It's worth pointing out that the Micro VR suffers from a design fault that means they break up and crackle harshly when used with 2 SVT210AV cabs. They are fine with most other 4 ohm loads, and most other amps are fine driving a pair of those cabs, but stupidly, they don't work well together.
There's a couple of threads on Talkbass about it if you want further details. I thought they might have fixed the issue by now, so I bought a Micro VR head to go with my pair of SVT210AV cabs after my Orange Terror Bass died a couple of weeks ago. The issue was immediately apparent even at low-medium volume, so it went straight back to the shop.
The Orange Terror Bass is a perfect match for these cabs by the way, I'd recommend one of those, or pretty much any other micro amp over the Micro VR head (Ampeg PF350/PF500 if you want to keep it all the same brand) if you are set on using a pair of those cabs!
Oh, and nice username!