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Everything posted by dannybuoy

  1. dannybuoy

    bazz fuzz

    Nowt wrong with building your own clones... Making exact copies of still in production pedals and selling them for a profit is wrong, but then again most boutique pedal builders a guilty of it themselves by ripping off the Big Muff, Fuzz Face and Tubescreamer. And if you take a look at freestompboxes.org you'll see there's a whole community dedicated to reverse engineering these pedals. It can be a great learning experience to make your own tweaked versions of various pedals out there.
  2. Cor, sell that lot and you might have enough for a new bass
  3. It did cross my mind, but decided against because the Audere pre is meant to be one of the most natural 'passive' sounding preamps out there, so it probably wouldn't change the actual sound too much, just lose a lot of versatility. Also, the active blend on this is brilliant, with a smooth graduation and even volume, unlike passive blending where you try to back off one of the pickup volumes a tad and it sounds like one the pickup was just turned off. You'd also be left with a couple of switches and an LED, plus I'd probably make a pig's ear of it anyway! I'm just digging the classic Fender P sound too much, so this poor baby is being neglected!
  4. [quote name='thisnameistaken' post='542780' date='Jul 16 2009, 11:57 PM']Any band that had records out before 2005 I don't think count. I've probably heard them. I certainly was a big fan of Sonic Youth (and Pixies, and Dinosaur Jr, and Buffalo Tom, and Swervedriver, and Neds, and ...) when I was 16, I'm 35 now, they definitely don't count![/quote] They surely do count if they're still releasing albums and touring! I saw them a couple of months ago and they have new album out, 'The Eternal'.
  5. I remember that bridge, saw a video at school about it. Post-rock band/song names always make me chuckle, they're so random. 'Youth Pictures Of Florence Henderson', 'Burn Rome In A Dream' and 'Up-C Down-C Left-C Right-C ABC + Start' for example. I think that last one is the cheat for Sonic The Hedgehog on the Sega Megadrive! I'm a fan of Explosions In The Sky, PG Lost, Destroyalldreamers and Ocai for post-rock, and leaning towards post-metal, Russian Circles, Red Sparowes, Pelican etc. I'm not currently in a band and would be up for jamming, but I am down the far end of sarf London though!
  6. Korg Pitchblack has a strobe mode too.
  7. I've put my buckle over the right hip for years now, otherwise when I sit down it digs into my belly. It has the added extra of keeping my basses in good condition!
  8. Is floor coupling / boundary reinforcement really effected that much? I remember reading a post somewhere by Bill Fitzmaurice (who should know what he's talking about) stating that you'd need to lift the cab at least a couple of feet off the floor before you had to worry, due to the larger wavelengths of bass frequencies. I don't know for sure though, it's beyond me! Also the Markbass stand sticks to the cab with Velcro and raises less than 45 degrees so support from the back shouldn't be necessary. Be careful if using it with a non-furry cab though. If the cab is being used just as a monitor you can get away with more tilt, but if it's being used for the audience to hear also then the Markbass angle looks about right to me. I say get one, it shouldn't break if you look after it well, and it's a lot better than putting beer crates and bricks in your gig bag!
  9. Try D'Addario Chromes, bright and snappy but mellow out after a while, higher tension than TIs, but not too high.
  10. It's really gonna be down to personal preference, but I say give Pyramid Golds a try!
  11. Indeed, but as someone else already said, you\'ve got to walk the line between looking like part of the audience and looking like an idiot. In my previous band, I used to wear denim, trainers and a loud punky t-shirt, which fit with the style of the band... one time the singer wanted us to do a gig dressed in army uniforms, for no apparent reason, and I refused. I would have felt like a right dick up there wearing that get up, although some people may be able to pull it off, I'm not one of em... I would've looked like Mike from Spaced!
  12. Try one of these: [url="http://www.ehx.com/products/signal-pad"]http://www.ehx.com/products/signal-pad[/url] Should be no issues with overloading or clipping it becuase it's totally passive (the 9v socket is just for the LED I think). BUT... using this would have the same effect as just turning down the volume on your bass, so you may as well just use that instead! Most 9v pedals clip when you bang the E string as hard as you can into em with a hot bass, but it's not usually that noticeable, especially through a bass amp.
  13. I agree with many of your points - whilst I said image isn't important to me, I know it is to others. Thing is, in the type of venues I'm used to playing in (i.e. London toilet circuit, unpaid gigs and no-one giving a sh*t), I'd much rather please a small amount of audience members who actually got into the music than try to impress the type of people who are more interested in my shoes!
  14. I personally don't think image is important. Of all the bands I'm a fan of, it was because I heard their music first, not because they wear cool clothes. When I go to see them live, I don't look at what they're wearing, I couldn't care less. Of course in certain situations, a common look (like the Madness suits) or something striking (like Marilyn Manson) works - but more often than not, amateur bands will look a bit stupid trying to pull it off. Of course don't wear your scruffiest curry stained t-shirt, make an effort, but not too much. If you're in a wedding band, playing classical or jazz, etc, then a suit is usually part of the uniform. On the other hand if you're trying to make commercial music and get written about by publications that favour style over substance (e.g. NME) then go and dress like a red indian, paint your face and wear a pink feather boa, whatever floats your boat!
  15. dannybuoy


