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Everything posted by lowdowner

  1. Oh England, my lion heart... one of the first albums I bought, and a classic IMHO... I didn't get to the ticket sales in time though
  2. Roxxane - Moulin Rouge... Dark and dirty.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=s12XiAOtjcg
  3. [quote name='Chiliwailer' timestamp='1409256427' post='2538102'] Absolutely! I enjoy playing other instruments but bass is always where my soul will be, and given that soul is required to play bass I don't think twice about being a natural born bass player [/quote] Good answer
  4. I took 18 months off bass playing to learn to play drums. I had an itch. I didn't really think I could do justice to learning the drums without giving it 100% and I just put my bass away and took weekly drum lessons and ... well ... just played and played. I've enjoyed every moment of it. But over the last few weeks I've felt a calling back to the bass and this evening have had a reunion with my 4 stringed buddy like a long lost lover returning from oversea, and I realised that nothing feels quite like it. So here's my question - do you feel that you are born a bassist? Do you think that even though you might scratch an itch and learn to play other (lesser?) instruments, that you'll probably always return to the bass? Just like I feel now? I admit, I've had a few ales officer, but perhaps I'm at my most honest and clear thinking when I've had an ale or two and pick up my old friend? So - are we born bassists, or is it just a romantic dream?
  5. I like to feel the strings - dunno, just seems more 'connected'
  6. Can I just use this opportunity to say how much I love playing my thumb B.O.? I know it is of no importance to the thread but I just wanted to share
  7. My other 'arf is a cellist so I'm used to hear her music drifting through the house. Her Elgar Cello Concerto ('67) is perhaps what she is most famous for and most Cellists seem to feel 'unworthy' to try to better it. There's a lot to learn from all kinds of music - I was listening to Mozart's Harp and Flute concerto this morning... amazing
  8. Great - thanks
  9. Hi timmo, do you have some contact details? thanks
  10. Thanks for the link - I know about the site but there isn't anyone on there that's bass-only (well, bass and upright etc.) I don't know about more 'generic' guitar teachers because I often feel that 6-stringers feel that a bass is a bit of an afterthought not a discipline in its own right. I will keep up the search, in the end I may have to travel
  11. Possibly a futile search but I want to take bass lessons again after a year or more since I've had lessons - I need to work a bit harder on improving both theory and practice after just noodling away for far too long. Anyone got any advice on tutors around here in Cheltenham - or even any tutors on here in the area or are OK to travel? <fingers crossed>
  12. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1392730670' post='2372026'] I'm not a gay or out, but I think having one bass is kinda romantic. I think if you are happy with the sound and play it long enough it becomes an extension of the musical you. Kinda comfy like an old friend. & on that note, I'll go do something manly & balance will be restored. [/quote] Hmmm... Well I *am* gay, and *am* out - but I'm not sure about the relevance here... I have one bass - my B.O. Thumb - have had it for 4 years now and have no GAS for any other. Kinda romantic huh?
  13. Nice - smooth lounge funk. Really liked that
  14. Definitely feel better now I've started to play drums... my sense of timing is really *really* improving. It makes me really happy I'd advise anyone to take up drums as a second instrument, it's fun, and it really helps your sense of 'pulse'... (hence me listening to more and more Meshuggah)
  15. Meshuggah - New Millennium Cyanide Christ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHdFTxu5M38
  16. It's an isolating stand for your cabs What's my prize?
  17. rogerstodge, do you play the original score, or your own interpretation?
  18. Thanks guys (both of you)
  19. I know this is asked often, but it's not going to stop me asking again I've not been gigging for a while and am going to be looking for a band soon. Just wondered what people were playing on their set lists at the moment. Are there any tracks (old and new) that I should think about practicing before heading out for auditions again? What's hot and what's not on current set lists? Would anyone help by just posting up their current set list so I can take a gander?
  20. [quote name='3below' timestamp='1386792416' post='2304708'] Opposite experience here - Herefordshire, Worcestershire and Mid Wales. Folk bass playing for over 40 years on and off, double bass is appreciated, acoustic bass and electric bass no problems. Those I play with appreciate the issue of transporting db etc. [/quote] Gloucestershire/Wiltshire here... maybe I need to move? It'd only be going home anyway as I was born and raised in Worcestershire
  21. Electric Bass and Folk? I hope you have thick skin! I joined a folk band a couple of years ago and they were really into the sound the electric bass added to the tracks (gave everything more depth as you might expect). I played subtle and simple (that's all I can do really anyway! ) but more than one venue was very aggressive, and detested the electric amp, even though I played no more loudly than the accoustic guitars I was accompanying. we stuck with it and it worked out OK as people in the cliquey circle eventually, grumpily, accepted it. Not sure it was worth all the grief in the end though
  22. Toss up between 'I feel good (I knew that I would)' - James Brown 'Come Together' - Beatles Both cools beats - how could you choose?
  23. abba - the winner takes it all... .. I'll get my coat!
  24. Really nice looking bass. Got a slight warwick wood look about the body! Very cool
  25. I was going to ask people's opinion on this (I've visited his site many times before and found the vids really interesting). Looks like I'll be seeing some of you on the forums there
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