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Everything posted by attackbass

  1. I am intrigued by these preamps but I hardly use the darkglass pre in my LT occasionally just a crack of treble and bass. My bass is mellower but I do quite like it
  2. Hi Leon, Im afraid I'm away on tour the majority of November.
  3. Are you reading the tab for it? If you are I would suggest just using your ears. Some times our eyes can over complicated the simplest things!
  4. I've used one of these at Glastonbury last year and to be brutally honest I was very underwhelmed by it. Seemed to lack a lot of punch and definition. I could hear bass but just not with any clarity. It looked cool but I think there's probably a lot of better cabs out there!
  5. That headstock is not to my taste but there is something I like about these basses though I would never play one myself, I think it's cool somebody is trying to build something that looks a little different! That body shape sort of looks like a cross of a fodera monarch and a spector ns2.
  6. I bought a EA amp and aguilar cab from there many moons ago and it was all fine. Except the EA arrived in a padded envelope but the amp was absolutely fine incredibly. I've been interested in a few basses there before. I emailed them about the basses and they provided very detailed photos. Would love to go their one day!
  7. Got the Cioks Sol today and just set it up with the QC and I am amazed by how quiet the device is now. I thought the QC was quiet with the standard power supply but it definitely a next step up. I'm assuming that this is due to the Cioks being grounded. Either way very pleased I took the plunge. Now I just need to figure out if I fix it under the board or on top... it looks quite cool!
  8. Yeah I don't think there's anything wrong with it, other than being a big powersupply on my board. I tucked the wire safely away to avoid any accidents. More of an issue was having to run two power adaptors for other units and not always having enough plugs at venues or in really awkward places. Also just set up and pack down times, sometimes it's a real rush and I just want to be able to make that as easy as possible. If it was just the Quad I maybe wouldn't have bothered and just bought a spare adapter...
  9. Bump! Been using this quite a bit the last year. It definitely makes me sound better and adds a sonic tactile feel (if such a thing is possible) when I play through it but holding on to boutique bits of gear I use when I feel like it, is frankly ridiculous when I have a whole load of more important things in life to spend money! Who do I think I am, Jannek Gwizdala?!🤣 So it's still available and still working as it should be!
  10. Well, a beer and a number of gigs coming in for the year this evening lead to me buying a Cioks Sol and some of the required cables for powering the Quad with an outlet still free to power my sansamp. Figured, once I've messed around buying cheap power supplies and the hassle and time of sorting it all out and sold my true tone cs7 it seemed like a logical solution 😅
  11. Yeah I've seen those! They look cool but I would never trust it on a big stage or on tour. Once you've set up, gone through soundcheck, accidentally left it on and player a show I think I would be nearing the end of batteries charge. I actually had one of the old rockboard ones and it just went mid gig, loud bang through the PA, fully charged and the dead as a door nail. I should really buying a proper £200 power supply but just very skint at the moment!
  12. Ha yeah! I used the Quad Cortex with the power supply plugged into the wall when a camera man during a session stepped on it and gave me a heart attack! I then set it up on my board so it was fairly protected but it's pretty big sat on my board and I never have totally faith in that cable!
  13. Quad cortex is centre negative
  14. Thanks Dood, very helpful. Are you using something fancier live?
  15. Seems that the Cioks is the way to go, just don't want to spend that amount or money on something like that right now. I think if I decide to keep the QC after the summer I may look at the Canvas HP.
  16. What is everyone using to power the QC? Decided to give it another go for the summer of gigs,festivals and wedding gigs this year and want to upgrade the power supply to something a bit more sturdy, that i can hide under the baordand that I can get the whole board down to one plug. I also don't want to go down the insanely costly power supply route at the moment! Has anyone used the Myvolts power supply? I found another one on Farnell which has the standard iec kettle lead input rather than the 2 pin but not sure if that makes much difference. I would say I've found the QC power supply fine other than the awareness of it on my board and haven't experienced any noise from the lack of ground...
  17. I didn't think my post would set off such a discussion! 🤣 I'm going to persevere or at least hold off selling it for now.. I started to think what pedals I need (some or which I already have) and it was suddenly going to be a big pedalbiarc again! I don't think you can win! The real thing that will make me sell it is having just seem how much my toddlers nursery fees are going up in April!
  18. HA! Yeah I know what you mean about selling a pedal and then suddenly lusting after delays and filters! That's slightly party of the indecision about moving the Quad on! I guess I'm weighing up, selling it and having a word with myself about what I really only need and buying a couple of standard pedals. I hated pre QC where I was always buying pedals and having to rearrange my board so maybe I just need to shut myself from the Internet bass world! Lol.
  19. I'm considering moving on my Quad Cortex... I think it's an amazing unit both in terms of functionality and sounds but I sometimes get sucked into elaborate setups and spending time tweaking it and making effect chains only to find I never use any of this stuff on actual gigs. I find it also draws me away from actually practicing at home and find myself tweaking it constantly. I love it but more as expensive toy than a useful tool, probably due to my brain and personality! The potential final nail in the coffin was last weekend. I had a fly gig up to Scotland and all I could take was a bass and whatever gear I could fit into hand luggage. So I took up my Sansamp BDDI and a tuner, plugged it into the rented backline and was blown away by the sound, how easy it was to dial in and all the techs knew what to do with a Sansamp when it came to plugging it all in. I think probably at most all I ever need is a preamp/di, drive and maybe an octave pedal and so mulling over whether the Quad is just a bit overkill for me!
  20. My vote would be the V2 Bass Driver. It's been a while since I previously used the V1 Bass Driver but the V2 sounded more natural and versatile at getting warm and driven bass tones without sounding harsh and overly scooped. I don't know if the drive is slightly differently voiced or if the taper of the pot is different but I'm finding it very much easier to dial in. Currently setting is all eq flat, 2 o clock blend, 9 o clock on the drive. Also using as my first pedal like doug wimbish and finding it works really well like that, surprisingly!
  21. Anyone here with a euro lt5 changed the pickups and preamp out for soapbar EMG P and J pickups and the LHZ preamp? Don't really have a problem with the bass other than the tone seems very round whenever I heat it back in a live mix. When I hear the emg haz basses the seem to have the more classic emg sound.
  22. I play a 5 string for most of my gigs because I need the range and because for one artist, they like the tone and look of my Spector 5. That being said I prefer playing my 64 P Bass and have used it down tuned for some gigs. I'm happy to play both, and there is a slightly different approach to playing both
  23. £450 to get this out of my house! 🤣
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