took the longest

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