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Everything posted by jimcroisdale

  1. Hiya all, Current rig - Streamliner 600 into Neox 212. Sorted for the last few years and no forum trawling needed - powerful, lightweight and nice sounding. Now I have a new (smaller) car and a new band that *generally* runs a large PA that I DI into. So, I want a *slightly* smaller cab. I think 2in smaller (front to back) than the Neox will mean it will fit in the boot of the Panda without having the seats down. Boom - childseat bonus. What are my deal breakers? I need fat bass in the small of my back. I need that fat sound that makes you play lightly, not hammer the strings. Tone, pah, that's the punter's problem :-) Neo speakers are a must too, unless the cab is made from Pink Wafer biscuits... Regards, Jim
  2. I used to work in a photography shop many years ago. people would regularly come in with old photos they wanted scanning and the first thing we did was clean them with lighter fluid right before their eyes. They were almost always absolutely shocked!! Worked great though :-)
  3. Hi all, I need a cheap and simple mixer so that I can combine my bass output with my iPod output before sending both to my headphones. Just really needs two volume knobs and that's it. One 3.5mm stereo input and one 1/4" jack, and a 3.5mm output. Any ideas? Cheap as possible! Cheers, Jim
  4. Could be a loose fret somewhere?
  5. Not had my hands on one yet, but I have been tempted by the various cheap necks on eBay - both guitar and bass. As many have suggested, I'm sure the machining will be okay, it's probably just the fret and nut finishing that will leave something to be desired. If you don't mind paying some attention to these areas yourself, these necks could be worth a look. That said, I bet they are hit and miss when it comes to the quality and straightness of the wood. Many will remain okay after manufacture and some will warp all over the place. If you could arrange to view before purchase that would be the best way, but looking at other similar auctions on eBay, even the ones that claim to be UK shippers are Chinese companies, so while the necks may actually be sat in a warehouse in the UK, you won't be able to go look at them and pick the best. Buyer beware and all that, but for £30, it's hardly the end of the world!
  6. What do you call a banjo at the bottom of the sea? A start.
  7. Hiya all, It's Friday and I have musician mates to abuse this weekend :-) Anyone got any good muso jokes? Jim
  8. It's been a couple of years since I used Win ISD, but I have been having a look in the last hour or so, yes. :-)
  9. Is it fair to say that even a small cab (16x16x12in) would be better with a port then, given the use of an Eminence neo such as the Kappa/Delta/Basslite?
  10. The bass will be there, just attenuated as it won't be getting any help down low from the cab. It is my understanding that the bass from a sealed cab does actually go lower, albeit at a slope?
  11. Wanting to stay with a neo driver if I can :-)
  12. Beer. That is my motivation. I'm in an all originals band now, and invariably, the places we play have a full inhouse PA. I either get miked up, or the take a DI from my amp and (hopefully) run it through a cab sim, or at least a lowpass filter. I just don't need all the power of my Genz Benz 212t any more, and it's a pain to lug about, especially knowing that it's overkill now. Smaller cab = taxi or bus instead of driving, which means I can drink beer. I like beer. So I'm thinking of a super small cab that will do for an onstage monitor and something to mike up, powered by my Streamliner. Here's what I THINK I know so far... [list] [*]I understand that sealed cabs can be made much smaller than ported cabs, right? [*]I know that a sealed cab will have a more 'natural' sound and a more gentle rolloff in the low end, right? [*]I'm assuming that this will give the sound guy something good to work with, and he can add the big low end back on the desk eq, right? [*]The maths are a LOT simpler... [/list] So, with these things in mind I'm looking to build a cab for myself. Questions? What driver? Kappalite 3012HO? Deltalite II? Basslite? Others? (I don't need a tweeter) What size is realistic? Would 16" x 16" x 12" be a doable, or ultimately would I end up with something that's light, portable and useless? How small can I go? I welcome your thoughts. :-) Jim
  13. Glad I got a NEO cab when they were relatively cheap! perhaps one day the neodymium in my drivers will be worth enough to retire on... :-)
  14. Fortress Masterman 5... And if you happen across one, do let me know... :-)
  15. [font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Hey [/font][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]all,[/font] [font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]I run a bass rig that uses an octaver (normal +1 up), three distortion pedals and various other effects. This all goes into a Genz Benz head and then on into a Genz Benz cab with the tweeter turned right off.[/font] [font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]We're coming up to doing live performances now, and despite the fact that the guys and girl in the band are experienced, we're a new band. This seems to mean starting at the bottom gigs wise. That's not a problem in itself, but the promoters/venues/sound engineers all seem to be starting at the bottom too, and many are a little inexperienced in some areas.[/font] [font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]So far I've had an engineer take a DI feed from BEFORE my pedals resulting in clean bass... Then I had a guy who took a feed from my head but didn't use a cab sim or lowpass filter, resulting in more fizz than a champagne factory....[/font] [font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]So I'm looking for a DI/cab sim pedal that I can feed from my Tuner Out/Effects Send, and then the engineer can take a feed from that to the board.[/font] [font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]I'm interested in pedals that aren't too expensive (sub £100/$180) and it's their performance with high gain noise plus good low frequency response that I'm interested in.[/font] [font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]My shortlist includes:[/font][list] [*]Behringer Ultra G [*]H&K Red Box (varying versions) [*]Mooer Audio Micro DI [*]Palmer PDI-09 "The Junction" [/list] [font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Any experience with these that you can share would be great.[/font] [font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Cheers all,[/font] [font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]Jim[/font]
  16. Hey all, Finally got around to writing part 2 of this blog! You can find it here: http://www.theheatfunctionband.co.uk/promoting-covers-band-heats-guide-part-2/ Cheers, Jim
  17. Hiya all, Recently acquired an EBMM SUB Stingray and it's a fab bit of kit. Only problem is that the treble and bass cut/boost knobs don't have a centre detent. This makes it very hard to set things flat as a starting point, and also makes it hard to see at a glance during a gig if I've moved them by accident.... Any ideas? Cheers, Jim
  18. Glad you guys thought it useful! :-)
  19. I do a similar thing with a Micro POG and a boss LS-2. One loop has the bass sound, the other loop has the octave-up (from the POG) followed by overdrive and delay. Blend to taste for a monster riff sound. https://soundcloud.com/eyes-like-twenty Jim
  20. Hiya all, I wrote a blog on my band's website about promoting a covers band. You can find it [url="http://www.theheatfunctionband.co.uk/promoting-covers-band-heats-guide/"][b]HERE[/b][/url] Hope some of you may find it useful, and any comments, questions or suggestions will be welcomed! :-) Cheers, Jim
  21. I know you're not meant to use furniture polish because it contains chemicals that can cause problems with cellulose finishes, and can make resprays difficult too apparently. I don't like to use it because of the feel it gives when you get a tiny bit on your fingers. I much prefer the proper guitar stuff myself. Jim
  22. More just for painted finishes really
  23. Hiya all, Just on the lookout for the cheapest guitar polish that I can get in larger than normal amounts. Sick of buying the Dunlop stuff in the spray bottles that stop working right. Any ideas? Cheers, Jim
  24. Ooops - meant to say £350.... not AS great a price, but still pretty good I think? :-)
  25. Hi all, Just picked up a USA Stingray SUB 5 - the one with the matt paint body/neck and checkerplate scratchplate. It's a fiver, but the 'plate is a teardrop like a four (much like the new Stingray 5 classics) Where can I get a new one that doesn't look horrible? :-) Cheers, Jim
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