I've tried the Supercollider, TFR, Pickle Pie B, Musket, but the EHX Bass Big Muff works best for me. I had to mod it to fix the volume issue where it's too loud in dry mode, but the deluxe version fixes this by having a properly adjustable blend control.
The TFR has great low end like the BBM, these two are the best of the bunch in this particular area. As a standalone fuzz, the TFR is the best I've heard. But for me a clean blend is essential to cut through the mix - not to bring back missing lows like some use a blend for, but to bring back some of dynamics lost by squashing the hell out of the signal.
The TFR is available with a blend, but I swear that on the one I had it was wired out of phase, so that the volume dropped at a certain mid way point and it just sounded weird at every other point!