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Everything posted by EmmettC

  1. I'm delighted with this news, it's 10 minute walk from me, I can't believe I've just heard about him.
  2. I just bought a Musicman Stingray 5 off Harry, and it was great, exactly as described, fast delivery and [u]great[/u] communication throughout. I thought it was great value too. I hope I get to deal with him again in the future.
  3. I bought a Stingray 5 off HazBeen and it was delivered from Holland today, and so far so great! It's natural, with a black scratchplate and Nordstram Pup and JohnEast preamp. All the original electronics were included too. I'll be honest, a Stingray 5 H, was only third on my list of basses I wanted, after a G&L L2500 and a Stingray 5 HH. I think it was a good deal though, and I plan on making it even more to my taste, first off I'd like to paint it, and remove the scratchplate and fit a metal cover over the electronics cavity, a little like the Stingray 4. This should be managable easily enough, and reversable, but I'd really like to fit a second pickup, like the HH models. Is this possible? would I need a different preamp or is it possible to wire them up on the current preamp with a switch or plend pot? I'll post some pics tomorrw, but I'm heading out to the practise room to play it through my SWR rig back to back with my Tribby G&L before the rest of the band show up and make it impossible to compare them properly. Now all I need is an American L2500, and an EBS rig and my GAS will be expelled. Oh and maybe a Jazz. And a decent compressor. And an SWR baby blue. And and and.................
  4. I have a Chris Larkin fretless acoustic, which is fantastic, it came equipped with Tomastik Acousticore strings and it sounds amazing. They have a lovely slow attack and decay, and with a bit of eq it does a great impression of a double bass. I think the strings would be great on any acoustic bass. They don't have much volume "unplugged" though.
  5. I think Flea and JJ Burnell seem to be number one for alot of people, but not that many like both of them, I wonder if it's seperated by taste or by age?
  6. It's awesome musicianship, really nice arrangement too, but it's an awful song. I like what they do with it, but I'd prefer to hear original music. I like when an original band throw in an unusual cover and make it a bit different, but their own music needs to be good enough too. For that reason I prefer the Snarky Puppy link, but I'll look into both bands as there was some great stuff from both.
  7. [quote name='Thurbs' timestamp='1325578484' post='1484494'] To find out what the limit is for a signal I pluck whilst turning up the gain until either the clip light comes on or you can hear distortion, then back it off a bit and hey presto, you have a hot signal. This is slightly different when you are driving pre-amp valves if you want distortion but with the ABM you can control the valve drive separately. [/quote] +1
  8. I got a vox headphone amp, I think someone wants me to keep it down. It is handy though, no leads or mess, just headphones,
  9. I used to have an Epiphone one, and it was a bit of fun to play, the Gibson is better, but I'm a little more precious about it, so I seem to have less fun playing it. I'd like to try the Fender-bird idea, sounds awesome.
  10. [quote name='louisthebass' timestamp='1325542863' post='1484305'] The other thing is take it out on gigs and keep on using it, once you've learned what's under your fingers. I'm one of the many that have (initially) taken a 5 (strung B-G) out on a gig and plucked the low B instead of a low E.... [/quote] I still occasionally get confused when I play 4 string, I end up playing the A instead of the E, I hope I eventually get to a point when I can swap over with no problems.
  11. I just bought a Stingray 5, but I'm still longing for a G&L L2500, and a precision 5, and an EBS amp, and and and and and......................
  12. Can you post some pics? What colour is it? It's the only guitar I really want to own, they are so lovely!
  13. First Bass:- Hohner headless bodyless Go To Bass:- G&L Tribute L2500 My Bass:- '72 Precision, but I've begun to rely on a low B, so I use it less and less
  14. I picked up my first 5 string about 2 years ago, it took me about 3 or 4 months to get comfortable with it, but even now I'm still getting to grips with swapping between 4 and 5 strings. It's becoming less of a problem, and I'd be happy to only use the 5 strings, but every now and then I love using my old Precision. I started using 5 to play heavier rock, I needed it for the band i joined, but I think it makes life easier in the wedding band I fill in with occasionally. I think it's worth the effort to learn, but each to their own.
