I wouldn't recommend either of those pedals for mild drive. Whilst it they can do it to a degree, they both excel at high gain fuzz more than light overdrive.
I use a Catalinbread SFT for this purpose, although I'm interested in picking up a ZVex Basstortion, Fairfield Barbershop, Wampler Euphoria, Cusack Screamer, RunOffGroove Ginger, or Barber Direct Drive.
This site is a good resource for clips also, this dude has owned/built nearly every overdrive pedal going! http://johnkvintageguitars.homestead.com/Overdrive-Pedals.html
A lot of those pedals can be hard to come by over here, but if you order from somewhere like Prymaxe in the US, they always have 15% discount codes and cheap shipping to the UK.