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Everything posted by clarket2

  1. sorry its the 1x8 not the 1x10
  2. H i there, would you trade for a genz benz shuttle 3.0 combo. The one with the detachable 1x10?
  3. lol yeah sounds a good idea to me... hope alls going well
  4. Tom Clarke is one of Peterborough's foremost bass players and teachers. All abilities are catered for from absolute beginner to seasoned professional. All styles of music are covered but with a focus on the music you want to learn, not just working through the textbooks. Prices start from just 15 pounds and there is even the option to learn in your own home! Check out [url="http://www.tomclarkebass.co.uk"]http://www.tomclarkebass.co.uk[/url] for more details
  5. Cheers guys that's really helpful... I'm lucky enough to have Joe Hubbard work at my college (though he doesn't lecture me annoyingly), might see if I can pick his brains. Cheers, Tom[url="http://www.tomclarkebass.co.uk"] (http://www.tomclarkebass.co.uk)[/url]
  6. Hi guys, I've just started at music college and it seems that we're being pedalled two approaches to improvising bass lines (specifically in a jazz context). The first is termed the 'chord tone' approach where the basic arppeggio of the chord is taken as the staring point with the other notes being up for grabs as it were. The second is to apply a specific scale over specific chords (ie a lydian scale over a maj7 chord). I was wondering which approach the bass playing community as a whole favours, as I am quite new to jazz playing? Cheers, Tom
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