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Everything posted by TheG

  1. Another article here too. Do You Work For Free? [url="http://elisabethhobbs.co.uk/2012/04/16/do-you-work-for-free/"]http://elisabethhobbs.co.uk/2012/04/16/do-you-work-for-free/[/url]
  2. I really wanted a particular Sandberg but didn't have the cash at the time at all. Well not a new one, even though I was tempted to just stick one on a 0% interest credit card and worry about it later. (I was SO tempted). Anyway I saw them coming up on eBay and put a saved search in. I noticed Sandberg basses did come up regularly and even close(ish) to matching the bass that I wanted. A California, 4 string, tobacco, hardcore aged, JM model. I persevered and waited to see if the exact model came up. They did come up but were 5 strings, different colours, etc, etc, etc. I also had a price that I really didn't want to go over because I didn't have the money. In the end "MY" bass came up on eBay the right model, colour, price and location. The guy put it up on the Sunday and I was round his house with the cash on the Monday. It did take 8 months so I understand people may not want to wait that long but if you haven't got the money its a waiting game. In my experience second hand Sandberg basses came up on average every 1-3 weeks. I collected it within 15 miles of my house and it cost £650. The only compromise was that it was soft aged and not hardcore aged. No problem. Wicked bass! [attachment=105642:P1050273.JPG]
  3. We used to charge £450 for a jazz trio party/corporate rates. That was the take it or leave it rate. (then the agent added their own fee on top) If a punter was to go through an agent I would expect the agent to put another 100 to 200 on the top of your price in some cases. I know of one agent who charged a venue £600 for a trio and paid the trio got £150 of that in total. These figures are correct! For a party like yours for a duo I would charge £200 minimum plus travel expenses and be generous with the expenses (you don't have to go over the top but make it relevant fuel is nearly £1.50 per litre) Also remember you are supplying PA/Lights etc. Im not sure what a PA company would charge for hiring a small vocal PA but delivered, etc I would estimate £100-150. Thats just for the PA, lights would be extra. Hope that helps. Don't be worried about asking for what may seem like a lot of money if you haven't charged much/at all i the past. Its because YOU ARE WORTH IT!!!!
  4. TheG

    Cab crackling

    Yes intermittent faults are a nightmare. I had an amp that cut out without warning every 2 or 3 gigs and I couldn't predict when it would happen at all. Eventually after taking out 2 amps for every gig and then buying a new amp I rendered it useless as I couldn't even make the fault appear myself at will. Then a guitarist friend of mine on a gig said I know someone who can fix that for you. I said how can he I cant even get the fault to appear myself. Anyway he was very confident and I just gave in and gave him the amp to send off - the guy was obviously a fool! 3 days later he contacted me "its fixed!" he said. In amazement I went to pick it up. In the end it turned out to be a cracked printed circuit board that was breaking a contact every so often. Great stuff! I then started using it and it has been fine ever since and that was 5 or 6 years ago.
  5. TheG

    Cab crackling

    Or try the cab through a different amp / amp through different cab if you can to eliminate the crackly pot thing.
  6. TheG

    Cab crackling

    Hi there this sounds like the tone control could be dirty I have just experienced it on an amp I haven't used for a while. I think the dirt settles in or something so is worse when you leave it for a while. The first thing to try is moving the tone control all the way forward and backwards several times to clean the dirt away inside the pot. It may be crackly as you turn the knob so keep turning it back and forth until the crackling stops. Then see what it sounds like then. If its really loud do it with the amp turned down and then have a listen again. The correct thing to do would be to get some "contact cleaner" for cleaning pots and switches from Maplins or somewhere and spray it on the tone control and then turn it forwards and backwards again to give it a clean. It might be expensive though cant remember? Maybe a good idea to clean all the rest of the knobs as well in the same way. Let me know how you get on and if that actually solves anything or not.
  7. Great stuff! At last some bass playing with a bit of substance rather than just technique. Really enjoyed listening to it it. Good move playing in front of your trophies. Going to have another listen now.
  8. Yes thanks for the tips it would be great to have a chat with someone like that as well. I feel I am gaining more knowledge as time goes on and i try different basses. Like for instance I know a bit more about, and get to try, the different strings that each bass has on which i wouldn't have known a few months back at all.
  9. Hi Emlyn if you are passing down this way on your travels it would be great to hear it. Thanks for the mention too Jake.
  10. Yes I agree. Ive got a Tom and Will and its identical as far as I can see.
  11. Room to spare for the groupies?
  12. Are we talking "Off Road" here? I like it!
  13. Well spotted Geoff! That is very interesting isn't it! I've had a Tom and Will for around 11 months. So far it seems to be holding up. I had a Ritter before that which lasted around 5 or 6 months. Wheels are very useful for when you are going across smooth surfaces.
  14. I know someone else who did that with 2 or 3 different basses and they all sound Great. Thankfully!
  15. Just looked up La Scala and they do look very nice. So did you just order it online or did you buy it over here and did you get to try one first?
  16. Yes I know what you mean Bilbo that is good too. All the points people have raised are leading to the same thing really as there is no definitive answer really. Also the people in the shops don't seem to have definitive answers either. I suppose it doesn't help that each player will sound different on the same bass! I played with a guy called Simon Spillett the other day and I asked him about his saxes and the one he uses currently (a Selmer mk6). He said that when he first got it he had to work hard at getting it to so sound how he wanted over time. So even these sought after saxes can sound good and bad. I am going to a couple of shops in London this week that I have arranged to go and see already and after that I think I will be able to make my mind up to be honest with what I've seen so far and the advice given on here.
  17. Hey Steve, Mike here one of (Poyners bass players) Good luck with the car buying. I was once very pleased with myself for getting a double bass in a Fiat Ciquecento (courtesy car - I didn't actually own one). I did also hear of someone getting his double bass and amp etc into a mini, someone was telling me a few years back. Then there was the guy who used to take his double bass on his bike! So he could have a drink....!!!
  18. Hi Marvin I have got an old hybrid bass and I've never got on with it but it does need a bit of work to be honest. My plywood bass doesn't sound too bad really so I can see how a hybrid could work. I also realise now that its on a bass by bass and person by person basis. Somewhere out there there is a bass looking for me and I for it.....! Thanks for your advice Bassace too! Its great to talk to someone with so much knowledge you must be worn out with all this good advice you are giving. I think you deserve a holiday. And I think you should fund it by selling me your Bryant!
  19. Hi Floyd did you have a look at any other basses when looking around for one what was your experience in picking that particular one over others?
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