    If you like the Ric sound but with the shape and feel of a P, why not? I don't see why that makes him a Prick?! At least it's not reliced as well - In which case the thread title would be well deserved!
  16. All of these need a bit of overdrive (a Digitech Bad Monkey does a fine job on the cheap if you can't get it from your amp), which is why they're so much fun to play! Wolfmother - Dimension (or just the whole album!) The Stranglers - Peaches The Flaming Lips - It Overtakes Me The Wombats - Moving To New York Kings Of Leon - Four Kicks I've also been learning a bit of Led Zep recently, check out Ramble On, Heartbreaker, The Lemon Song, etc... Also anything off of the first two Black Sabbath albums!
  17. I might have a few off you Steve, I'm rearranging my board at the moment and need to figure out how many I need. I'll get back yo you later, if they all go in the meantime then no big deal!
  18. [url="http://www.buildyourownclone.com/graphiceq.html"]BYOC[/url], [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Graphical-Precision-Bass-EQ-and-Tuner-in-one!--Artec_W0QQitemZ330303536395QQcmdZViewItem"]Artec[/url], or [url="http://roselanemusic.com/epages/eshop111508.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/eshop111508/Products/fishnchips"]Danelectro Fish'n'Chips![/url]
  19. [quote name='The Funk' post='539802' date='Jul 13 2009, 10:18 PM']Which bit? Grew up on Leigham Court Road![/quote] I'm near Streatham Common station! Theo, I could be interested in the MicroPOG, but as I want it to try and recreate organ sounds (to use with my leslie simulator), I'm not sure if I would be better off with the full sized POG with it's detune feature... Need to try em side by side I suppose! I'd give you £90 for it if you want to trade it in, PM me if you want to come down try it out sometime.
  20. You snooze, you lose! Theo was pretty quick off the mark with this one... Actually the Bassweet can get a good synthy sound too (although without the gate), but with more bass and more balls than the Wooly Mammoth!
  21. Not posted mine for a while, here it is: Currently experimenting with the XXL and Supercollider in a blend loop off the main board. Lots of fun to play with, but low gain overdrive from the VT/BB is all I really need. Not really using the 442 much either, so it might come off for the XXL if I can squeeze it on there!
  22. And sold to the man with the pointy Sauron bass!
  23. Back up for sale folks, also added a low gain clip and knocked a fiver off the price, so only £30 posted now!
  24. [quote name='kevbass' post='533326' date='Jul 5 2009, 09:15 PM']I bet if you put it on ebay with worldwide shipping you'd get a lot of interest from across the pond[/quote] Instead of paying the hefty eBay fees, I'd rather pay for a supporting membership so I can post it over at the Talkbass classifieds. Should be able to shift my Bassweet on there too!
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