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Everything posted by MarkG3

  1. Any ideas where I can find one that screws in? The standard size is way too big so something that's half the size. Will be going on a single coil pbass. Thanks
  2. Without me sounding stupid but how would they be able to increase individual tracks through compression? I guess they've probably got a whole lot of tech stuff to enable them to do it. It's weird how there could be different versions on the albums, I love hearing demos and all that stuff!
  3. So on a few tracks I've heard on the radio there's been some things that I have noticed different to the versions off the album. I don't mean like radio edits or clean versions I'm talking about the mix. On three separate songs I have noticed these following things, any input as to why this happens would be good. When I Come Around - Green Day The bass track was quite considerably louder than the album version, I can pick the notes ok from the album but this version I didn't even need to try to hear it. Mercy - Muse Same as above, I think the bass is quiet on this song especially in the intro where the drums seem to shadow the bass. But again on the radio the bass track was significantly louder and could hear it note for note Revolt - Muse Similar thing but with the backing vocals/harmonies in the chorus. I can faintly pick out some but on the radio the BV are almost the same level as the lead vocal. Any reasons why this would be and is there anyway of finding these tracks with the boosted parts? I've searched YouTube but had no luck Thanks!
  4. For me it's Foo Fighters - Nate Mendel. They have a handful of great songs but I always get the image of, Nate rocking awkwardly with his wrist glued to his bass, come to mind when I listen to them or when I watch on YouTube it puts me off watching
  5. Any other ideas would be great too
  6. Thanks everyone, I've ordered those sticks to see if they make any difference. I've put up spare carpet around the kit on the walls to hopefully absorb some of the sound
  7. So far no one has complained about it, I just want to make sure I'm as quiet as possible. It's on the first floor of a house so no one underneath or next to the wall that it's against, next door is joined on the opposite wall. Has anyone have any experience with anything else?
  8. Would using hot rods help reduce the stick noise on the hi hat and cymbals on my electric kit? I've tried using the rubber 'silent' tips and they don't make any change Thanks
  9. The new m and s advert has some of the tracks removed including the da do do backing singing so you can just hear the bass. Sounds to me like a standard tone with no effects
  10. I didn't see that the email said mid September. I also asked about any deals in terms of paying over a couple of months and Alex said not at the moment but they are working on it.
  11. Want! I've asked if there's an estimated delivery time......
  12. I think the easiest and cheapest way is just to have the bridge pickup on solo. But as others have said, it won't sound exactly like it unless you've got the right pickup in the right spot!
  13. That red is lovely!
  14. Got a boss ls2 from Jose, works great. Really quick at responding and postage was super quick and came the next day. Thanks again, Mark
  15. Is this still available? Pmd
  16. I played with a drummer that could play smashing the drums and only smashing the drums, he would probably be louder than Motorhead without being mic'd up. Even on quiet songs he would come in wayyyy louder than everyone else, was always a laugh between me and two mates who are also drummers and can play at a decent level. I like loud, but there's a limit and he was way off in the distance. Unfortunately in my experience suggesting to play a little quieter works for about 10 seconds
  17. [quote name='EliasMooseblaster' timestamp='1433929285' post='2795086'] I wonder whether you have the same problem I do: I can hear the melody I want to sing in my head, but I have trouble translating that to what my vocal cords do. [/quote] Exactly the same as me!
  18. I can't stand her, to me it just sounds like she's always out of tune. Use some vibrato yes but it's almost like she's always doing it
  19. Man ace of spades was painfully slow
  20. Ah ha thanks hadn't thought of recording off YouTube. I hope they remix it properly as I would happily pay for the tracks that I like.
  21. Does anyone know where I can find the files or have the versions with the original added bass to download? I've searched on Google and found a couple of sites but they seem to only load popups
  22. That is biggest bargain ever! If I had £400 I would more than happily have this!,but gutted I can't I'm sure this will go really quickly, good luck with the sale
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