I am new to the forum and this is my first post, go easy!
I have been playing bass on and off for around 6 years, I started up in a new band in March 2011 after a year of being out of the scene.
I have noticed that I seem to get pains in my wrist and palm of my left hand when I play, I have always thought the frets on this particular bass were larger than previous basses that I have had.I had overheard someone mention Jumbo frets but I am unsure if they actually exist on fenders (or at all for that matter) or if the pain is down to my technique or if thats the way Fenders are made.
I am looking for some help regarding basses which may have smaller frets, or if its do with the amount of frets on the bass or the length of the neck, I am looking in the market for a new bass so any help would be appreciated, I would obvisouly like to go for a Bass similar in quality to my Fender, but with smaller frets/neck.
Any ideas?