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Everything posted by dannybuoy

  1. That's a beauty - I wonder how much a train fare to Liverpool is... Let me know if courier is an option!
  2. [quote name='dr.funk' post='494154' date='May 21 2009, 12:39 PM']Yep modding is well worth doing, I use XBMC and intend to rip some games to the hard drive. Another great thing is that you can link an xbox & 360, perfect for using your old console to play networked games How do you go about upgrading the hard drive by the way? I thought it was a special format?[/quote] You need to use a gamesave exploit to get the encryption key from the hard drive, then use XBOXHDM to format a new drive an lock it with the key. It's a bit fiddly as there's a lot of out of date tutorials out there! I can dig out more info and all the software used if you're interested...
  3. I use a Johnnyshredfreak supply which is like a cheaper version of the Diago - very quiet, less max current but still more than enough for me, and a fraction of the price.
  4. Some Multicomps seem to suffer from noise though. I used mine with a Johnnyshreadfreak power supply, which is silent with my other pedals, but the Multicomp hissed even when it was in bypass mode.
  5. There's a difference between how the power plug is wired, i.e. centre positive or centre negative and whether or not the circuit has a positive or negatvie ground. If it's just the way the power socket is wired, you can reverse the polarity on one of the pedaks on a shared power supply no problem, but you can't mix +ve and -ve ground pedals on a shared power supply.
  6. [quote name='misrule' post='492993' date='May 20 2009, 09:34 AM']The last time I took my bass for a set-up (with Chris McIntyre in Peckham) he told me to bend DR strings into a 90-degree angle then cut them past the bend. He claims they sound dead if you cut them straight. This may help you -- or it may be utter nonsense. But I now do it religiously. Cheers Mark[/quote] I fail to see how this would affect the tone of the strings. You're talking about how you cut the strings before inserting them into the tuning peg, right?
  7. dannybuoy

    Barber LTD

    The Barber LTD is great, there's a silver edition in the classifieds right now, which sits between the standard (slightly more muddy, boosted midrange) and SR (more flat and transparent) in terms of tone. I'm really happy with my modded Bad Monkey, but I'm going to build myself an LTD silver some day, the schematic is on the Barber site.
  8. I have the opposite problem right now, I'm trying to break in and deaden a new set of flats, they sound too zingy right now. Maybe I need to lend my bass to somebody with sweaty hands!
  9. Is it the newer version with true bypass and the larger active/passive switch on the side?
  10. It's like paying more for those jeans with brown stains and holes everywhere... I don't get it either. Give me a nice shiny new bass any day!
  11. That was one of those Warwick Vampyre basses in the for sale section a while back too, not sure if it's still there. It looks awesome, but would look silly in anything but a metal band!
  12. Check out EZ Drummer or DFH Superior too - much easier to use than BFD!
  13. There's some serious used boutique basses around going for a lot less than £4k as they depreciate quite a lot from day one. If you go used you could get at least 2 killer basses, and not lose out on the resale value if you decided to swap for something else later on. For example, get a nice active 5 string jazz, and compliment it with a nice fretless!
  14. Whilst I would like to jump on this, I'm gonna have to say no right now. Should get a lot more for it if you decide to eBay it though!
  15. Hartke LH500 heads have received glowing reviews and were going for under £200 new last year, although the price has shot up since then!
  16. Tempted... I've been looking for a cheap but decent 5er. Can you tell me what it's strung with and give us a quote for postage?
  17. Yeah, the 500w heads should be plenty loud enough. I run a VT Bass pedal into my Markbass when I need a little extra tubey grit for pickstyle punk stuff. You should be able to get a similar effect by cranking the gain on the Shuttle 6.0 or LM Tube.
  18. Here's that book by the way: [url="http://www.amazon.co.uk/Funkmasters-Rhythm-Sections-1960-73-Guitar/dp/1576234436/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1242404358&sr=8-4"]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Funkmasters-Rhythm...4358&sr=8-4[/url]. I have a copy but haven't busted it out yet so I can't vouch for it but it looks good. [quote name='JackLondon' post='488998' date='May 15 2009, 03:44 PM']Effects - Yes Fender-like bass - NO, NO, NO, NO[/quote] No Fenders? You think he should be playing something like this then? [url="http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/space-bass---bootsy-coll/67561"]http://www.guitarampkeyboard.com/en/space-...otsy-coll/67561[/url] ^ Legend
  19. There's a great book&cd on Amazon with all the best James Brown bass tabs plus backing tracks. Also, a P or J bass strung with flats going into an envelope filter and phaser will endow you with more funk than you can shake a stick at!
  20. Markbass CMD121P. Small and manageable, and plenty loud. It's the same head as the Little Mark II, the whole thing weighs under 13kg. You won't get much lighter than that, but even that will knacker your arms carrying it around so you really need some kind of folding cart to lug it around with. Once you've got one of those, 25kg isn't so much of a problem any more so you can look at bigger amps too!
  21. I think there might be a schematic for one at the Beavis Audio site...
  22. Either pedal will do what you're looking for. I've owned a DHA VT2 and now have a VT Bass with a Markbass combo (same amp as the LMII). Both pedals can be EQ'ed flat to give a bit of tubey warmth. Either will do an admirable job, it'll be down to your tastes as to which sounds better to you - if you can manage to find them second hand at least you can try them wihout losing out on much cash! You might be fine with the simpler and smaller VT1 standard if you don't need the extra bells and whistles!
  23. And if so, this is probably the Myspace page: [url="http://www.myspace.com/lovescandalnonego"]http://www.myspace.com/lovescandalnonego[/url] I like the OP's style, making us guess the band and style of music instead of just telling us!
  24. [quote name='Mr. Foxen' post='487631' date='May 14 2009, 10:09 AM']There have got to be literally hundreds of good precision copies. The SX range were dead popular cheapies, but now the exchange rate is sucking, not so cheap, unless you can find one over here.[/quote] These are the same as SX - Jim Deacon. Make sure you get the 20 fret jobbies and not the cheaper 21 fret ones that come in the packs with the amp. Jim Deacon / SX FPB62 in vintage white... available for [url="http://www.hartnollguitars.co.uk/products.asp?id=4714"]£109 delivered[/url] including strap/lead/bag etc, and comparable to genuine Fenders according to Talkbass hype. I was thinking of buying one myself... I have the white VM P and it's fantastic (pots are crap though but cheap to replace), but if I was shopping for a bass right now I would try out this one for less than half the dosh.
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