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Everything posted by jojoagogo234

  1. im not really that educated when it comes to pickups or what would be the best thing to do in situations like this, but i shall explain this situation and let the experienced bassists help me out i have a cort action that iv been through a lot with (iv had it since i was 12 and im 18 now) this whole time the pickups have had no problem, however for the last month and a bit my neck pickup has been cutting out. however this only happens when i rest my fingers on it, any other time its fine. i went to my local guitar/bass shop (Eric lindsey - near lewisham hospital, nice little place ) and got the wiring replaced (they were all really old anyway and i thought that would solve the problem) however the pickup still did this cutting out thing whenever i rested my thumb of it. the thing is, i really dont want to make the wrong choice on a new pickup incase i make my bass sound sh*t. so this is why im here asking opinions should i fix it ? if so does anyone know whats wrong with it and how i should go about getting it fixed or should i replace it ? if so, what would be the best choice for a replacing pickup thats got a nice low end punch(ish) tone (passive btw) thanks
  2. after being on this for a bit iv knoticed that everyone is much older then me (im only 17 : / ) so untill next year i cant go to most of these gigs ( well have a drink atleast lol ) also if im going to the internet and talking about meeting up with older people..... you know the storys lol however im going to parkway drive 17th Nov at london roundhouse if someone wants to say yo and tegan and sara the day before at HMV forum (also london)
  3. iv been playing bass for 6 years, and have only really liked ONE bass. not because it is amazing to look at, or perfect to play, but because it was my first.... and i cant find anything that feels the same. iv owned a couple of other basses, but sold them after about a month of owning them and going back to my first. has anyone else ever had this problem ?? ^^ thats it by the way.... well my one is left handed though
  4. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FhTCMmaxjI"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FhTCMmaxjI[/url] [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6K4Eny96bI&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6K4Eny96bI&feature=related[/url] REALLY recommend listening to this. the group itself consists of: damon albarn from blur, Tony Allen, and flea i thought that they were really good, i found it nice and chilled :3 just though id share this to the rest of the BC community enjoy
  5. *strongly
  6. [url="http://www.peavey.com/products/instruments/bassGuitars/millennium/index.cfm/item/114084/Millennium%28r%29%205%20%20TransBlack.html"]http://www.peavey.com/products/instruments/bassGuitars/millennium/index.cfm/item/114084/Millennium%28r%29%205%20%20TransBlack.html[/url] iv had one of these for a couple of years now, and apart from the tone knob falling off (dont ask xD) its a really good bass i sprongly recomend this for anyone wanting to by a 5 string and lets face it.... its a nice looking bass
  7. i (for some reason) like the feeling of playing with blisters, the pus like stuff that gets on the strings (in my opinion) makes the strings feel better...... but im a bit f***ed up like that xD
  8. tis all good people :3 got it all cleaned up. got 3 of my mates to help me out with it, took out both the pick ups and got some cotton buds well involved as well wrapped up all the pick ups in toilet roll. as well as the holes (were the pick ups were) and (though non of the nasty puke got in it) took of the back for good measure and packed that with toilet roll.
  9. this is purly to breed discussion amongst my fellow bassists :3
  10. sounds very strange..... however it needs to be asked :3 yesterday i had a gig at my mates house/birthday party thing. and it was an amazing gig with lots of very drunk people jumping/moshing ect (we played some heavy stuff to please the crowd, as well as some chilled stuff) in the middle of the gig, i was just on stage, head banging away... then all of a sudden a girl at the front of the crowd who had had too much. punked AAAAALLLLLL over my lovely bass O.O non the less i continued through the rest of the song. at the end of the song i took my t- shirt off and cleaned it up and did the rest of the set topless ( not recommended as basses are surprisingly cold ) the puke was all cleaned off my bass, but i just wanted to know if it could do anything to anything to the pick ups or any of the wiring. as the bass is kind of my baby and also while im here.... has something like this ever happened to anyone out there ?
