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Everything posted by dannybuoy

  1. TI flats on my Sandberg Basic, they’re perfect for me and the same set’s been on there for several years now.
  2. They sound quite different, it’s not a bad idea to have both! I prefer one or the other for different sounds or with different basses. I certainly wouldn’t sell the BDDI immediately until you’ve had a good chance to try both side by side.
  3. Reminds me of the Bassig ‘64 Black Panel.
  4. I’ve bought all my Tech21 stuff from US sellers in the past, and most of them ended up devaluing the package to avoid import fees... I work for a US company now though so would probably just get something sent to a colleague’s house and get it from them next time we meet up! It is a lot of money for a pedal, but looking at it in a relative way, it’s half the cost of the dUg amp (which is one of these with a power amp) and twice the cost of a regular Sansamp (and it has double the knobs/jacks/etc. If I can sell my BDDI and DP-3X and get the same tones + more out of this, I may be interested.
  5. I’ve never thought about this until now, but I use my right foot for almost everything, including wah, except for when I play analog-delay-spaceship-theremin with my left foot. (right-handed player, left-handed writer, everything else is a mix)
  6. Personally I can’t stand clicking through menus on multi-fx. I’m a hands-on-knobs guy. This looks new one from Boss looks cool however: https://www.boss.info/us/products/me-90b/
  7. Yes and no… drive will squash but it doesn’t shape the envelope of the attack to make it punchy like a well set compressor. I put a Spectracomp at the start of my chain, before my Beta.
  8. I’ve only used them for small things like pedals, but you could give this a shot: https://www.shipito.com/en/
  9. I gave this another try today - Sansamp BDDI with the parallel out going to a Leeds, then a Mosquite blender used to mix them together. With the Mosquite set at 100% I can essentially use it as a channel switcher. Set at 50% I can switch between pure BDDI and a mix of BDDI/Leeds. It sounds particularly good blended with the presence/treble dialled back on the BDDI and the bass rolled back on the Leeds, so that each pedal is handling a different frequency range.
  10. Mine arrived a couple of weeks ago, without an additional PCB trinket! No import tax (on a single Jive at least).
  11. I’ve done something similar, split the signal with one Sansamp, run the parallel out into another Sansamp or Darkglass box, then blend together at the end with a blender pedal.
  12. Don’t be put off by the toneprint functionality of the Spectracomp. I geeked out and tried every preset going and fiddling with all the parameters just to find that the stock preset was pretty much dialled in perfectly out of the box. So I reset it back to that and haven’t touched that side since, and I just have a simple one-knob compressor. I have owned several much fancier comps in the past but this one is perfect for my needs.
  13. Tech21’s new XB Driver will likely be the king here, but it’s not cheap. It’s like a more flexible DP3-X (which uses a similar approach but with a fixed crossover frequency). Tech21’s YYZ range do something in this vein also. The dry signal is EQ’d to boost the bass and roll off the highs, and the ‘tight’ button rolls off the lows hitting the drive circuit. And the EQ knobs just affect the drive channel. Orange Bass Butler is also worth a look, like the YYZ it doesn’t actually have a crossover, but you have 2 channels in parallel with their own EQ, so you can roll the bass off one and the mids/treble off of the other.
  14. The Spark is best in clean mode I find, it has the deepest lows that way. At first I was using it in Fat mode and preferred the Mojomojo until I realised I could flick it over to clean and just turn up the gain. The Mojomojo was just too murky sounding for me.
  15. +1 I’ve had all the pedals Supernaut listed and also really like the Spark. The Tonehammer is the closest thing to the Spark with a mid control. It sounds a bit creamier. I have a Jive coming also that I ordered months ago on sale and am still waiting for it to arrive!
  16. Sorry if I missed the finer points of your post, it was a bit late for me to absorb a wall of text! But yeah, my guess would be string coating acting as an insulation, but the nut makes a firmer contact which forces more metal-on-metal contact. My P bass doesn’t make any noise whatsoever now that I’ve sorted the earthing issue out further down the chain, so this whole conundrum of touching nuts doesn’t even come into question. Hope you get to the bottom of it!
  17. What are you plugging into? I get a lot of ground noise if I plug certain preamp pedals in between my bass and my battery powered Phil Jones Bighead headphone amp… but that noise disappears when I plug in the charging cable, and I don’t get any noise through my amp either.
  18. I thought the Beta worked really well live as a dirty boost. Loads of other pedals that sounded fine at bedroom levels seemed to drop lows at high volume except the Beta and Blower Box!
  19. Nice! I wish they offered a fretless though. https://www.fender.com/en-GB/ukuleles/concert/fullerton-precision-bass-uke/0970583500.html
  20. Speaking of finding happiness with cheap pedals that fly under the radar and parallel blending… I have found solace in the Hartke Bass Attack for my always on scooped dirty tone, with a TC Spectracomp in front of it. This is after trying almost everything on offer from the likes of Darkglass and Tech21, as well as the Origin Effects Super Vintage. Then I’m using the parallel out from the Hartke into a Boss HM-2 and using a Mosquite Blender to mix the 2 pedals in parallel.
  21. When my old Mk1 OTB died, I took it into PMT in Cambridge, who then sent it onto Orange for a repair. It was 2nd hand and well out of warranty, and if I recall correctly all I had to pay was the courier charge!
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