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Everything posted by rushbo

  1. I don't see a problem with those sorts of ads...at least everyone will be absolutely clear from the outset what to expect. Musical dexterity isn't everything in a band either. I'm sure we've all been in a band with a technical incredible player who gets on everyone's nerves and causes conflict due to the fact that they're also an unpleasant human being. My vote would always go to the inexperienced musician who is driven to improve his or her skills and really contribute to a band above the complacent muso. Ads like these (says he generalising wildly) tend to be from younger, start up bands, who already have a rather idealised manifesto. As you get older, it tends to be more about the boot capacity of your car and whether you can get a regular babysitter rather than the colour of your Converse trainers...
  2. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1472075798' post='3118395'] Volume would not be a reason to quit a band. Bass players are always going to deal with volume issues in rock bands as long as there are still guitar players. No gigs, that would be a reason to quit. [/quote] I would say that putting your hearing at risk and having to deal with guitarists who consistently back pedal regarding volume and then refuse to moderate their stage levels are reasons to quit a band. If the band isn't the OPs sole/primary source of income then (in my opinion) he should walk. Your hearing is precious and it sounds like the guitarists are consistently ignoring his views.
  3. [quote name='GisserD' timestamp='1471869877' post='3116510'] Enjoy! [attachment=226063:15 Bass Track.zip] [/quote] He needs to get that thing to the Edinburgh Fringe and start wowing the Derek Bailey crowd...
  4. The Indie-Discotastic sounds of Something Happens' finest moment... [url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PBzmpT0yQE"]https://www.youtube....h?v=6PBzmpT0yQE[/url]
  5. I've broken about five strings at gigs since I started playing in the mid eighties. Flatwounds seem to be a bit more resilient, in my experience. ...but here's a cautionary tale. About a lifetime ago, I saw the La's (supporting All About Eve - now there's a mismatch, right there...) and John Power snapped a string on his P Bass. A replacement was handed to him by his attentive roadie and off he went. Thirty seconds later, he'd popped a string on that one. too. Fortunately, his roadie had just finished re-stringing the first bass and Mr Power was able to continue without further string snappage. The moral: either have a super-on-it roadie or take a spare of everything.
  6. I have the luxury of a spare bass, so it comes with me to every gig. I've broken about five strings at shows since I started gigging in 1986, so some people might think that carting another instrument about is a waste of effort. I would disagree. It takes seconds to swap basses - certainly less time than it takes to change a string. I have also had the strap button come away from the body of my bass at a gig, so the spare was pressed into service on that occasion, too. I gig a lot (for a weekend warrior anyway), so, in my opinion, it makes sense to have back-ups for as many things as possible - I have a Behringer BDI 21 in my gig box along with spare leads, mics blah blah blah. Fortunately, that's the only bit of spare kit I've never had to use. I keep my basses well maintained, but there are circumstances you cant foresee, so I bring back-ups. For me, it's insurance - the mild inconvenience of having one extra thing to bring to a gig is out-weighed by the piece of mind. And, if I'm doing a two set gig and I'm feeling saucy, I might give the back up a run out too....
  7. Any love for Something Happens? "Stuck Together With God's Glue" is a superb album.
  8. Great interview. Thanks for sharing.
  9. Adam Clayton is guilty of playing really simple lines in a successful band. Mark King is guilty of playing complicated lines in a successful band. These things seem to annoy people. I don't know why. They both seem to fit beautifully into their bands. Everyone is braver and louder and more forthright on the internet than they are in person.
  10. Do I get a balloon if I get the answer right?
  11. I don't get the hatred...I think it's ok. I've played it a few times with big bands and small ensembles and always enjoyed it. I've listened to the original version and I don't find the bass part particularly offensive. I guess it's one of those tunes that's only popular with the public...
  12. I found it really difficult to get through. In an attempt to reinterpret the songs, it seems the arrangers bypassed the essence of the material - the stuff that makes a song great. The Kronos Quartet are great at this sort of thing - their version of Televisions "Marquee Moon" is stunning - but a lot of this Proms performance was wide of the mark. Vocally, it wasn't great - Laura Mvula mangling "Fame", I found quite painful. I did feel for Marc Almond, having to pitch against an off-kilter version of "Life on Mars", but having said that, it was not a good night for him. Even Paul Buchanan seemed lacklustre and I'm a massive Blue Nile fan. Without a doubt, there was some incredible talent on stage last night, but lots of it was aimed at self gratification rather than creating a fitting tribute. ...but what do I know, I'm just a bassist in an R&B band...
  13. [quote name='4stringslow' timestamp='1469641806' post='3100007'] Best suggestion yet. I'll have a 99, but only if it's a proper original Cadbury's flake [/quote] No, sadly not. It's a 98 - a sort of cover version of Cadbury's Flake. Very similar - a lot of fun to eat, but some say they have a slightly disappointing aftertaste. They're a bit like the ones you get at weddings, but they're quite a bit cheaper. Not to be confused with a 98.9 which is a tribute to a Cadburys Flake. That comes in very similar packaging to a real one and there's loads more of them than there used to be. Not everyone likes them, but some are better than the original 99's, especially if the original 99's are a bit old and tired. I like them all. I've never worried too much about debating the intricacies of each variety. Maybe I should. But I wont.
  14. Rotosound Swing Bass RS66LC 40-60-80-95 Long Scale - Medium Guage Hi chums, I popped these strings onto my P Bass just to check if my newly installed lefty Jazz neck was OK. They've had a maximum of two hours play and there's plenty of string to go around the poles. They are cut for an inverted neck, so the 95 gauge string is the longest and the 40 the shortest, if you get what I mean... Great strings - bright but with plenty of bottom end. Want to try some strings on your Dusty Hill tribute Bass or need some cheapo spares? £8 posted - cheaper if you can pick 'em up from Halesowen.
  15. Hey everybody, it's a nice sunny day and as we've been stuck in here for ages, how about we go down to the park! I've got a football and a couple of Frisbees! Later, we could get ice cream!
  16. Peavey TNT. Mine was gigged regularly throughout the 90's and never let me down.
  17. I'm still looking for someone who'll buy my reg which starts SM57....
  18. Just taken delivery of a rather lovely southpaw Jazz Bass neck from Alan. Great communication all the way - buy and sell with confidence. Rushbo
  19. Oh how the nights must fly by at Tim's place.... But seriously, that looks like a lot of fun. And I love the fact that it looks like a 15th century kitchen implement. Well done Tim, you're a nice man.
  20. I'm delighted to say that Chris at Smooth Hound went the extra mile and a half to sort this for me and it now works brilliantly with my Zoom. I don't know what he did, but I'm glad that he did it. Absolutely first class customer service and a first class product.
  21. Chris from Smooth Hound is on the case with a possible solution...I'm pretty sure it's pilot error on my part. Expect a "d'oh!" themed post any time soon...
  22. [quote name='charic' timestamp='1468309436' post='3089933'] Is one balanced and one not? [/quote] Just regular Jack to Jack leads...I did cut down one of the leads that worked best but the noise returned.
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