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Everything posted by dannybuoy

  1. I've been considering the phaser. Anyone compared the phaser model of the Mod Core to the Phaser Core?
  2. I'd take the VT over the BDDI personally, it can be set totally clean and flat if you want it, and it sounds like an overdriven SVT when pushed, with a more natural sounding breakup and without the hole in the midrange found in the BDDI/BDI21.
  3. Mike Lull pickups look great but are ridiculously expensive: http://www.bassdirect.co.uk/bass_guitar_specialists/Lull_pickups.html
  4. Likewise, bought a pedal from Bruce and it arrived well packed the next day. Cheers!
  5. Always been tempted to try one of these, will probably pick one up at some point when GAS for other pedals and basses settles down!
  6. Never seen a JV like this with a factory gold guard and without a small Squier logo, I thought they were all like this: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/193935-fs-fender-logoed-jv-precision-bass-57ri-1982-l1099-woooop/ By the way, not trying to imply yours is not legit as I'm no expert, but someone who is will be bound to chime in sooner or later!
  7. Thread with OFD love: http://www.talkbass.com/forum/f36/source-audio-ofd-999697/
  8. All fans of the Vulf, check this out! http://basschat.co.uk/topic/231860-vulfpeck-going-on-tour-free-gigs-funded-by-asking-fans-to-abuse-spotify/
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXvncV79LXk What a great idea. Now can everyone please stream this 24/7 so that they come over here. Joe Dart is the funkiest goddam bass player alive! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKg_3kyIhHc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQRV0c1KXYc
  10. Honestly, it's less of a learning curve to either adapt to Windows 8, or learn how to tweak it to behave just like Windows 7, than it is to go Mac. You can get start menu replacements and disable all the metro stuff, and enable IE compatibility mode or just use Chrome/Firefox for BC. iOS is cool, but OSX on the Mac is a major pain to work with compared to Windows!
  11. Another ash vote. The grain of ash is rather distinctive. Typical ash body: And alder:
  12. No pops or clicks. I had one, had some great sounds particularly the low gain tube drive, blend and EQ are very useful indeed. Only kept it a couple of weeks as I didn't find any sounds in there I preferred over my current setup. But on the other hand, I only kept the B3K for a day before sending that back!
  13. Thomman have a few bargains too such as this - £54.64 for a shortscale P anyone? http://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_hbp90bk_shortscale_ebass.htm
  14. I have to ask - if it's not been played for the last ten years, and you've never played it either, how do you know there is zero fret buzz? Also, you would do well to upload the pics to imgur.com or similar and insert them into your first post - not everyone's on Facebook!
  15. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1394337655' post='2390442'] Studio today 3 channels 1 awesome bass sound [/quote] You must have a few phase issues with the board if you turn some FX on and off and are blending with the clean DI. I know the SFT and 442 invert the phase for sure. It can be fixed in the mix as long as the engineer knows about it!
  16. The Ox is crap, get a Muff. That's that sorted then!
  17. [quote name='Grangur' timestamp='1394299572' post='2390077'] Kent Armstrongs are Ceramic. I've got one in a Wishbass and it really barks/growls. Amazing value for £51 http://www.wdmusic.co.uk/musicman-bass-pickup-2765-p.asp [/quote] Not sure I like the look of that, part of the visual appeal for me is those fat pole pieces! Anyhow, just given the Stinger preamp a whirl. It has a lot more mids going on, less highs, and more lows on tap than the stock preamp. I think this would sound really good in the other bass with flats that I'm setting up as a funk machine, but I'm putting the stock pre back in the SUB as it has more bite up top and a more aggressive sound, which is what I'm after for this bass. I can imagine that the Stinger would sound better in a band mix though since it's less scooped.
  18. This review has sold me even further: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJlstv35nyc
  19. Got my Ray4 yesterday from a trade, the cheaper version of your Ray34CA. Sounds great, although the output is rather hot so it didn't play nice with certain pedals. It sounds like a Stingray alright, I'd be perfectly happy to leave it stock, but going to experiment with it nonetheless. I'm fitting a 2-band Retrovibe Stinger EQ to it later today, then will think about pickups. Maybe a Basslines ceramic job, I really like the aggressive sound this has right now as it's unlike any of my other basses, and Alnico might mellow it out too much. I also have a Westone Thunder with P and MM pickups and a 3-band John East Stingray pre. This one's going to get a set of flats, and maybe some vintage style alnico pickups and swap out the East for an Audere pre with the Z-mode switch and a passive tone control. Hopefully I will then be happy with these so I can get back to playing with them instead of fiddling with them!
  20. Wolfmother - Dimension: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjJ7KCBykVU[/media] Also The Hives - Hate To Say I Told You So (mainly for the bass face in the solo!): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uz1Jwyxd4tE
  21. BTW, you can just trim the silk wraps using a razor blade from a stanley knife, works a treat!
  22. I'm an PC / Android kinda guy, yet I am going to recommend an iPad purely because they are great for musicians since there are so many cheap audio interfaces and audio apps for iOS, for studying/practising/recording as well as amp modelling and FX. So take that as a genuine recommendation of what I think might be best for you rather than just telling you to use what I use! I use my Nexus 7 (Google's Android tablet) more than my laptop/desktop these days, and only use the PC for work. If you don't think that you might want to try some of the many iOS audio apps further down the line, then an Android tablet would be much cheaper than an iPad. My Dad has been struggling with his laptop lately, brought it round for a reinstallation, saw my Nexus and bought one himself straight away - he now only uses his laptop to manage his photo collection!
  23. I only like the SFT on low gain on the verge of breakup, it sounds too farty and lacking in lows with the gain up. According to reports on TB, this pedal doesn't suffer from the same 'flatulence'. Just waiting for Prymaxe to get them back in stock and I shall place my order!
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