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Everything posted by lowdowner

  1. What I find interesting about this video is how he's not bothering to mute his lower E and A strings at all. When I posted a video of my own playing on SBL (this one in fact some of the feedback said I could with learning to mute my bottom strings more.. so how is he getting away with this where I can't? )
  2. Good question. I don't know but I suspect professional level software, and hardware, are pretty much latency free or they wouldn't be used...
  3. I always have a preference for a specific bit of hardware because I have one laptop and it's both my work and leisure machine and it's always receiving notifications, has multiple apps and windows open, and set up just how I need it for the current workstream etc. I don't want to worry about turning off notifications and shut down apps and make sure the laptop is 'in the right place' just for the convenience of having an app. I also don't want the hassle of extra input dongles and cables and wondering where the damn things are (I have a Mac that only has USB-C ports for example). It *sounds* easy just running an application and plugging in some dongles, but it's a PITA if it disrupts your normal use of a laptop. I realise this is probably an unusual view but I already have this hassle with an iPhone and Spotify when I'm playing along to tracks - it's always "where is the dongle for lightening port now? Have I got enough battery or do I need to charge it, in which case where is the changing cable? Will the phone go off if I plug it into my amp, or an email arrive and disturb the track whilst I'm playing or should I turn off all notifications - in which case will I forget to turn it back on and miss important calls?" It's all a hassle so get a single hardware device, plug it in to one place where you use it, and leave it there always ready to go.
  4. I think you're right, but now I've done some research over what a 'drum machine' (more of a sampler and sequencer) can do, I'm really interested in exploring this a bit further.
  5. £700 is most definitely not the street price for one of those I'm amused by the thought that almost *any* basschat member finds £700 a lot of money for hardware though! Given that it's a musical instrument in its own right, compared to the cost of a new Fender or Stingray I'd say it's a bit of a bargain!
  6. I've been googling overnight and think this may be the solution: https://www.elektron.se/products/digitakt/ as I can play drums and keys anyway I can sample into this and make my own backing tracks. It may take me a month of study to work it out though
  7. Is that an iOS app?
  8. Does anyone have a recommendation for a drum machine I can program with 'common' drum lines so I can practice improvisation? What do you guys use?
  9. Bass playing drummer here too. playing both taught me to leave space for the bass when drumming, and space for the drums when bassing... in summary, it’s all about mutual respect for each other’s space
  10. I think I could actually do this! I've just bought a Spector Bass (yum!) and my GAS has subsided. Except... I *do* need a pedal board because I've never had one and it looks like I might be gigging soon and the guitarists in the band were suspicious that I didn't have one. Oh... and the pedals to go on it of course. Oh, and I really need a fretless because some of the covers I need to play were done on fretless and I need to be as close to the original as possible. Oh, and a small practice amp for when I'm away with work and have time in the hotel room late at night for a bit of a noodle. So, all in all, I think I could stick to no new gear in 2019 with just one or two small excepts that are *absolutely* necessary!
  11. BC *IS* my search engine - that's one of its charms
  12. A lot of people on this thread, and on previous ones, have suggested that there is a lot of this kind of content online, and it's 'better' etc. I would really appreciate a few links so I could take a look and get my bass discussion and review fix from somewhere online (in addition to this site of course!) Anyone want to volunteer any links?
  13. I *am* at knowing about putting the lead through the strap clearly - we’re all beginners at something
  14. I'm sure it's beginner stuff, but how do you think beginners learn about it unless they ask?
  15. Well this thread has taken an unexpected turn!
  16. Maybe - what happens when the battery goes flat though?
  17. Thanks but I know i’m Sounding a bit dim but I can’t picture this - what is stopping the lead just pulling like it would anyway?
  18. How do you do it - just wrap it around or something?
  19. I remember reading on here that some people wrap their lead through/around their strap to avoid accidentally pulling it out or stressing the socket on the bass when they’re gigging. I’ve not actually seen this so can anyone explain how to do this - or even show a photo of it? Do most bass players do this?
  20. Bit of a coincidence this... I 'discovered Trevor's bass lines a week ago when I decided to have a noodle at some Bowie. Changes is a really interesting bass line to follow as Bowie's vocals in the verse is slightly freeform and wonder a bit over the groove which is really great to listen to and then he anchors right back into the baseline for the chorus. p.s. nice playing Hiram ....
  21. I have this in a week or so's time but as I keep telling myself, joining a band is a two way thing and you are auditioning them too! To make a band that works needs so many different stars to align that if you don't get the gig it's to be expected in many way - getting the gig is a bit of a miracle! Good luck!
  22. Agreed about the price. I used to have a Thumb 4 string bolt-on and I really liked it but sold it when I fancied a change. The 4 string bolt on thumb is now £3250 whereas the Spector is £2000 (they are list prices of course!)
  23. Except the Spector NS-1 (which this shape duplicates more or less) was created 3 years earlier than the Streamer wasn't it? So the Streamer is the 'copy' if anything? Or do I have my dates wrong?
  24. I will. As for the narrow nut - the Doug Wimbush signature model has a narrower nut than the usual Euro LX4, it's 1.5 inch rather than the usual 1.64 inch and it's noticeable (I like it)
  25. First new bass in many years and I'm chuffed! Spector Euro LX4 DW (Doug Wimbush) in Amber. Great quality build, fantastic playable neck (and I'm digging the narrow nut) and a beautiful maple finish, reminds me of a Warwick thumb in many ways, but more 'grungy' Oh, and the pups are *really* hot! Lovely, lovely, lovely!
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