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About Jayben

  • Birthday 01/08/1992

Jayben's Achievements


Apprentice (3/14)


Total Watts

  1. From the online Serial no. checker sites on the interwebs, I believe it's Korean.. The thing's stood me in good stead and I absolutely love it, nice few dings, warm sound and so on
  2. Alright guys I've had a '91 Squier Jazz for a few years now, serial no. S 91 4461 I was just wondering what you folks make of that era of Squier?
  3. Sounds good but I'd invert the Amin to an A/C!
  4. Ehh, probably only the guitarist of the metal band. Other than that, I very much doubt it, predominantly because I tend to meet people through the band.
  5. I'm perfectly happy to lend my gear out, I'll even allow people to adjust the tone a little if they really need - I don't expect a reggae bass player to try and play his set with my ultra-toppy high-gain tone. I've even lent out my bass once. I did know the guy, and there were mitigating circumstances - it was his only bass and it got wrecked on the way to the venue. I couldn't afford to replace my rig if it blew, though. Hence I keep a very close eye people using it, and take care to point out the big switch labelled 'active/passive'..
  6. But are those eggs art?
  7. Because I've got my Marshall combo is a bit on the heavy side and I don't drive, I can't always use it as often as I'd like.. I am looking for a way to disassemble it and have the head unit from the cab unit, although I think I'll have to take a saw to it.. Interesting enough. I don't mind using house rigs/other peoples gear, as long as I can hear myself and get a half-decent tone I'm not that fussy.
  8. I don't know about excel at both, but a player can sure as hell be crap at both!
  9. I'm frustrated as a bass player because my playing consistently underwhelms me - and it's not just about fingerboard pyrotechnics either, something as simple as laying down the groove in "Play That Funky Music White Boy" can totally escape me sometimes. I'd love to be more fluent with sightreading and theory, especially the Major modes (I've learnt the patterns, but what the f*** do I DO with them?!).
  10. Very good, very informative.. +1 to the light-sounding P bass comments, and given the reverb on the slap bass segment I think a bit of processing has gone on here..
  11. Did two 45 minute sets at The Wharf in Macclesfield.. Trainwreck recovery 101! Dropped some pretty big clangers, I remember in an original tune we had to skip an entire bridge o.0 We were using in-ear monitors (for a pub gig?) and the guitarist was using a wireless, so as you can imagine the guitar wireless packed in, something went wrong with the in-ears and I could only get the stereo-right, no left channel. Vocals kept coming in and out.. Nightmare. I've never laughed so much in all my life! The crowd seemed to receive us really well though, so you can't argue with that I suppose.
  12. It honestly really amuses me - a local band has just got back from a US tour, 60 gigs in 60 days.. This article is making it sound like the live music industry is on its arse.
  13. [url="http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/jls-named-britains-hardestworking-band-of-the-year-for-second-time-consecutively-8434118.html"]http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/jls-named-britains-hardestworking-band-of-the-year-for-second-time-consecutively-8434118.html[/url] [i]"JLS have been crowned Britain's hardest-working band in 2012 after headlining more major concerts than any other artists.[/i] [i]The boy band performed 34 UK shows in the last year, securing the four-piece the title for the second year in a row."[/i] What do we think of this then?
  14. Jay Hall - Middlewich - Cheshire
  15. Bcer from Cheshire reporting! I'm up for that! I'm spending a lot of time in studio/gigs over the rest of the year so it'll defo get used
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