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Posts posted by MarkG3

  1. [quote name='Johnston' timestamp='1325720239' post='1486782']

    Flats on a Dirnt a winning combination :i-m_so_happy: :sun_bespectacled:

    Thanks!, I always used rounds until about 2 years ago where I made the change to flats on my basses - so much better all round, I just love them!

  2. I first saw a Trace Elliot rig at the London Astoria in about 2001 and it was a BFC cab and I think a 12 band eq head but didn't know the model. Just from looks alone I wanted to have that set up or at least have something Trace Elliot, I was blown away by the tone that night and that started my love for the Green/Black that is TE.

    My first loud combo was a Trace Elliot Commando 15, about 11 years ago, I was using this at practices and for gigs and always did me well. Then my first amp head and cab were a Trace Elliot Ah300-7 and a 1048h which I got around 10 years ago and only have recently sold them onto a mate. For about 2 years I hooked the commando up with the ah3007 and the 4x10 and this served me well until I got myself another 4x10.

    Then around 2004 I was looking through some forums about Trace and was reading about the V4,V6 and V8s and their rareness but also how amazing they sound so I just happened to look on ebay and there was a good condition V6 with a matter of hours left. £400 later the V6 was mine and I couldn't wait to get it and plug it in.

    The V6 was my first ever valve head and still is today and the improvement in my tone was massive, such a powerful tone that I loved. I used the V6 with the two 4x10s for around a year or so gigging regularly and then the valves died, so out came the AH300-7 happy that it saw a venue again. The V6 then sat around for about 4 years or so in my house until I could get the ££ together to send it to a tech and have it re-valved.

    I picked up a brand new Trace Elliot AH600-12, 1518c and 1048h(800 watt version) about a year and a half ago and did a few practices and a handful of gigs with them and was pleased with the sound and liked the fact it had a pre-amp valve but always in the back of my mind it wasn't the same tone as the V6.

    Then mid last year I got the V6 back up and running and at the first gig of using it with the 1048h and 1518c I was getting compliments from everyone at the venue, other bands and audience members about how good my bass sounded. I have to agree that I have never had a better tone - pretty middy but not ridiculous then with the V6 having a natural overdrive adding to it. There is no issue with hearing this thing!

    The only issues I was having was the weight of the cabs as the 4x10 esp is about a ton give or take a few grams :rolleyes: so looking through this forum I saw everyone was talking about Barefaced and how good they are - I know this is a TE thread so I won't invade it with other stuff but my V6 + Barefaced super 12 is hands down the best sound I have had and just this set up alone beats all the other cab configurations I have had in the past. So enough talking here's what everyone wants......

  3. I absolutely love Precisions, so here are my two favourites :

    Fender 2010 Highway One - Best bass I have ever played, everything about it is beautiful and I love how the finish shows the use it has had. Quite a few dents and gouges in the finish along the bottom from gigging, scratch plate has a lot of pick marks(although you can't see them that much in the pics), the finish is coming away on the back from belt rash and where my arm/wrist rubs on the body it is buffing the finish so probably will start wearing through soon. This bass sounds perfect and has a nice weight to it.

    Fender 2004 Mike Dirnt sig - great bass I have had this since 2004 and it saw me through a lot of gigs from 04-06, have recently put a set of chrome flats on there and that has improved the playability and tone a lot - always used to use rounds. The only downside for this bass is the weight but that's due to the ash body.



  4. [quote name='dafonky' timestamp='1322938975' post='1457598']
    Hi, I like these pre CBS worn P's and J's ...

    here we go:

    That is how a precision should look! I have saved the picture of it onto my computer! Hope you don't mind!

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