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Micky b

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Everything posted by Micky b

  1. Fantastic idea! cheers jposega.
  2. Mmm.. good point. I have a feeling they may have booked the flights already.
  3. Hi folks, wondering if you could help. A friend at work has bought his 17 year old nephew an ibenez as I surprise present. Said nephew is due over to the uk in a couple of weeks from Ireland. Any ideas how he should get the bass home to Ireland. It’s a £175 bass so any ideas of booking extra seats or buying expensive hard cases will outweigh the cost of the bass. Any pearls of wisdom gladly accepted. Many thanks Mick.
  4. Ah! Yes indeed lozz. It's an Olympic white body, tort pick guard and rosewood board. Deep joy!!
  5. Thanks for all the input guys! And Lozz your pearls of wisdom where much appreciated. I final decided on a second hand 2015 am standard, purchased from a nice chap in Milton Keynes - through Reverb. Had a rehearsal this week with the full band. And it sounded awesome! V happy boy! Thanks again Mick.
  6. Great feedback peeps! Much appreciated. I also couldn't seem to find an American standard online anywhere. Thanks again Mick.
  7. Hi folks, I've finally scrapped enough cash together for a p bass. I was thinking of trying out the a new American pro. Has anyone tried these, and have any thoughts regarding build quality and if there worth the doe? Cheers.
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