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Everything posted by bisonkills

  1. Vouch for Abomination, excellent seller.
  2. +1, Vouch for Abomination. Reliable seller.
  3. Hey folks, I have a Mark Bass 1 x 15 (151 HR) bass cab for sale. Has not been used for a year or two, so I'd like it to go to a new owner who will gig it. Italian made, NOT their cheapo far east range. Very light due to neo speakers, 400 W at 8ohm. Low end for days, lovely smooth Mark Bass tone. Looking for £300 (price is firm) collected from central York. Comes with Roqsolid cover, no dings, excellent condition.
  4. Played in a band with Nath many moons ago. Both the head and cab sound absolutely great. Would pair really well with a passive P or J bass.
  5. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1426445942' post='2718141'] From those listed, I`ve had DiMarzio Model P, [b]Hot Rod (ex Wizard) Thumper,[/b] Seymour Duncan QP, and Fender Original. Impressions as below: [/quote] This is good to know, I had no idea that someone had picked up the torche from Andy and was still making his pickups. I have a Wizard P/J set (BIG) in my Tanglewater that I was very impressed with, especially for the price. Fat warm and punchy tone. Cool to know you can still get them after Andy retired!
  6. Cool. Thanks. The heaviest set of roundwond steels that Overwater do are: .044 .064 .084 .104 I noted Overwater do flats in 0.45 - .105, they might be worth a shot. Although I've never tried flats. Their strings are very reasonably priced and have served me well in the past. Bu yeah, may just go with another brand of 0.45s.
  7. Currently I'm using Overwater strings, just their light guage strings: .038 .058 .078 .098
  8. Hey all. The guitarist in my current band is now tuning a whole step down. What string gauge would you recommend for tuning a step down? (D G C F). 050 -.110? The material we play is quite intricate and complex, so I am slightly unsure about telephone line thickness strings, but I do want a tight (minimum rattle sound).
  9. Very tempted! Tried the Sandberg Elektra VS4 last time I was at Bass Direct. Really nice instrument with buttery tone. I didn't have the gall to try this model as I was afraid of being tempted to buy!
  10. I have the Vintage and it's my only 'always on' pedal. Love the tone it gives me, really warm and the blend function makes is very useable without losing bottom end. It gives me a really nice hint of dirt without destroying my tone. I also run a Big Muff Clone after it if I want ridiculous over the top fuzz. Works well, although I really need to get a paralooper so I can blend my clean signal with the Muff. I got my Microtubes Vintage on the Talk Bass forums second hand, and paid about 1/2 the going rate over here. The seller was kind enough to doctor the customs declaration so I didn't get hit with tax.
  11. [quote name='molan' timestamp='1398893027' post='2438855'] I've got a Diago Commuter that works well. I recently downsized to a really small board so don't need it any more. If you decide to go for a Diago then zap me a message and you can have first shout before I stick it up for sale [/quote] PM'd
  12. Can anyone recommend me a portable(ish) pedal board. I’m after something compact yet sturdy. I’ll be running around 5 pedals (boss tuner, Darkglass microtubes vintage, home made Bif Muff Clone and a Fulltone Bass Drive). Power supply will like be the Diago daisy chain one, not a brick style power source. I was think of maybe the Diago Traveller. Any opinions on that? Other options welcome…
  13. bisonkills


    Bought a Mark Bass 151HR cab. Smooth deal, great guy, good comms.
  14. [quote name='mcarp555' timestamp='1396133207' post='2410373'] Tight, clean. The prog rock & jazz elements are certainly there. Not the kind of genre I normally listen to, but it seems well played and produced. Hopefully it does well for you! [/quote] Cheers! More to follow soon!
  15. Hi guys, I'm looking for another 8ohm cab to pair with my existing rig (MarkBass LM III head and a NY121 cab). I'm scouring the classifieds section. Ideally, I'd like another NY121 or a NY151. I've noticed the new Black Line range. How does this compare to their earlier cabs? Are they comparable sound and quality wise?
  16. What ohm does the cab run at? Look for something to pair with my Mark Bass NY121 cab.
  17. Thanks! That's all I need to know. Will send you a PM Eddy.
  18. [quote name='dannybuoy' timestamp='1396116102' post='2410127'] You want this, so get in quick! [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/232931-fender-truss-rod-tools-only-1-left"]http://basschat.co.u...ols-only-1-left[/url] The tool should come with the bass, but they often get kept by the seller if they sell the bass on, as they're handy since it's rare to buy a used bass that comes with one (which is the definition of a vicious circle if I ever saw one!). [/quote] Thanks! But, I'm slightly confused as to how that tool would help! Given it's a straight shaft wouldn't the same issue apply? Am I missing something, or is it designed to be inserted at an angle?
  19. Hi guys. I have a 2007 USA Fender Jazz Bass. Truss rod access is at the base of the beck, the scratch plate is slightly recessed to allow access. However, very little space is given, too little to use any normal hex allen key to access. My local guitar store were super helpful (add sarcasm), simply stating 'we don't sell those because it'd lose us 'set up' business'. Jeez. Is there a tool available with the correct dimensions so I can do an adjustment without having to remove the neck to get at it?
  20. I'm slowly getting used to seeing the dings... but I may investigate the cost of repairing them and how well it could be done. Thanks for the suggestions!
  21. Hello everybody! Just a quick note that my band Mononoke have an EP coming out in April. We'll be releasing it digitally and doing a limited run of properly pressed CDs. We're a three piece instrumental band, drawing on math rock, 70s prog, jazz and nosier stuff. The EP was tracked at Skyhammer Studios with Chris Fielding, and was mastered by James Plotkin. It's our first DIY release, and I'm keen to get the word out there. Here's a quick trailer in lieu of something more substantial. Any feedback welcome. Would love to know what you guys think! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAYFZ2VS5Ro
  22. [quote name='bertbass' timestamp='1395746720' post='2405681'] Here you go. [url="http://www.entwistlepickups.com/pickup.php?puid=JBX"]http://www.entwistle...up.php?puid=JBX[/url] Amazingly good at any price but for a tenner, truly wonderful and worth a try. [/quote] Wow, crazy low pricing? These really sound good!? I'm intrigued!
  23. Hey all, I recently acquired a Fender Jazz USA bass (2007 I think) in a trade. Sadly, the previous owner put some serious dings in the finish. I don't mind a bit of wear, but this is plain ugly. Do you reckon these are repairable with some spot repairs / re-finishing? Or should I just resign myself to it... Secondly, anyone know of someone in the North Yorkshire area that does this kind of thing well? [URL=http://s120.photobucket.com/user/bisonkills/media/OverviewDings_zps92a1717d.jpg.html][IMG]http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o194/bisonkills/OverviewDings_zps92a1717d.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s120.photobucket.com/user/bisonkills/media/Ding1_zps79ae2c9e.jpg.html][IMG]http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o194/bisonkills/Ding1_zps79ae2c9e.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [URL=http://s120.photobucket.com/user/bisonkills/media/Ding2_zps7ba71db2.jpg.html][IMG]http://i120.photobucket.com/albums/o194/bisonkills/Ding2_zps7ba71db2.jpg[/IMG][/URL]
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