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Everything posted by jimcroisdale

  1. [quote name='stingrayPete1977' timestamp='1376945430' post='2181454'] As for another cab can the streamliner do 2ohms? I always fancy trying two neoxT cabs with the twin output 12.0 head, 600watts into each. A shuttle and streamliner 18.2 with two of the 900watt modules with either 2 2x12 cabs or 4 4x10 cabs would be a killer rig if they made such a head! [/quote] I would make up a serial cable, so it'd be driving 8 ohms. It's less power output, but it would still be moving a lot more air. No replacement for displacement!
  2. Yep - I often ask any musicians in the crowd how the bass sounds, and they always say it's fine! Sometimes when I stand right in front of my amp it sounds great - I can feel the bass in my stomach and I only need to play very gently. This is the best case scenario. Then I take four steps forwards and it all but disappears.....
  3. Hi all, My current rig is an Ibanez CT 5'er into a Streamliner 600/Neox 212t arrangement. It's a decent rig, as many will know. The sound is ok, and it's light. To be honest, it's MOSTLY the convenience that makes me love this rig (I've heard better tone from cheaper gear) but for the band I'm in and the gigs we do it's got to be easy to move. I'd quit if it wasn't..... ;-) The problem I'm finding is that at some gigs I just can't get enough volume and bottom end. This seems to depend on the room, and it isn't always the big places where i struggle. I started with the eq pretty flat, but eventually I got up to boosting the bass and low mids almost fully to get the thick tone I like and need. I'm now ALSO boosting on the guitar's eq - full up on the bass pot. In the right room it's a whacking chunk of bass from a small rig, and I love it. In the wrong room though, it still sounds thin and I end up hitting the strings harder to compensate. This screws up my timing, gives me sore fingers, and ultimately makes it much less enjoyable to play. So what to do for more bass when I need it? I was thinking: Change to a 4x10 - perhaps the Markbass Look for another Genz Benz 2x12 And that's about it..... I was at a jam the other night and the guy there has a Warwick profet (or whatever it's called) head on a tatty Trace 4x10. it sounded absolutely brilliant - loud, chunky, solid, tight, compressed, warm, pillowy..... all the good things. And I could have that rig for about £200, but I'd need a trolley..... Jim
  4. [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1370017394' post='2095641'] No. Most bass cabs don't have the flat frequency response nor wide dispersion required for PA. Some are OK, mainly 3 ways, but this isn't one of them. [/quote] So a couple of Barefaced Big Babies would be the ticket then?
  5. Another vote for a Sansamp VT pedal into the FX loop return of your OBT. Sorted.
  6. Well, If I can find one, a used GB212t cab costs about £400. The singer would probably go halves with me, as ultimately we would have a more compact, light yet powerful PA rig IF the cabs are suitable. So for £200 and the cost of a little amp, I get to drive to gigs in my new car. I know it's a mental way to do stuff, but needs must.
  7. Hiya all, I play bass in a 60s/70s three piece covers band. I currently use a GB212t with a Streamliner600 amp and it works great for me. However, I want to buy a sportscar (mid life crisis probably) and it won't fit the bass cab in. One thing I thought that might work would be to get hold of another identical cab and use them as PA (which the singer transports). They're probably much better speakers than the Carlsbro 1x15" PA cabs we use now, and i would imagine that they would take my bass DI'd from a Sansamp VT Bass, along with some kick drum, and have headroom to spare. I would use a small combo (something I could fit on the passenger seat) for close stage monitoring. Does this sound feasible? Cheers, Jim
  8. I've been thinking about this myself. Looking to upgrade the band's PA to a pair of Barefaced Big Babies (I know!) and then just having a small stage monitor for myself. Mind you, this is mainly so that I can go to gigs in a Nissan 350z, which won't fit my current bass rig in.....;-) EBC Classic 60 looks good to me.
  9. I've been rocking a GB212t for a year or so now. While I actually prefer the sound of just about any crappy 4x10", the light weight and size is absolutely worth it for me. Can't comment on the other two though....
  10. Looks like a good rig to me, regardless of whichever way round you run it! And you get the benefit of those lovely light Trace cabs too..... ;-)
  11. I wish I'd had a small practice amp when I first started. I played unamplified and developed a hard-hitting style (just to hear myself) that took years to undo. :-(
  12. Speaker size has got nothing at all to do with how low an amp can go, or how it will sound, so don't let that sway your choice!
  13. Hi all, Just wondered if anyone has ever had the pleasure of comparing these cabs side-by-side. I have had my eye on a Barefaced for quite some time, but I landed on a cheap Neox a few months ago and took the plunge. It's pretty much everything I could wish for to be honest - light, loud etc, but sometimes I just miss a little more sheer low end extension - I sometimes need a fat, pillowy sound and it just doesn't seem quite there sometimes (depending on the room!). As the band I play bass in earns a few quid I can justify spending money on gear, so I wondered if the Barefaced is going to make me that little bit happier? I know the GB is using Deltalites and the BF is on Kappalites, but how much difference does it really make? Cheers, Jim
  14. Warwick paid for and gone - Cheers Dimitris! TNT still here - no sensible offer refused!
  15. Warwick 6x10" Sold pending payment and collection!
  16. Pictures of the Warwick! Just plugged it in and tested it with the GB Streamliner, and to be honest (and I know everyone says this) is sounds a great deal better than I remember! I guess the old Trace head I was using just wasn't that great, but with the Genz it sounds monsterous! Cab is in decent conditions, just a few scrapes on the back, and most of the carpet missing off the bottom (not that you can tell). The tweeter dial knob is missing, and the pot shaft/plate is a bit bent, but it still works and rotates fine. As I said, one of the spacers is missing off the grill, so it rattles a bit at high volume, but that should be a doddle to fix. All speakers working fine! Jim
  17. Hi all, After the purchase of my Genz Benz rig, i'm having a clearout of my older gear pending a house move. Pics will follow in a couple of days - i'm on holiday at the moment! Warwick 6x10" cab is in decent condition. Usual scrapes underneath, might be a foot missing, and there is a spacer missing from the front grille (dunno where it went!) but would be easily sorted. Speakers are all fine. £175 or best offer. Peavey TNT combo, decent condition, few scratchy pots but works well - just needs a clean. £80 or best offer. Collection only as these items are both very heavy. I'm in Mirfield, West Yorkshire (Near Huddersfield) And questions, feel free to call or text me on 07870 677 072, anytime from Monday onwards. As I say, I will test both items thoroughly next week, and take pics and post them here. Cheers, Jim
  18. This thread is dead. I never heard back from my PM sent in December.....
  19. Hi all, I once read a thing written by the guitarist Paul Gilbert. It was a list of ten songs which he said if you learned them all note for note, would give you a great grounding in lots of areas of guitar playing. These days, I play bass nearly exclusively, and wondered if anyone would like to play at list-writing like PG did? I like all styles of bass, but the two that I can't really do are slap and jazz. One, because I don't have the technique, and the other because I'm just not that good a musician. You may choose to ignore those styles, or maybe even focus on them - up to you. Come on then, gimme ten! Cheers, Jim
  20. I must be blessed with a good span then, cos I do it 2-1-4, even when the 2 is on the first fret. Is this pretty rare? Jim
  21. Parcelforce will do it for about £25.
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