  11. only ever got one 5 string... this has treated me well over the 4 years iv had it ^_^ perfect for a first 5 string in my opinion . and lets face it... its not too bad looking also its not too expensive [url="http://www.musiciansfriend.com/bass/peavey-millennium-bxp-5-string-bass-guitar-quilt-top"]http://www.musiciansfriend.com/bass/peavey-millennium-bxp-5-string-bass-guitar-quilt-top[/url]
  12. [quote name='TPJ' timestamp='1331197886' post='1569114'] It's been an age old question in my head why rightys don't play lefty and leftys don't play righty. [/quote] same really... it makes a lot more sense right ? i wasnt going mad then :3
  13. unfortunately im left handed.... this means any bass im looking at (right handed ones) are going to have an added 150 (ish, depends) added on to the price, however i dont know about double bass. im about to make the leap from normal bass guitar (iv had a fretless 5 string for a while now) to a double bass... and... well.. i dont want to spend LOADS for my first one. my quistion is this. can you convert a right handed double bass to a lefty. i know theres something to do with the wood and the bridge and all that when it comes down to cello, however i dont know about double basses :/ thanks a lot ^_^
  14. i know it says not to talk about it, however i really need some help with a music asignment i got in music. . the quistion is how does how does politics affect music-maker and users. also part of this would be spasific events inwitch the govement have had to step in, for example banning a song (such as the bbc banning "god save the queen") any other time i would be able to do it all myself.... however i dont know much about this area lol
  15. i live in lewisham (london). theres a bar/ venue thing down the road from me called dirty south. its a nice venue the other day my mate paddy was sorting out a gig down there with one of his mates bands who were meant to play, however they pulled out at the last minute. so he called me up and asked me out of the blue to come down and jam O.o . so me and a guitarist mate of his (paddy himself plays drums, and is really REALLY good) had to jam out some songs we both knew. we had this one problem that has allways pissed me off about guitarist...... a floyd rose -_- . we wanted to play some songs in drop D that everyone would know (killing in the name of, heart shaped box ect) but we couldnt because of that f***ing FLOYD ROSE !!!!. basicly my point here is. has this ever happened to anyone here ? (both the call to come down and at the last minute and have to just figure out what songs you all know, and the floyd rose) joe
  16. [quote name='leftyhook' timestamp='1324472843' post='1474615'] now listen young man, ensure you don't wear big belt buckles, denim jackets with metal buttons or cheap clothing that might rub off on expensive basses, and wash your hands after eating messy food. [/quote] (school boys voice) yes mr leftyhook sir LoL
  17. nate !!!! your a boss i admire your bossness LoL
  18. i live in central london, il defo come !!!!! i got to loads of music shops and see what they got all the time.... most of the time its a left handed westfield, or some sort of crappy p bass copy -_- being a leftys a bitch 7 years of me playing i dont have a lot when it comes to gear though the fact is im only 17 ( nearly 18 :3 thought i might add that xD ) during the whole 7 years of me playing iv only ever played one instrument a lot il bring it anyways its a cort action. iv never really had the money to get a really good bass so it would be really cool to come and try out some stuff
  19. hello all. simple really post a pic and a bit of info about a bass you really like, even if you dont own it . then post a pic of a bad bass, one you dont like. then one a bass you think is juse damn right ugly Lol .
  20. [indent][indent][indent][font="Eurostile"][size="6"][b]look at this beast ![/b][/size][/font][/indent][url="http://www.planetoftheamps.com/orangematamp-200watt-usa.html"]http://www.planetoftheamps.com/orangematamp-200watt-usa.html[/url][/indent][indent]but sadly.... i cant find any were thats selling one [/indent][/indent][indent]if anyone knows about the amp itself can they give me a idea of how good/bad it is ?[/indent][indent]and if you have one, how much would you want to sell it for ???[/indent]
  21. well now i do xD i didnt about 5 years ago lol
  22. being leftys such a bitch some time though i started playing hoping that one day i would be able to get a thunderbird...... but sadly id have to be a paying member of the gibson fan club for 6 years (thats about 800 out of pocket) then for the bass its self id have to pay...."drum roll please" dadadadadadadadadadaaaaa DA £6000 for a bass, you dont know how much that killed my soul...... i know i can get a TOKai one ( i think thats how you spell it )
  23. admit it, go on. everyone always made a knob joke before...... lol you know you have
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