Aguilar Storm King is my favourite pedal purchase of the year.
Heard a lot of bad demos and reviews, but I’m a big fan of the Tonehammer which it’s supposed to share similarities with, so gave it a try when one popped up dirt cheap on eBay.
It has some downsides in that it adds hiss no matter what the settings, although I can hardly hear it through my tweeterless cabs. Also the gain knob above 10 o’clock is an unusable fuzzy mess.
But keep that gain around 9 o’clock or below, and the ‘kick’ switch pressed in (it just sounds bad without it) and it’s the most fun overdrive to play with a P + flats. It can get pretty squelchy, and reacts a bit like a cross between a cranked amp and a Prunes & Custard when you dig in. It’s made my face ache from all the bassface it has produced!