  15. [quote name='thepurpleblob' timestamp='1325083947' post='1479643'] I played a Yamaha TRB4 for years and it cost me £190. Perhaps not exactly budget as it would have been a lot more new. I regret getting rid of it sometimes - it would stand up against anything. Yamaha make some fabulous stuff at very sensible prices (and, strangely, some oddly overpriced gear too). [/quote] I loved my Yamaha BB405, it was cheap, comfortable, really nice string spacing and it sounded ok, it felt cheap though. I think it's the same shape as a Nathan East sig, so I may look at getting one of those at some point. Too many basses not enough time or money!!!!
  16. My first bass was a Hohner (steinbereger) followed by... a terrible encore, an Aria pro 2 Integra, still in my Dad's house so I have something to play when I visit an Ashbury acoustic (headstock kept breaking off, I've never heard of this brand before or since) MIM Precision (sold too cheap to a friend who made a profit on it) Fretless 81 Ibanez roadster (bought in cash generators for £69) '72 Precision (my favourite bass ever) MM Stingray (now sold and missed) Yamaha bb405 (my first 5 string and one of the most ergonomic basses I've ever owned, now with my guitarist) Chris Larkin fretless acoustic Epiphone Thunderbird, sold to buy.... Gibson Thunderbird (in the singers flat, mostly so it doesn't look like I have as many as I do) Yamaha TRB5 (hidden because I told herself I sold it) G&L L5500 BC Rich Warlock 5 (I need to sell this, it's really not for me) Tribute G&L L2500 And I have a Stingray 5 on it's way to me as I type, should have it by the end of the week. Wow it looks way more when you see it like that! My first amp was a Carlsbro cobra 90, followed by... A trace Elliot ah350 1x15 combo, I bought a TE 4x10 to go with it An Ampeg B15T flip over combo 1x15 thing, it was lovely, but not big enough so I bought A Trace Elliot ah350 head (with stupid green light) I still had the te4x10, Swapped these for an SWR Workingmans 350 head with a 4x10 cab, When I moved from Ireland to Scotland I left the cab behind and use an Ashdown 4x10 with the SWR head now I have a fender 10watt amp in the flat, and a vox headphone amp too, but I don't really count these.
  17. My first bass was a really nice headless Hohner (licensed by steinberger), but being 15 I was really embarrased by it and I swapped it for an Encore. That was horrible, and a big mistake, it made me almost give up on Bass, if my parents hadn't bought me an Aria Pro2 for my 16th, I'd probably never have learned to play well (or at least reasonably ). I think used basses are far better value, but then if you don't know what you're buying it can be a big risk. If anyone in the Edinburgh area is thinking about a used first bass and wants some advice, or someone to check out the bass feel free to PM me. I just remember how difficult I found it when I was starting, and I ended up with a good bass mostly by chance.
  18. I've always fancied this, but it's always clashed with something. Is it worth the trip from Edinburgh, or is it just a realy big bass shop?
  19. I don't drive a car, so a perth/dundee bash would be easier for me to get to from Edinburgh, just better train and bus services. If it was abit later in the year I'd take the bike to Moffat, but then I couldn't take a bass.
  20. Pm me your address and I'll send it to you, I'm finished with it and I'm not allowed to stock pile music and motorbike magazines anymore.
  21. You shouldn't even deal with DHL, you ordered off Thomann, and it's their responsibility to get it to you. They choose the courier company, and it's up to them to deal with the problems DHL cause. If the problem was reversed, if you were returning something to Thomann, do you think they'd chase up royal mail for the package, they wouldn't refund you untill it was back with them.
  22. Pm sent
  23. I contacted G&L on their facebook page because I lost the small screw that locks the saddles together. I only asked where I could get them in the uk, but they sent me out 2 free of charge from the factory. They took a few weeks to arrive, but really good customer service imo.
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